__DEFINES - This folder is full of #define statements. They are similar to constants,
but must come before any code that references them, and they do not take up
memory the way constants do.
render_plate - Custom rendering solution to allow for advanced effects
We (ab)use plane masters and render source/target to cheaply render 2+ planes as 1
if you want to read more read the _render_readme.md
materials - How material datums work
Materials are now instanced datums, with an associative list of them being kept in SSmaterials. We only instance the materials once and then re-use these instances for everything.
edible - This component makes it possible to make things edible. What this means is that you can take a bite or force someone to take a bite (in the case of items).
These items take a specific time to eat, and can do most of the things our original food items could.
material_container - This datum should be used for handling mineral contents of machines and whatever else is supposed to hold minerals and make use of them.
Contextual screentips (and when to not use this folder) - Contextual screentips provide information in the form of text at the top of your screen to inform you of the possibilities of an item. The "contextual" here refers to this being handled entirely through code, what it displays and when is completely up to you.
Progression Traitor Balance Guide - This guide will explain how the values for progression traitor works, how to balance progression traitors and what you should NOT do when balancing.
This guide will only explain progression values.
Preferences (by Mothblocks) - This does not contain all the information on specific values--you can find those as doc-comments in relevant paths, such as /datum/preference. Rather, this gives you an overview for creating most preferences, and getting your foot in the door to create more advanced ones.
In-code keypress handling system - This whole system is heavily based off of forum_account's keyboard library.
Thanks to forum_account for saving the day, the library can be found
language_holder - Language holders will either exist in an atom/movable or a mind. Creation of language holders happens
automatically when they are needed, for example when something tries to speak.
Where a mind is available, the mind language holder will be the one "in charge". The mind holder
will update its languages based on the atom holder, and will get updated as part of
transformations and other events that cause new languages to become available.
screenshots - The data folder contains the results for screenshot tests. Screenshot tests make sure an icon looks the same as it did before a change to prevent regressions.
emissive_blocker - Internal atom that copies an appearance on to the blocker plane
openspace/mimic - Object used to hold a mimiced atom's appearance.
plane_master_controller - Atom that manages and controls multiple planes. It's an atom so we can hook into add_filter etc. Multiple controllers can control one plane.
colorblind - Controller of all planes we're ok with changing with colorblind logic
render_plane_relay - Render relay object assigned to a plane master to be able to relay it's render onto other planes that are not it's own
map_view - A screen object, which acts as a container for turfs and other things
you want to show on the map, which you usually attach to "vis_contents".
blackness - Plane master handling byond internal blackness
vars are set as to replicate behavior when rendering to other planes
do not touch this unless you know what you are doing
emissive - Handles emissive overlays and emissive blockers.
floor - Contains just the floor
game_world - Contains most things in the game world
consume - This action lets you consume the mob you're currently pulling. I'M GONNA CONSUUUUUME (this is considered one of the funny memes in the 2019-2020 era)
cooldown - Preset for an action that has a cooldown.
The spell action - This is the base action for how many of the game's
spells (and spell adjacent) abilities function.
These spells function off of a cooldown-based system.
addiction - base class for addiction, handles when you become addicted and what the effects of that are. By default you become addicted when you hit a certain threshold, and stop being addicted once you go below another one.
alcohol - Alcohol
medicine - Makes you a hypochondriac - I'd like to call it hypochondria, but "I could use some hypochondria" doesn't work
basic_controller/cow/moonicorn - stop killing my FRIENDS
cursed item ai! - Haunted AI tries to not be interacted with, and will attack people who do.
Cursed AI instead tries to be interacted with, and will attempt to equip itself onto people.
Added by /datum/element/cursed, and as such will try to remove this element and go dormant when it finds a victim to curse
ai_module - The base module type, which holds info about each ability.
destructive - Modules causing destruction
blackout - Blackout: Overloads a random number of lights across the station. Three uses.
destroy_rcd - Destroy RCDs: Detonates all non-cyborg RCDs on the station.
lockdown - Hostile Station Lockdown: Locks, bolts, and electrifies every airlock on the station. After 90 seconds, the doors reset.
nuke_station - Doomsday Device: Starts the self-destruct timer. It can only be stopped by killing the AI completely.
overload_machine - Overload Machine: Allows the AI to overload a machine, detonating it after a delay. Two uses per purchase.
override_machine - Override Machine: Allows the AI to override a machine, animating it into an angry, living version of itself.
upgrade - Modules that are improving AI abilities and assets
eavesdrop - Enhanced Surveillance: Enables AI to hear conversations going on near its active vision.
mecha_domination - Unlock Mech Domination: Unlocks the ability to dominate mechs. Big shocker, right?
upgrade_cameras - Upgrade Camera Network: EMP-proofs all cameras, in addition to giving them X-ray vision.
upgrade_turrets - AI Turret Upgrade: Increases the health and damage of all turrets.
utility - Modules with stealthy and utility uses
break_air_alarms - Air Alarm Safety Override: Unlocks the ability to enable flooding on all air alarms.
break_fire_alarms - Thermal Sensor Override: Unlocks the ability to disable all fire alarms from doing their job.
emergency_lights - Disable Emergency Lights
place_cyborg_transformer - Robotic Factory: Places a large machine that converts humans that go through it into cyborgs. Unlocking this ability removes shunting.
reactivate_cameras - Reactivate Camera Network: Reactivates up to 30 cameras across the station.
ai_movement - This datum is an abstract class that can be overriden for different types of movement
dumb - The most braindead type of movement, bee-line to the target with no concern of whats infront of us.
jps - This movement datum represents smart-pathing
ai_planning_subtree - A subtree is attached to a controller and is occasionally called by /ai_controller/SelectBehaviors(), this mainly exists to act as a way to subtype and modify SelectBehaviors() without needing to subtype the ai controller itself
enemy_of_the_revolution - When the revolution wins, any remaining heads and security become Enemies of the Revolution.
Previously being nonantagonists, they only have one simple objective: survive!
enemy_of_the_state - When the station wins, any remaining living headrevs become Enemies of the State, a small solo antagonist.
They either have the choice to fuck off and do their own thing, or try and regain their honor with a hijack.
namespaced - Namespace'ed assets (for static css and html files)
When sent over a cdn transport, all assets in the same asset datum will exist in the same folder, as their plain names.
Used to ensure css files can reference files by url() without having to generate the css at runtime, both the css file and the files it depends on must exist in the same namespace asset datum. (Also works for html)
For example blah.css with asset blah.png will get loaded as namespaces/a3d..14f/f12..d3c.css and namespaces/a3d..14f/blah.png. allowing the css file to load blah.png by a relative url rather then compute the generated url with get_url_mappings().
The namespace folder's name will change if any of the assets change. (excluding parent assets)
Callback Datums - A datum that holds a proc to be called on another object, used to track proccalls to other objects
verb_callback - like normal callbacks but they also record their creation time for measurement purposes
they also require the same usr/user that made the callback to both still exist and to still have a client in order to execute
callback_select - Helper datum for the select callbacks proc
centcom_announcer - Data holder for the announcers that can be used in a game, this can be used to have alternative announcements outside of the default e.g.the intern
circuit_composite_template - A template used to make composite datatypes for circuits.
Used so that we don't have to generate every single possible combination of types
circuit_datatype - A circuit datatype. Used to determine the datatype of a port and also handle any additional behaviour.
circuit_variable - A circuit variable that holds the name, the datatype and the colour of the variable (taken from the datatype).
client_colour - Client Colour Priority System By RemieRichards (then refactored by another contributor)
A System that gives finer control over which client.colour value to display on screen
so that the "highest priority" one is always displayed as opposed to the default of
"whichever was set last is displayed".
client_interface - This should match the interface of /client wherever necessary.
colorblind_tester - Used to test the game for issues with different types of color blindness
WARNING ASSHOLE: Because we can only apply matrixes, and can't preform gamma correction
The results of this tool aren't perfect. It's way better then nothing, but IT IS NOT A PROPER SIMULATION
Please do not make us look like assholes by assuming it is. Thanks.
colored_assistant - Defines a style of jumpsuit/jumpskirt for assistants.
