Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Action system

A simple base for an modular behavior attached to atom or datum.


background_iconThis is the file for the BACKGROUND underlay icon of the button
background_icon_stateThis is the icon state state for the BACKGROUND underlay icon of the button (If set to ACTION_BUTTON_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND, uses the hud's default background)
button_iconThis is the file for the icon that appears on the button
button_icon_stateThis is the icon state for the icon that appears on the button
buttontooltipstyleThe style the button's tooltips appear to be
check_flagsFlags that will determine of the owner / user of the action can... use the action
default_button_positionWhere any buttons we create should be by default. Accepts screen_loc and location defines
descThe description of what the action does, shown in button tooltips
nameThe name of the action
overlay_iconThis is the file for any FOREGROUND overlay icons on the button (such as borders)
overlay_icon_stateThis is the icon state for any FOREGROUND overlay icons on the button (such as borders)
ownerThis is who currently owns the action, and most often, this is who is using the action if it is triggered This can be the same as "target" but is not ALWAYS the same - this is set and unset with Grant() and Remove()
owner_has_controlIf False, the owner of this action does not get a hud and cannot activate it on their own
show_to_observersIf TRUE, this action button will be shown to observers / other mobs who view from this action's owner's eyes. Used in /mob/proc/show_other_mob_action_buttons
targetThe target the action is attached to. If the target datum is deleted, the action is as well. Set in New() via the proc link_to(). PLEASE set a target if you're making an action
transparent_when_unavailableWhether the button becomes transparent when it can't be used, or just reddened
viewersList of all mobs that are viewing our action button -> A unique movable for them to view.


GiveActionGives our action to the passed viewer. Puts our action in their actions list and shows them the button.
GrantGrants the action to the passed mob, making it the owner
HideFromRemoves our action from the passed viewer.
IsAvailableWhether our action is currently available to use or not
RemoveRemove the passed mob from being owner of our action
ShowToAdds our action button to the screen of the passed viewer.
TriggerActually triggers the effects of the action. Called when the on-screen button is clicked, for example.
apply_button_backgroundCreates the background underlay for the button
apply_button_iconApplies our button icon and icon state to the button
apply_button_overlayApplies any overlays to our button
build_all_button_iconsBuilds / updates all buttons we have shared or given out
build_button_iconBuilds the icon of the button.
clear_refSignal proc that clears any references based on the owner or target deleting If the owner's deleted, we will simply remove from them, but if the target's deleted, we will self-delete
create_buttonCreates an action button movable for the passed mob, and returns it.
is_action_activeChecks if our action is actively selected. Used for selecting icons primarily.
link_toLinks the passed target to our action, registering any relevant signals
on_target_icon_updateUpdates our buttons if our target's icon was updated
on_target_mind_swappedSignal proc for COMSIG_MIND_TRANSFERRED - for minds, transfers our action to our new mob on mind transfer
update_button_nameUpdates the name and description of the button to match our action name and discription.
update_button_statusAny other miscellaneous "status" updates within the action button is handled here, such as redding out when unavailable or modifying maptext.
update_status_on_signalA general use signal proc that reacts to an event and updates JUST our button's status

Var Details


This is the file for the BACKGROUND underlay icon of the button


This is the icon state state for the BACKGROUND underlay icon of the button (If set to ACTION_BUTTON_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND, uses the hud's default background)


This is the file for the icon that appears on the button


This is the icon state for the icon that appears on the button


The style the button's tooltips appear to be


Flags that will determine of the owner / user of the action can... use the action


Where any buttons we create should be by default. Accepts screen_loc and location defines


The description of what the action does, shown in button tooltips


The name of the action


This is the file for any FOREGROUND overlay icons on the button (such as borders)


This is the icon state for any FOREGROUND overlay icons on the button (such as borders)


This is who currently owns the action, and most often, this is who is using the action if it is triggered This can be the same as "target" but is not ALWAYS the same - this is set and unset with Grant() and Remove()


If False, the owner of this action does not get a hud and cannot activate it on their own


If TRUE, this action button will be shown to observers / other mobs who view from this action's owner's eyes. Used in /mob/proc/show_other_mob_action_buttons


The target the action is attached to. If the target datum is deleted, the action is as well. Set in New() via the proc link_to(). PLEASE set a target if you're making an action


Whether the button becomes transparent when it can't be used, or just reddened


List of all mobs that are viewing our action button -> A unique movable for them to view.

Proc Details


Gives our action to the passed viewer. Puts our action in their actions list and shows them the button.


Grants the action to the passed mob, making it the owner


Removes our action from the passed viewer.


Whether our action is currently available to use or not


Remove the passed mob from being owner of our action


Adds our action button to the screen of the passed viewer.


Actually triggers the effects of the action. Called when the on-screen button is clicked, for example.


Creates the background underlay for the button

current_button - what button are we editing? force - whether an update is forced regardless of existing status


Applies our button icon and icon state to the button

current_button - what button are we editing? force - whether an update is forced regardless of existing status


Applies any overlays to our button

current_button - what button are we editing? force - whether an update is forced regardless of existing status


Builds / updates all buttons we have shared or given out


Builds the icon of the button.


button - which button we are modifying the icon of force - whether we're forcing a full update


Signal proc that clears any references based on the owner or target deleting If the owner's deleted, we will simply remove from them, but if the target's deleted, we will self-delete


Creates an action button movable for the passed mob, and returns it.


Checks if our action is actively selected. Used for selecting icons primarily.

Links the passed target to our action, registering any relevant signals


Updates our buttons if our target's icon was updated


Signal proc for COMSIG_MIND_TRANSFERRED - for minds, transfers our action to our new mob on mind transfer


Updates the name and description of the button to match our action name and discription.

current_button - what button are we editing? force - whether an update is forced regardless of existing status


Any other miscellaneous "status" updates within the action button is handled here, such as redding out when unavailable or modifying maptext.

current_button - what button are we editing? force - whether an update is forced regardless of existing status


A general use signal proc that reacts to an event and updates JUST our button's status