Jumpsuit and jumpskirt lists should match in colors, as they are used interchangably.
solid - Will pick one color, and stick with it
command_report_menu - Datum for holding the TGUI window for command reports.
action_item_overlay - Apply to an action to allow it to take an item
and apply it as an overlay of the action button
admin_popup - Applied to clients when they receive an admin popup, alerting them to
their ticket.
anti_magic - This provides different types of magic resistance on an object
aquarium_content - Allows movables to be inserted/displayed in aquariums.
area_sound_manager - Allows you to set a theme for a set of areas without tying them to looping sounds explicitly
areabound - Movables with this component will automatically return to their original turf if moved outside their initial area
atmos_reaction_recorder - Component for atmos-related atoms to be able to record and transmit their reaction_results data
Use this ONLY for atoms, gasmixtures will be accessed by calling return air on the object.
Add this component after gasmixes has been initialized.
aura_healing - Applies healing to those in the area.
Will provide them with an alert while they're in range, as well as
give them a healing particle.
Can be applied to those only with a trait conditionally.
bakeable - This component indicates this object can be baked in an oven.
bloodysoles - Component for clothing items that can pick up blood from decals and spread it around everywhere when walking, such as shoes or suits with integrated shoes.
feet - Like its parent but can be applied to carbon mobs instead of clothing items
boomerang - If an ojvect is given the boomerang component, it should be thrown back to the thrower after either hitting it's target, or landing on the thrown tile.
Thrown objects should be thrown back to the original thrower with this component, a number of tiles defined by boomerang_throw_range.
clickbox - This component adds a near-invisible underlay to a movable target to expand the clickable surface of its icon without
The underlay ignores the parent's color and alpha and can be offset.
The name is a portmanteau of "click" and "hitbox", because technically this isn't an hitbox,
but it helps catch clicks, and I don't want to give it a loooong name like openspace_item_click_handler
codeword_hearing - Component that allows for highlighting of words or phrases in chat based on regular expressions.
connect_containers - This component behaves similar to connect_loc_behalf, but it's nested and hooks a signal onto all MOVABLES containing this atom.
connect_loc_behalf - This component behaves similar to connect_loc, hooking into a signal on a tracked object's turf
It has the ability to react to that signal on behalf of a separate listener however
This has great use, primarily for components, but it carries with it some overhead
So we do it separately as it needs to hold state which is very likely to lead to bugs if it remains as an element.
connect_mob_behalf - This component behaves similar to connect_loc_behalf, but working off clients and mobs instead of loc
To be clear, we hook into a signal on a tracked client's mob
We retain the ability to react to that signal on a seperate listener, which makes this quite powerful
connect_range - This component behaves similar to connect_loc_behalf but for all turfs in range, hooking into a signal on each of them.
Just like connect_loc_behalf, It can react to that signal on behalf of a seperate listener.
Good for components, though it carries some overhead. Can't be an element as that may lead to bugs.
construction/mecha - Construction datums
container_item - Container item, an item which can be stored by specialized containers.
tank_holder - Tank holder item - Added to an object which can be added to a tank holder.
convey - Manages the loop caused by being on a conveyor belt
Prevents movement while you're floating, etc
Takes the direction to move, delay between steps, and time before starting to move as arguments
cracked - Tracks damage to add or remove crack overlays, when none are needed this components is qdeleted
dejavu - A component to reset the parent to its previous state after some time passes
timeline - differently themed dejavu for modsuits.
deployable - Deployable - Bring your big guns with you, and smack em' down where you want.
diggable - Lets you make hitting a turf with a shovel pop something out, and scrape the turf
drift - Component that handles drifting
Manages a movement loop that actually does the legwork of moving someone
Alongside dealing with the post movement input blocking required to make things look nice
egg layer component! - Component that manages how many eggs to lay, what can be fed to the mob to make them lay more, and what is actually laid.
Since the only real interaction with the component is an attackby, the nice part is that we're able to make this an atom level proc.
egg_layer will loudly fail if you do not provide it the arguments, as to encourage explicicy(?)
electrified_buckle component: - attach it to any atom/movable that can be buckled to in order to have it shock mobs buckled to it. by default it shocks mobs buckled to parent every shock_loop_time.
the parent is supposed to define its behavior with arguments in AddComponent
engraved component! - MUST be a component, though it doesn't look like it. SSPersistence demandeth
explodable - Component specifically for explosion sensetive things, currently only applies to heat based explosions but can later perhaps be used for things that are dangerous to handle carelessly like nitroglycerin.
food_storage - --Food storage component--
This component lets you slide one item into large foods, such as bread, cheese wheels, or cakes.
Consuming food storages with an item inside can cause unique interactions, such as eating glass shards.
force_move - Forced directional movement, but with a twist
Let's block pressure and client movements while doing it so we can't be interrupted
Supports spinning on each move, for lube related reasons
gas_leaker - A component to leak gas over time from damaged objects with gas storage
geiger_sound - Atoms with this component will play sounds depending on nearby radiation
genetic_damage - Genetic damage, given by DNA consoles, will start to deal toxin damage
past a certain threshold, and will go down consistently.
Adding multiple of this component will increase the total damage.
Can turn monkeys into gorillas.
gps - GPS component. Atoms that have this show up on gps. Pretty simple stuff.
item - GPS component subtype. Only gps/item's can be used to open the UI.
hazard_area - This is a relatively simple component that attempts to deter the parent of the component away
from a specific area or areas. By default it simply applies a penalty where all movement is
four times slower than usual and any action that would affect your 'next move' has a penalty
multiplier of 4 attached.
heirloom - Heirloom component. For use with the family heirloom quirk, tracks that an item is someone's family heirloom.
knockoff - Items with this component will have a chance to get knocked off
(unequipped and sent to the ground) when the wearer is disarmed or knocked down.
light_eater - Makes anything it attaches to capable of removing something's ability to produce light until it is destroyed
Living Heart Component - Applied to a heart to turn it into a heretic's 'living heart'.
The living heart is what they use to track people they need to sacrifice.
Mind Linker - A component that handles linking multiple player's minds
into one network which allows them to talk directly to one another.
Like telepathy but for multiple people at once!
multiple_lives - A simple component that spawns a mob of the same type and transfers itself to it when parent dies.
For more complex behaviors, use the COMSIG_ON_MULTIPLE_LIVES_RESPAWN comsig.
omen - omen.dm: For when you want someone to have a really bad day
overlay_lighting - Movable atom overlay-based lighting component.
palette - A component that stores colors for use by painting-related items like spraycans or palettes
which can be accessed through a radial menu by right clicking the item while it's held by the user mob.
Right-clicking a color will open a color input prompt to edit it. Left clicking will instead select it
and call set_painting_tool_color() on the parent for more specific object behavior.
payment - Handles simple payment operations where the cost of the object in question doesn't change.
radiation_countdown - Begins the countdown before a target can be irradiated.
Added by the radiation subsystem when a pulse information has a minimum exposure time.
Will clear itself out after a while.
religious_tool - Allows the parent to act similarly to the Altar of Gods with modularity. Invoke and Sect Selection is done via attacking with a bible. This means you cannot sacrifice Bibles (you shouldn't want to do this anyways although now that I mentioned it you probably will want to).
subtype_picker - subtype picker component allows for an item to transform into its subtypes (this is not enforced and you can turn in whatever types, but
i used this name as it was incredibly accurate for current usage of the behavior)
tackler - For when you want to throw a person at something and have fun stuff happen
tameable - This component lets you make specific mobs tameable by feeding them
traitor_objective_register - Helper component that registers signals on an object
This is not necessary to use and gives little control over the conditions
eor_credits_delay - Time between the round ending and credits beginning to roll
lobby_countdown - Countdown between lobby and the round starting.
max_hub_pop - Pop requirement for the server to be removed from the hub
maximum_potential_objectives - Determines how many potential objectives a traitor can have.
outdated_movedelay - Outdated move delay
round_end_countdown - Post round murder death kill countdown.
traitor_ideal_player_count - Determines the ideal player count for maximum progression per minute.
traitor_scaling_multiplier - Determines how fast traitors scale in general.
vote_autotransfer_initial - Length of time before the first autotransfer vote is called (deciseconds, default 2 hours)
Set to 0 to disable the subsystem altogether.
vote_autotransfer_interval - length of time to wait before subsequent autotransfer votes (deciseconds, default 30 minutes)
vote_autotransfer_maximum - maximum extensions until the round autoends.
Set to 0 to force automatic crew transfer after the 'vote_autotransfer_initial' elapsed.
Set to -1 to disable the maximum extensions cap.
vote_delay - minimum time between voting sessions (deciseconds, 10 minute default)
vote_period - length of voting period (deciseconds, default 1 minute)
str_list - List config entry, used for configuring a list of strings
master - Start of queue linked list
End of queue linked list (used for appending to the list)
Are we loading in a new map?
for scheduling different subsystems for different stages of the round
decompose_matrix - Datum which stores information about a matrix decomposed with decompose().
design - Design Datums
All the data for building stuff.
advmop - Janitor Designs
basic_cell - Power
bluespace_crystal - Bluespace
board - Computer Boards
aicore - AI Module Disks
cargo_express - Mining
electrolyzer - MISC Boards
fax_machine - Fax machine design, for techwebs.
ripley_main - Mecha Module Disks
subspace_receiver - Subspace Telecomms
borg_upgrade_rename - Borg Upgrades
bucket - Autolathe Designs
cyberimp_welding - Cybernetic Implants
data - Disk Construction Disks
data_terminal - Data Terminal
disk/normal - Computer Parts
handdrill - Tools
health_hud - HUDs
healthanalyzer - Medical Tools
holosign - Holobarriers
restaurant - Restaurant Equipment
implanter - Regular Implants
intellicard - Non-Board Computer Stuff
leftarm - Limb Grower Designs
mech_scattershot - Mecha Equpment
milk - Biogenerator Designs
reactive_armour - Armour
rped - Stock Parts
rubbershot/sec - Weapons
seclite - Security
welding_goggles - Misc
discord_embed - Documentation for the embed object and all of its variables can be found at
It is recommended to read the documentation on the discord website, as the information below could become outdated in the future.
discord_link_record - Represents a record from the discord link table in a nicer format
dream - Contains all the behavior needed to play a kind of dream.
All dream types get randomly selected from based on weight when an appropriate mobs dreams.
traitor - Probability the AI going malf will be accompanied by an ion storm announcement and some ion laws.
The probability to replace an existing law with an ion law instead of adding a new ion law.
dynamic_snapshot - A "snapshot" of dynamic at an important point in time.
Exported to JSON in the dynamic.json log file.
trail_follow - ///// Attach a trail to any object, that spawns when it moves (like for the jetpack)
just pass in the object to attach it to in set_up
Then do start() to start it and stop() to stop it, obviously
and don't call start() in a loop that will be repeated otherwise it'll get spammed!
element - A holder for simple behaviour that can be attached to many different types
animal variety element! - bespoke element that picks an suffix to append onto the icon state from a list given on creation, among some pixel shifting stuff
basically you will see VARIETY in a batch of simplemobs.
atmos_requirements - Atmos effect - Yes, you can make creatures that require plasma or co2 to survive. N2O is a trace gas and handled separately, hence why it isn't here. It'd be hard to add it. Hard and me don't mix (Yes, yes make all the dick jokes you want with that.) - Errorage
Leaving something at 0 means it's off - has no maximum.
This damage is taken when atmos doesn't fit all the requirements above.
backblast - When attached to a gun and the gun is successfully fired, this element creates a "backblast" of fire and pain, like you'd find in a rocket launcher or recoilless rifle
bane - Deals extra damage to mobs of a certain type or species.
basic_body_temp_sensitive - When attached to a basic mob, it gives it the ability to be hurt by cold/hot body temperatures
beauty - Beauty element. It makes the indoor area the parent is in prettier or uglier depending on the beauty var value.
Clean and well decorated areas lead to positive moodlets for passerbies;
Shabbier, dirtier ones lead to negative moodlets EXCLUSIVE to characters with the snob quirk.
bed_tuckable - Tucking element, for things that can be tucked into bed.
blood_walk - Blood walk, a bespoke element that causes you to make blood wherever you walk.
connect_loc - This element hooks a signal onto the loc the current object is on.
When the object moves, it will unhook the signal and rehook it to the new object.
contextual_screentip_bare_hands - Apply basic contextual screentips when the user hovers over this item with an empty hand.
A "Type B" interaction.
This stacks with other contextual screentip elements, though you may want to register the signal/flag manually at that point for performance.
contextual_screentip_item_typechecks - Apply basic contextual screentips when the user hovers over this item with a provided item.
A "Type B" interaction.
This stacks with other contextual screentip elements, though you may want to register the signal/flag manually at that point for performance.
contextual_screentip_tools - Apply basic contextual screentips when the user hovers over this item with an item of the given tool behavior.
A "Type B" interaction.
This stacks with other contextual screentip elements, though you may want to register the signal/flag manually at that point for performance.
crackable - Adds crack overlays to an object when integrity gets low
curse announcement element! - Bespoke element that sends a harrowing message when you first pick up an item, applying a spooky color outline and renaming the item.
For most items, it will announce when picked up. If the item can be equipped, though, it will only announce when the item is worn.
Possible improvements for the future: add an option to allow the cursed affix to be a prefix. right now only coded for suffixes
cursed element! - Attaching this element to something will make it float, and get a special ai controller!
damage_threshold - Applied to living mobs.
Adds a force threshold for which attacks will be blocked entirely.
IE, if they are hit with an attack that deals less than X damage, the attack does nothing.
haunted - Attaching this element to something will make it float, get a special ai controller, and gives it a spooky outline.
honkspam - Attachable to items. Plays a bikehorn sound whenever attack_self is called (with a cooldown).
human_biter - Allows carbons with heads to attempt to bite mobs if attacking with cuffed hands / missing arms
item_scaling - Element for scaling item appearances in the overworld or in inventory/storage.
kneecapping - Kneecapping element replaces the item's secondary attack with an aimed attack at the kneecaps under certain circumstances.
kneejerk - An element which enables certain items to tap people on their knees to measure brain health
knockback - Mobs and items with this element will knock movable targets they hit away from them.
Guns and turrets will instead fire projectiles with similar effects.
lifesteal - Heals the user (if attached to an item) or the mob itself (if attached to a hostile simple mob)
by a flat amount whenever a successful attack is performed against another living mob.
light_blocking - Attached to movable atoms with opacity. Listens to them move and updates their old and new turf loc's opacity accordingly.
light_eaten - Makes anything that it attaches to incapable of producing light
light_eater - Makes anything it attaches to capable of permanently removing something's ability to produce light.
mirage_border - Creates a mirage effect allowing you to see around the world border, by adding the opposite side to its vis_contents.
movement_turf_changer - movement_turf_changer element; which makes the movement of a movable atom change the turf it moved to
movetype_handler - An element that enables and disables movetype bitflags whenever the relative traits are added or removed.
It also handles the +2/-2 pixel y anim loop typical of mobs possessing the FLYING or FLOATING movetypes.
This element is necessary for the TRAIT_MOVE_ traits to work correctly, so make sure to attach this element
before adding them to non-living movables.
obj_regen - Object integrity regeneration element added by alien alloy.
openspace_item_click_handler - allow players to easily use items such as iron rods, rcds on open space without
having to pixelhunt for portions not occupied by object or mob visuals.
Pet bonus element! - Bespoke element that plays a fun message, sends a heart out, and gives a stronger mood bonus when you pet this animal.
I may have been able to make this work for carbons, but it would have been interjecting on some help mode interactions anyways.
plant_backfire - -- Plant backfire element --
Certain high-danger plants, like death-nettles, will backfire and harm the holder if they're not properly protected.
If a user is protected with something like leather gloves, they can handle them normally.
If they're not protected properly, we invoke a callback on the user, harming or inconveniencing them.
point_of_interest - Designates the atom as a "point of interest", meaning it can be directly orbited
prevent_attacking_of_types - This hostile will not be able to attack a given typecache, and will receive
a balloon alert when it tries to.
radiation_protected_clothing - Marks the item as being radiation protected.
Adds the TRAIT_RADIATION_PROTECTED_CLOTHING trait, as well as adding an
extra bit to the examine descrpition.
radioactive - This atom will regularly pulse radiation.
As this is only applied on uranium objects for now, this defaults to uranium constants.
ranged_attacks - This proc is used by basic mobs to give them a simple ranged attack! In theory this could be extended to
ridable - This element is used to indicate that a movable atom can be mounted by mobs in order to ride it. The movable is considered mounted when a mob is buckled to it,
at which point a riding component is created on the movable, and that component handles the actual riding behavior.
rust - Adding this element to an atom will have it automatically render an overlay.
The overlay can be specified in new as the first paramter; if not set it defaults to rust_overlay's rust_default
simple flying element! - Non bespoke element (1 in existence) that makes animals fly while living and... not while dead!
Note: works for carbons and above, but please do something better. humans have wings got dangit!
food - Original Food export file got eaten somewhere along the line and I have no idea when or where it got completely deleted.
Foods given a venue value are exportable to cargo as a backup to selling from venues, however at the expense of elasticity.
Families gamemode / dynamic ruleset handler - A special datum used by the families gamemode and dynamic rulesets to centralize code. "Family" and "gang" used interchangeably in code.
gang_theme - Gang themes for the Families gamemode. Used to determine the RP theme of the round, what gangs are present, and what their objectives are.
icon_state - The most basic greyscale layer; a layer which is created from a single icon_state in the given icon file
reference - A layer created by using another greyscale icon's configuration
greyscale_modify_menu - The controller for the ui in charge of all runtime greyscale configuration/debug.
If Unlock() is not called the menu is safe for players to use.
gun_bolt - Gun has a bolt, it stays closed while not cycling. The gun must be racked to have a bullet chambered when a mag is inserted.
Example: c20, shotguns, m90
locking - Gun has a bolt, it locks back when empty. It can be released to chamber a round if a magazine is in.
Example: Pistols with a slide lock, some SMGs
no_bolt - Gun has no moving bolt mechanism, it cannot be racked. Also dumps the entire contents when emptied instead of a magazine.
Example: Break action shotguns, revolvers
open - Gun has a bolt, it is open when ready to fire. The gun can never have a chambered bullet with no magazine, but the bolt stays ready when a mag is removed.
Example: Some SMGs, the L6
fake_health_doll - Causes the target to see incorrect health damages on the healthdoll
xeno_attack - Xeno crawls from nearby vent,jumps at you, and goes back in
Heretic Knowledge - The datums that allow heretics to progress and learn new spells and rituals.
amber_focus - Allows the heretic to craft a spell focus.
They require a focus to cast advanced spells.
highlander_controller - The highlander controller handles the admin highlander mode, if enabled.
It is first created when "there can only be one" triggers it, and it can be referenced from GLOB.highlander_controller
id_trim - Simple datum that holds the basic information associated with an ID card trim.
admin - Trim for admins and debug cards. Has every single access in the game.
away - Generic away/pffstation trim.
cat_surgeon - Trim for the cat surgeon ruin.
hilbert - Trim for Hilber in Hilbert's Hotel.
hotel - Trim for the hotel ruin. Not Hilbert's Hotel.
security - Trim for the hotel ruin. Not Hilbert's Hotel.
apc - Trim for the oldstation ruin/Charlie station
eng - Trim for the oldstation ruin/Charlie station
sci - Trim for the oldstation ruin/Charlie station
sec - Trim for the oldstation ruin/Charlie station
battlecruiser - Trim for Syndicate mobs, outfits and corpses.
captain - Trim for Syndicate mobs, outfits and corpses.
bounty_hunter - Trim for Bounty Hunters NOT hired by centcom. (?)
centcom - Trim for basic Centcom cards.
admiral - Trim for Centcom (Soviet) Admirals. All Centcom and Station Access.
bartender - Trim for Centcom Bartenders.
bounty_hunter - Trim for Bounty Hunters hired by centcom.
commander - Trim for Centcom Commanders. All Centcom and Station Access.
assault - Trim for various Centcom corpses.
bridge_officer - Trim for various Centcom corpses.
commander - Trim for various Centcom corpses.
private_security - Trim for various Centcom corpses.
tradepost_officer - Trim for various Centcom corpses.
custodian - Trim for Centcom Custodians.
deathsquad - Trim for Deathsquad officers. All Centcom and Station Access.
ert - Trim for generic ERT interns. No universal ID card changing access.
chaplain - Trim for generic ERT chaplains. No universal ID card changing access.
clown - Trim for generic ERT clowns. No universal ID card changing access.
commander - Trim for ERT Commanders. All station and centcom access.
engineer - Trim for generic ERT engineers. No universal ID card changing access.
janitor - Trim for generic ERT janitors. No universal ID card changing access.
medical - Trim for generic ERT medics. No universal ID card changing access.
security - Trim for generic ERT seccies. No universal ID card changing access.
intern - Trim for Centcom Interns.
head - Trim for Centcom Head Interns. Different assignment, common station access added on.
medical_officer - Trim for Centcom Medical Officers.
official - Trim for Centcom Officials.
research_officer - Trim for Centcom Research Officers.
specops_officer - Trim for Centcom Specops Officers. All Centcom and Station Access.
thunderdome_overseer - Trim for Centcom Thunderdome Overseers.
vip - Trim for Centcom VIPs
chameleon - Trim for Chameleon ID cards. Many outfits, nuke ops and some corpses hold Chameleon ID cards.
operative - Trim for Chameleon ID cards. Many outfits, nuke ops and some corpses hold Chameleon ID cards.
clown - Trim for Chameleon ID cards. Many outfits, nuke ops and some corpses hold Chameleon ID cards.
clown_leader - Trim for Chameleon ID cards. Many outfits, nuke ops and some corpses hold Chameleon ID cards.
nuke_leader - Trim for Chameleon ID cards. Many outfits, nuke ops and some corpses hold Chameleon ID cards.
engioutpost - Trim for various various ruins.
highlander - Trim for highlander cards, used during the highlander adminbus event.
job - This file contains all the trims associated with station jobs.
It also contains special prisoner trims and the miner's spare ID trim.
ID Trims for station jobs.
security_officer - Sec officers have departmental variants. They each have their own trims with bonus departmental accesses.
shaft_miner/spare - ID card obtained from the mining Disney dollar points vending machine.
station_engineer/gunner - Trim for various various ruins.
lifeguard - Trim for beach bum lifeguards.
mobster - Trim for the mobster outfit.
pirate - Trim for pirates.
captain - Trim for the pirate captain.
silverscale - Trim for the pirate captain.
silverscale - Trim for pirates.
reaper_assassin - This file contains all the trims associated with outfits.
Trim for the assassin outfit.
space_bartender - Trim for beach bum bartenders.
space_police - Trim for the families space police. Has all access.
syndicom - Trim for Syndicate mobs, outfits and corpses.
captain - Trim for Syndicate mobs, outfits and corpses.
crew - Trim for Syndicate mobs, outfits and corpses.
tunnel_clown - Trim for the Tunnel Clown! outfit. Has all access.
vr - Trim for VR outfits.
operative - Trim for VR outfits.
Instrument Datums - Instrument datums hold the data for any given instrument, as well as data on how to play it and what bounds there are to playing it.
instrument_key - Instrument key datums contain everything needed to know how to play a specific
note of an instrument.*
interview - Represents a new-player interview form
Interview Manager - Handles all interviews in the duration of a round, includes the primary functionality for
handling the interview queue.
job - datum/job/bureaucrat,
This is the file you should use to add alternate titles for each job, just
follow the way they're done here, it's easy enough and shouldn't take any
time at all to add more or add some for a job that doesn't have any.
servant_golem - For late joiners, we're forced to put them in an alone department at some point.
unassigned - This type is used to indicate a lack of a job.
The mind variable assigned_role will point here by default.
As any other job datum, this is a singleton.
job_department - Singleton representing a category of jobs forming a department.
assistant - A special assistant only department, primarily for use by the preferences menu
captain - A special captain only department, for use by the preferences menu
undefined - Catch-all department for undefined jobs.
jps_node - The JPS Node datum represents a turf that we find interesting enough to add to the open list and possibly search for new tiles from
json_reader - Takes a json list and extracts a single value.
Subtypes represent different conversions of that value.
lift_master - coordinate and control movement across linked industrial_lift's. allows moving large single multitile platforms and many 1 tile platforms.
also is capable of linking platforms across linked z levels
map_generator - This type is responsible for any map generation behavior that is done in areas, override this to allow for area-specific map generation. This generation is ran by areas in initialize.
move_loop - Template class of the movement datums, handles the timing portion of the loops
disposal_holder - Disposal holders need to move through a chain of pipes
Rather then through the world. This supports this
If this ever changes, get rid of this, add drift component like logic to the holder
And move them to move()
move_towards - Used as a alternative to walk_towards
move_towards_budget - The actual implementation of walk_towards()
move - Replacement for walk()
move_rand - This isn't actually the same as walk_rand
Because walk_rand is really more like walk_to_rand
It appears to pick a spot outside of range, and move towards it, then pick a new spot, etc.
I can't actually replicate this on our side, because of how bad our pathfinding is, and cause I'm not totally sure I know what it's doing.
I can just implement a random-walk though
move_to_rand - Wrapper around step_rand
movement_detector - A datum to handle the busywork of registering signals to handle in depth tracking of a movable
movement_packet - A packet of information that describes the current state of a moving object
object_window_info - Datum that holds and tracks info about a client's object window
Really only exists because I want to be able to do logic with signals
And need a safe place to do the registration
black_hole - Black Hole - final (emag can spawn singulo, see death event)
black_hole_death - You died to a black hole, have some fluff text
electronic_part - Malfunction - spend one engine part or wait 3 days (emag effect randomizes some stats)
engine_part - Engine Breakdown - spend one engine part or wait 3 days (harmless emag effect)
hull_part - Collision - spend one engine part or wait 3 days (has a nasty emag effect)
space_port - You found a space port!
tau_ceti - You found the midway mark!
space_port_raid - You raided a space port!
Outfit datums - This is a clean system of applying outfits to mobs, if you need to equip someone in a uniform
this is the way to do it cleanly and properly.
stacks_in_hands - See #66313 and #60901. outfit_sanity used to runtime whenever you had two mergable sheets in either hand. Previously, this only had a 3% chance of occuring. Now 100%.
pai_candidate - Created when a user clicks the "pAI candidate" window
chem_cooling - This trait is the opposite of above - it cools down the plant's chemical contents on harvest.
This requires nutriment to fuel. 1u nutriment = -5 K.
chem_heating - This trait automatically heats up the plant's chemical contents when harvested.
This requires nutriment to fuel. 1u nutriment = 25 K.
eyes - A plant trait that causes the plant to gain aesthetic googly eyes.
fire_resistance - Makes the plant and its seeds fireproof. From lavaland plants.
modified_volume - Traits for plants with a different base max_volume.
cherry_bomb - Cherry Bomb's increased max volume gene
omega_weed - Omegaweed's funny 420 max volume gene
one_bite - Traiit for plants eaten in 1 bite.
plant_laughter - Plays a laughter sound when someone slips on it.
Like the sitcom component but for plants.
Just like slippery skin, if we have a trash type this only functions on that. (Banana peels)
plant_type - Plant type traits. Incompatible with one another.
fungal_metabolism - Mushrooms need less light and have a minimum yield.
weed_hardy - Weeds don't get annoyed by weeds in their tray.
preserved - Traits for flowers, makes plants not decompose.
blob - Holds any kind of abstract list data you'd like it to. MUST impliment is_valid!
augments - Augments!
job_priority - Associative list of job:integer, where integer is a priority between 1 and 4
choiced - A preference that is a choice of one option among a fixed set.
Used for preferences such as clothing.
ai_core_display - What to show on the AI screen
backpack - Backpack preference
brief_outfit - What outfit to equip when spawning as a briefing officer for an ERT
employer - An associative list of job_name:employer_path
gender - Gender preference
ghost_lighting - How bright a ghost's lighting plane is
ghost_orbit - Determines what ghosts orbiting look like to you.
jumpsuit - Jumpsuit preference
mod_select - Switches between mouse buttons for MODsuit active modules
parallax - Determines parallax, "fancy space"
preferred_map - During map rotation, this will help determine the chosen map.
scaling_method - The scaling method to show the world in, e.g. nearest neighbor
socks - Socks preference
species - Species preference
ui_style - UI style preference
undershirt - Undershirt preference
underwear - Underwear preference
color - A preference that represents an RGB color of something.
Will give the value as 6 hex digits, without a hash.
ooc_color - The color admins will speak in for OOC.
name - A preference for a name. Used not just for normal names, but also for clown names, etc.
backup_human - The name for a backup human, when nonhumans are made into head of staff
real_name - A character's real name
numeric - A numeric preference with a minimum and maximum value
toggle - A prefernece whose value is always TRUE or FALSE
bloom - Whether or not to toggle ambient occlusion, the shadows around people
broadcast_login_logout - Whether or not to announce when the player logs in or out.
darkened_flash - When toggled, being flashed will show a dark screen rather than a light one.
ghost_hud - Toggles the HUD for ghosts
glasses_color - Whether or not to toggle ambient occlusion, the shadows around people
inquisitive_ghost - Whether or not ghosts can examine things by clicking on them.
playtime_reward_cloak - This can be set to TRUE from the prefs menu only once the user has
gained over 5K playtime hours.
If true, it allows the user to get a cool looking roundstart cloak.
tgui_input_large - Large button preference. Error text is in tooltip.
tgui_input_swapped - Swapped button state - sets buttons to SS13 traditional SUBMIT/CANCEL
window_flashing - Enables flashing the window in your task tray for important events
preference_middleware - Preference middleware is code that helps to decentralize complicated preference features.
keybindings - Middleware to handle keybindings
legacy_toggles - In the before times, toggles were all stored in one bitfield.
In order to preserve this existing data (and code) without massive
migrations, this middleware attempts to handle this in a way
transparent to the preferences UI itself.
In the future, the existing toggles data should just be migrated to
individual /datum/preference/toggles.
advanced - Movable and easily code-modified fields! Allows for custom AOE effects that affect movement
and anything inside of them, and can do custom turf effects!
Supports automatic recalculation/reset on movement.
qdel_item - Qdel Item: Holds statistics on each type that passes thru qdel
Holds the type as a string for this type
Total number of times it's passed thru qdel.
Total amount of milliseconds spent processing this type's Destroy()
Times it was queued for soft deletion but failed to soft delete.
Different from failures because it also includes QDEL_HINT_HARDDEL deletions
Total amount of milliseconds spent hard deleting this type.
Highest time spent hard_deleting this in ms.
Number of times hard deletes took longer than the configured threshold
Number of times it's not respected force=TRUE
Number of times it's not even bother to give a qdel hint
Number of times it's slept in its destroy
Flags related to this type's trip thru qdel.
junkie - If this is defined, reagent_id will be unused and the defined reagent type will be instead.
actual instanced version of the reagent
Where the drug spawned
If this is defined before pill generation, pill generation will be skipped. This is the type of the pill bottle.
where the accessory spawned
If this is null, an accessory won't be spawned.
how frequently the quirk processes
ticker for processing
deaconize - Honorbound God
Makes the person holy, but they now also have to follow the honorbound code (CBT). Actually earns favor, convincing others to uphold the code (tm) is not easy
Religious Sects - Religious Sects are a way to convert the fun of having an active 'god' (admin) to code-mechanics so you aren't having to press adminwho.
market_crash - An event which increases vendor prices on station by a factor of 4
spooky - You will appear adjacent to the beacon
stray_cargo - Spawns a cargo pod containing a random cargo supply pack on a random area of the station
syndicate - Places that shouldn't explode
Subtypes from the above that actually should explode.
A rare variant that drops a crate containing syndicate uplink items
attack - This steps can check sufficient weapon variables, such as sharpness or force
item - A parent type that denotes inserting an item
flashlight/again - Disambiguation go BRRRR
fifth - Disambiguation go BRRRR
fourth - Disambiguation go BRRRR
second - Disambiguation go BRRRR
third - Disambiguation go BRRRR
pipe/second - Disambiguation go BRRRR
material - This step requires an amount of a stack items which will be split off and put into the assembly.
reagent - This step requires and uses a reagent to finish itself. This step is great as a last step since reagents can't be recovered from disassembly.
This alternatively can also transfer to a container inside the crafting assembly too!
reagent_container - This step requires to input a reagent container, possibly with some reagent inside, or with some volume specifications.
stack - This step requires an amount of a stack items which will be split off and put into the assembly.
or_other - Can be a stack, another stack, or another item.
tool - This step requires an item with a specific tool behaviour.
smite - A smite, used by admins to punish players, or for their own amusement
bad_luck - Gives the target bad luck, optionally permanently
berforate - Fires an absurd amount of bullets at the target
bloodless - Slashes up the target
boneless - Gives the target critically bad wounds
brain_damage - Inflicts crippling brain damage on the target
Spatial Grid Cell - used by /datum/controller/subsystem/spatial_grid to cover every z level so that the coordinates of every turf in the world corresponds to one of these in
the subsystems list of grid cells by z level. each one of these contains content lists holding all atoms meeting a certain criteria that is in our borders.
these datums shouldnt have significant behavior, they should just hold data. the lists are filled and emptied by the subsystem.
species datum - Datum that handles different species in the game.
station_alert - Our parent might want to fuck with these numbers
station_request - A combined all in one datum that stores everything about the request, the requester's account, as well as the requestee's account
All of this is passed to the Request Console UI in order to present in organized way.
station_state - For counting up how much of the station exists at the start of the shift, and how much is left behind by the end of it.
station_trait - Base class of station traits. These are used to influence rounds in one way or the other by influencing the levers of the station.
status_effect - Status effects are used to apply temporary or permanent effects to mobs.
This file contains their code, plus code for applying and removing them.
grouped - Status effect from multiple sources, when all sources are removed, so is the effect
hazard_area - The dedicated status effect for the hazard_area component - use with caution and know what it does!
incapacitated - This status effect represents anything that leaves a character unable to perform basic tasks (interrupting do-afters, for example), but doesn't incapacitate them further than that (no stuns etc..)
inebriated - The drunk status effect.
Slowly decreases in drunk_value over time, causing effects based on that value.
drunk - Stage 2 of being drunk, applied at drunk values between 6 and onward.
Has all the main side effects of being drunk, scaling up as they get more drunk.
tipsy - Stage 1 of drunk, applied at drunk values between 0 and 6.
Basically is the "drunk but no side effects" stage.
protective_blades - Summons multiple foating knives around the owner.
Each knife will block an attack straight up.
recharging - A subtype that doesn't self-delete / disappear when all blades are gone
It instead regenerates over time back to the max after blades are consumed
tinlux_light - Makes the mob luminescent for the duration of the effect.
unholy_determination - The buff given to people within the shadow realm to assist them in surviving.
storage - Datumized Storage
Eliminates the need for custom signals specifically for the storage component, and attaches a storage variable (atom_storage) to every atom.
If you're looking to create custom storage type behaviors, check ../subtypes
holster - A type of storage where a number of slots are reserved for a specific type of item
tcg - A storage component to be used on card piles, for use as hands/decks/discard piles. Don't use on something that's not a card pile!
tgs_chat_command - User definable chat command. This abstract version MUST be overridden to be used.
field - See https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/message#embed-object-embed-field-structure for details.
footer - See https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/message#embed-object-embed-footer-structure for details.
media - Common datum for similar Discord embed medias.
provider - See https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/message#embed-object-embed-provider-structure for details.
author - See https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/message#embed-object-embed-author-structure for details. Must have name set in New().
structure - User definable chat embed. Currently mirrors Discord chat embeds. See https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/message#embed-object for details.
tgui_input_number - Datum used for instantiating and using a TGUI-controlled number input that prompts the user with
a message and has an input for number entry.
async tgui_input_number - An asynchronous version of tgui_input_number to be used with callbacks instead of waiting on user responses.
tgui_input_text - Datum used for instantiating and using a TGUI-controlled text input that prompts the user with
a message and has an input for text entry.
async tgui_input_text - An asynchronous version of tgui_input_text to be used with callbacks instead of waiting on user responses.
tgui_list_input - Client does NOT have tgui_input on: Returns regular input
async tgui_list_input - An asynchronous version of tgui_list_input to be used with callbacks instead of waiting on user responses.
tgui_modal - Datum used for instantiating and using a TGUI-controlled modal that prompts the user with
a message and has buttons for responses.
async tgui_modal - An asynchronous version of tgui_modal to be used with callbacks instead of waiting on user responses.
tgui_panel - tgui_panel datum
Hosts tgchat and other nice features.
Timed Event - This is the actual timer, it contains the callback and necessary data to maintain
the timer.
traitor_category_handler - The traitor category handler. This is where the probability of all objectives are managed.
traitor_objective - A traitor objective. Traitor objectives should not be deleted after they have been created and established, only failed.
If a traitor objective needs to be removed from the failed/completed objective list of their handler, then you are doing something wrong
and you should reconsider. When an objective is failed/completed, that is final and the only way you can change that is by refactoring the code.
traitor_objective_category - The objective category.
Used to group up entire objectives into 1 weight objects to prevent having a
higher chance of getting an objective due to an increased number of different objective subtypes.
These are nothing but informational holders and will have no other purpose.
triple_ai_controller - The triple ai controller handles the admin triple AI mode, if enabled.
It is first created when "Toggle AI Triumvirate" triggers it, and it can be referenced from GLOB.triple_ai_controller
After it handles roundstart business, it cleans itself up.
bloody_footprints - Tests to make sure bloody footprits work as expected
So no stacking, they actually apply, and shoe staining thrown in for free
breath_sanity - Tests to make sure humans can breath in normal situations
Built to prevent regression on an issue surrounding QUANTIZE() and BREATH_VOLUME
See the comment on BREATH_VOLUME for more details
breath_sanity_vox - Tests to make sure vox can breath from their internal tanks
chat_filter_sanity - Tests the sanity of the chat filter, ensuring it properly blocks words and gives the reason
circuit_component_category - Tests to make sure each circuit component that could potentially be available to a player has a category
closets - Checks that the length of the initial contents of a closet doesn't exceed its storage capacity
apply_cuffs - Tests that handcuffs can be applied.
armed_blocking - Test that items can block weapon attacks
crayon_naming - Makes sure that crayons have their crayon_color in their initial name (to differentiate them in the crafting menu).
create_and_destroy - Delete one of every type, sleep a while, then check to see if anything has gone fucky
dcs_get_id_from_arguments - Tests that DCS' GetIdFromArguments works as expected with standard and odd cases
dummy_spawn_outfit - Equips and devests our dummy of one of every job outfit
dummy_spawn_species - This set of tests is focused on ensuring the stability of preference dummies
And by extension the hacks built to make them fast
Organ consistency, object pooling via the wardrobe ss, etc
dynamic_roundstart_ruleset_sanity - Verifies that roundstart dynamic rulesets are setup properly without external configuration.
dynamic_unique_antag_flags - Verifies that dynamic rulesets have unique antag_flag.
egg_glands - Verifies that all glands for an egg are valid
food_edibility_check - Makes sure that spawned food has reagents and the edible component (or else it can't be eaten).
get_message_mods - Test to verify message mods are parsed correctly
get_turf_pixel - ensures that get_turf_pixel() returns turfs within the bounds of the map,
even when called on a movable with its sprite out of bounds
greyscale_color_count - Makes sure objects using greyscale configs have, if any, the correct number of colors
greyscale_item_icon_states - Makes sure items using GAGS have all the icon states needed to work
hulk_attack - Tests hulk attacking over normal attacking
hulk_north_star - Tests that hulks aren't given rapid attacks from rapid attack gloves
hydroponics_extractor_storage - Unit test to ensure seeds can properly be added to the plant seed extractor through multiple methods.
This only tests transferring seeds to the storage, it does NOT test creating seeds.
hydroponics_self_mutation - Unit test to ensure plants can't self-mutate into themselves.
knockoff_component - Test that the knockoff component will properly cause something
with it applied to be knocked off when it should be.
load_map_security - Tests to ensure we can load a map from a whitelisted directory (_maps), but not a non-whitelisted directory (i.e "fartyShitPants")
load_syringe - Tests the ability to load syringe into a syringe gun
log_mapping - Conveys all log_mapping messages as unit test failures, as they all indicate mapping problems.
lights - Turfs we've passed once. We don't fully count every tile.
Tiles we've fully counted, If we reach these again, we can
safely skip them.
mob_spawn - Verifies that all glands for an egg are valid
modsuit_checks - Checks all pre-equipped MODsuit paths to see if they have something set wrong.
novaflower_burn - Unit tests that the novaflower's unique genes function.
paintings - Checks that all kind of painting frames have a sprite for each canvas type in the game.
preferences_implement_everything - Requires all preferences to implement required methods.
preferences_valid_savefile_key - Requires all preferences to have a valid, unique savefile_identifier.
quirk_icons - Ensure every quirk has a unique icon
dropper_use - Tests the droppper picks up and dispenses reagents correctly.
names_must_be_unique - Test that all reagent names are different in order to prevent tgstation#65231
say_signal - Test to verify COMSIG_MOB_SAY is sent the exact same list as the message args, as they're operated on
screenshot_antag_icons - A screenshot test to make sure every antag icon in the preferences menu is consistent
screenshot_basic - This is an example for screenshot tests, and a meta-test to make sure they work in the success case.
It creates a picture that is red on the left side, green on the other.
screenshot_humanoids - A screenshot test for every humanoid species with a handful of jobs.
species_unique_id - Every species should use a species ID unique to it and it alone. This test runs through every subtype of /datum/species, and checks for a species ID.
Every ID is written to a list, gathered_species_ids, and if a previously written ID is written again, this test will fail.
speech - This runs some simple speech tests on a speaker and listener and determines if a person can hear whispering or speaking as they are moved a distance away
stack_singular_name - Goes through every subtype of /obj/item/stack to check for a singular name, var/singular_name.
Everything within the blacklist does not need to be tested because it exists to be overriden.
This test will fail if a subtype of /obj/item/stack is missing a singular name.
living - Brutal damage caused by brute force (punching, being clubbed by a toolbox ect... this also accounts for pressure damage)
Oxygen depravation damage (no air in lungs)
Toxic damage caused by being poisoned or radiated
Burn damage caused by being way too hot, too cold or burnt.
Damage caused by being cloned or ejected from the cloner early. slimes also deal cloneloss damage to victims
Used by [living/Bump()][/mob/living/proc/Bump] and [living/PushAM()][/mob/living/proc/PushAM] to prevent potential infinite loop.
basic - Simple animals 2.0, This time, let's really try to keep it simple. This basetype should purely be used as a base-level for implementing simplified behaviours for things such as damage and attacks. Everything else should be in components or AI behaviours.
human - Any humanoid (non-Xeno) mob, such as humans, plasmamen, lizards.
consistent - Provides a dummy for unit_tests that functions like a normal human, but with a standardized appearance
Copies the stock dna setup from the dummy/consistent type
robot_defines - Definitions for /mob/living/silicon/robot and its children, including AI shells.
nocell - Defining specific kinds of robots
This is the subtype that gets created by robot suits. It's needed so that those kind of borgs don't have a useless cell in them
simple_animal - Simple, mostly AI-controlled critters, such as pets, bots, and drones.
Wumborian Fugu - A strange alien creature capable of increasing its mass when threatened,
giving it unmatched defensive capabilities temporarily. The rest of the
time, it is quite fragile.
lobstrosity - Lobstrosities, the poster boy of charging AI mobs. Drops crab meat and bones.
Outside of charging, it's intended behavior is that it is generally slow moving, but makes up for that with a knockdown attack to score additional hits.
vatbeast - Vatbeasts are creatures from vatgrowing and are literaly a beast in a vat, yup. They are designed to be a powerful mount roughly equal to a gorilla in power.
proccall_handler - Used to handle proccalls called indirectly by an admin (e.g. tgs, circuits).
Has to be a mob because IsAdminAdvancedProcCall() checks usr, which is a mob variable.
So usr is set to this for any proccalls that don't have any usr mob/client to refer to.
durand_shield - Shield processing
*An object to take the hit for us when using the Durand's defense mode.
It is spawned in during the durand's initilization, and always stays on the same tile.
Normally invisible, until defense mode is actvated. When the durand detects an attack that should be blocked, the
attack is passed to the shield. The shield takes the damage, uses it to calculate charge cost, and then sets its
own integrity back to max. Shield is automatically dropped if we run out of power or the user gets out.
abstract - The abstract effect ignores even more effects and is often typechecked for atoms that should truly not be fucked with.
info - An info button that, when clicked, puts some text in the user's chat
particle_emitter - This is a special stripped down alternative to a particle_holder. Generally, I don't recommend using it.
particle_holder - objects can only have one particle on them at a time, so we use these abstract effects to hold and display the effects. You know, so multiple particle effects can exist at once.
also because some objects do not display particles due to how their visuals are built
reach_checker - Used by RangedReachCheck
smell_holder - An object for placing smells in the world that aren't attached to a physical object
heretic - Lardmarks meant to designate where heretic sacrifices are sent.
lift_id - lift_id landmarks. used to map in specific_lift_id to trams. when the trams lift_master encounters one on a trams tile
it sets its specific_lift_id to that landmark. allows you to have multiple trams and multiple controls linking to their specific tram
corpse - these mob spawn subtypes trigger immediately (New or Initialize) and are not player controlled... since they're dead, you know?
ai - dead ai, blue screen and everything.
facehugger - dead facehuggers, great for xeno ruins so you can have a cool ruin without spiraling the entire round into xenomorph hell. also, this is a terrible terrible artifact of time
Index Table Component - Gets the row of a table using the index inputted. Will return no value if the index is invalid or a proper table is not returned.
light - only has cyborg flashing since felinid moving spikes time dilation when spammed and the other two features of laserpointers would be unbalanced when spammed
no stunning, just a blind
laserpointer image
Bar Overlay Component - Basically an advanced verion of object overlay component that shows a horizontal/vertical bar.
Requires a BCI shell.
Pathfinding component - Calcualtes a path, returns a list of entities. Each entity is the next step in the path. Can be used with the direction component to move.
Proximity Pinpointer Component - Return the location of its input.
SDQL Component - A component that performs an sdql operation
Select Component - Selects a list from a list of lists by a specific column. Used only by USBs for communications to and from computers with lists of varying sizes.
recharger/cyborg - This recharger exists only in borg built-in tablets. I would have tied it to the borg's cell but
the program that displays laws should always be usable, and the exceptions were starting to pile.
internal - Base console's internal RCD. Has a large material capacity and a fast buildspeed.
Compact Remote - A handheld device with several buttons.
In game, this translates to having different signals for normal usage, alt-clicking, and ctrl-clicking when in your hand.
monkeycube/syndicate - internal proc called by a monkeycube's suicide_act using a timer and callback. takes as argument the mob/living who activated the suicide
muffin - MUFFINS
patty/plain - Exists purely for the crafting recipe (because itll take subtypes)
Spider Charge - A unique version of c4 possessed only by the space ninja. Has a stronger blast radius.
Can only be detonated by space ninjas with the bombing objective. Can only be set up where the objective says it can.
When it primes, the space ninja responsible will have their objective set to complete.
smokebomb - This is smoke bomb, mezum koman. It is a grenade subtype. All craftmanship is of the highest quality.
It menaces with spikes of iron. On it is a depiction of an assistant.
The assistant is bleeding. The assistant has a painful expression. The assistant is dead.
ballistic - Subtype for any kind of ballistic gun
This has a shitload of vars on it, and I'm sorry for that, but it does make making new subtypes really easy
exile/noteleport - Used to help the staff of the space hotel resist the urge to use the space hotel's incredibly alluring roundstart teleporter to ignore their flavor/greeting text and come to the station.
implantcase - Item used to store implants. Can be renamed with a pen. Implants are moved between those and implanters when a mob uses an implanter on a case.
sad_trombone - Implant case that spawns with a sad trombone implant, as well as an appropriate name and description
tracking - An implant case that spawns with a tracking implant, as well as an appropriate name and description.
weapons_auth - An implant case that spawns with a firearms authentication implant, as well as an appropriate name and description.
implanter - Players can use this item to put obj/item/implant's in living mobs. Can be renamed with a pen.
sad_trombone - Implanter that spawns with a sad trombone implant, as well as an appropriate name
N-spect scanner - Creates reports for area inspection bounties.
clamp - Hydraulic Clamp - Lets you pick up and drop crates.
constructor - Constructor - Lets you build quicker and create RCD holograms.
dispenser - Dispenser - Dispenses an item after a time passes.
dna_lock - DNA Lock - Prevents people without the set DNA from activating the suit.
drill - Drill - Lets you dig through rock and basalt.
emp_shield - EMP Shield - Protects the suit from EMPs.
energy_shield - Energy Shield - Gives you a rechargeable energy shield that nullifies attacks.
eradication_lock - Eradication lock - Prevents people who aren't the owner of the suit from existing on the timeline via eradicating the suit with the intruder inside
flamethrower - Flamethrower - Launches fire across the area.
flashlight - Flashlight - Gives the suit a customizable flashlight.
gps - Internal GPS - Extends a GPS you can use.
hat_stabilizer - Hat Stabilizer - Allows displaying a hat over the MOD-helmet, àla plasmamen helmets.
health_analyzer - Health Analyzer - Gives the user a ranged health analyzer and their health status in the panel.
paper - Paper is now using markdown (like in github pull notes) for ALL rendering
so we do loose a bit of functionality but we gain in easy of use of
paper and getting rid of that crashing bug
construction - Construction paper
contractor_guide - Contractors
bigderelict1/manifest - bigderelict1 items
snowdin/foreshadowing - papers
fake_report - Reports printed by fake N-spect scanner
robot_model - Definition of /obj/item/robot_model, which defines behavior for each model.
Deals with the creation and deletion of modules (tools).
Assigns modules and traits to a borg with a specific model selected.
emissive_test - Floor tiles used to test emissive turfs.
light - If we can't create a window out of this type, return FALSE to not affect attack chain.
Dense turf (most likely closed). Why check types of if you can check .density
Something we were mounting the window on was deleted, or unanchored
tcgcard_deck - A stack item that's not actually a stack because ORDER MATTERS with a deck of cards!
The "top" card of the deck will always be the bottom card in the stack for our purposes.
udder item - Abstract item that is held in nullspace and manages reagents. Created by udder component.
While perhaps reagents created by udder component COULD be managed in the mob, it would be somewhat finnicky and I actually like the abstract udders.
slug - Slug "udders". I'm so sorry it has to be this way
wirebrush - The wirebrush is a tool whose sole purpose is to remove rust from anything that is rusty.
Because of the inherent nature of hard countering rust heretics it does it very slowly.
chem_master - Machine that allows to identify and separate reagents in fitting container
as well as to create new containers with separated reagents in it.
condimaster - Machine that allows to identify and separate reagents in fitting container
as well as to create new containers with separated reagents in it.
mystery_box_item - This represents the item that comes out of the box and is constantly changing before the box finishes deciding. Can probably be just an /atom or /movable.
turf - Any floor or wall. What makes up the station and the rest of the map.
If present, a turf above that is copying this turf. Implies a Z-connection and that the turf above is a z-mimic enabled turf.
If present, the turf below that we are copying. Implies a Z-connection and that this is a z-mimic enabled turf.
If we're a non-overwrite z-turf, this holds the appearance of the bottom-most Z-turf in the z-stack.
Object used to multiply color of all OO overlays at once.
If this is a delegate (non-overwrite) Z-turf with a z-turf above, this is the delegate copy that's copying us.
If we're at the bottom of the stack, a proxy used to fake a below space turf.
Cached computed depth, used in analyzer.
emissive_test - An emissive turf used to test emissive turfs.
engine/hull/ceiling - RCD-immune plating generated only by shuttle code for shuttle ceilings on multi-z maps, should not be mapped in or creatable in any other way
misc - Used as a parent type for types that want to allow construction, but do not want to be floors
I wish I could use components for turfs at scale
Please do not bloat this. Love you <3