Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

vending machines

Captalism in the year 2525, everything in a vending machine, even love


Radioused for narcing on underages
activeIs the machine active (No sales pitches if off)!
age_restrictionsWhether our age check is currently functional
billBills we accept?
canload_access_listID's that can load this vending machine wtih refills
coinCoins that we accept?
contrabandList of products this machine sells when you hack it
default_priceDefault price of items if not overridden
discount_accessAccess that gets the non-premium content for free
extended_inventorycan we access the hidden inventory?
extra_priceDefault price ADDED to the default price of premium items if they don't have one set.
icon_denyIcon to flash when user is denied a vend
icon_vendIcon when vending an item to the user
input_display_headerDisplay header on the input view
last_replyLast world tick we sent a vent reply
last_shopperThe ref of the last mob to shop with us
last_sloganLast world tick we sent a slogan message out
light_maskName of lighting mask for the vending machine
loaded_itemshow many items have been inserted in a vendor
onstationIs this item on station or not
onstation_overrideA variable to change on a per instance basis on the map that allows the instance to force cost and ID requirements
panel_typeIcon for the maintenance panel overlay
premiumList of premium products this machine sells
product_adsString of small ad messages in the vending screen - random chance
product_slogansString of slogans separated by semicolons, optional
productsList of products this machine sells
purchase_message_cooldownNext world time to send a purchase message
scan_idAre we checking the users ID
seconds_electrifiedWorld ticks the machine is electified for
shoot_inventoryWhen this is TRUE, we fire items at customers! We're broken!
shoot_inventory_chanceHow likely this is to happen (prob 100) per second
slogan_delayHow many ticks until we can send another
small_adsSmall ad messages in the vending screen - random chance of popping up whenever you open it
vend_readyAre we ready to vend?? Is it time??
vend_replyMessage sent post vend (Thank you for shopping!)


InitializeInitialize the vending machine
build_inventoryBuild the inventory of the vending machine from it's product and record lists
canLoadItemAre we able to load the item passed in
compartmentLoadAccessCheckIs the passed in user allowed to load this vending machines compartments
pre_throwA callback called before an item is tossed out
refill_inventoryRefill our inventory from the passed in product list into the record list
reset_pricesPrices of vending machines are all increased uniformly. Reassign the prices of the vending machine using the multiplier argument
restockRefill a vending machine from a refill canister
shockShock the passed in user
speakSpeak the given message verbally
throw_impactCrush the mob that the vending machine got thrown at
throw_itemThrow an item from our internal inventory out in front of us
tiltTilts ontop of the atom supplied, if crit is true some extra shit can happen. Returns TRUE if it dealt damage to something.
unbuild_inventoryGiven a record list, go through and and return a list of type -> amount
update_canisterSet up a refill canister that matches this machines products

Var Details


used for narcing on underages


Is the machine active (No sales pitches if off)!


Whether our age check is currently functional


Bills we accept?


ID's that can load this vending machine wtih refills


Coins that we accept?


List of products this machine sells when you hack it

form should be list(/type/path = amount, /type/path2 = amount2)


Default price of items if not overridden


Access that gets the non-premium content for free


can we access the hidden inventory?


Default price ADDED to the default price of premium items if they don't have one set.


Icon to flash when user is denied a vend


Icon when vending an item to the user


Display header on the input view


Last world tick we sent a vent reply


The ref of the last mob to shop with us


Last world tick we sent a slogan message out


Name of lighting mask for the vending machine


how many items have been inserted in a vendor


Is this item on station or not

if it doesn't originate from off-station during mapload, everything is free


A variable to change on a per instance basis on the map that allows the instance to force cost and ID requirements


Icon for the maintenance panel overlay


List of premium products this machine sells

form should be list(/type/path, /type/path2) as there is only ever one in stock


String of small ad messages in the vending screen - random chance


String of slogans separated by semicolons, optional


List of products this machine sells

form should be list(/type/path = amount, /type/path2 = amount2)


Next world time to send a purchase message


Are we checking the users ID


World ticks the machine is electified for


When this is TRUE, we fire items at customers! We're broken!


How likely this is to happen (prob 100) per second


How many ticks until we can send another


Small ad messages in the vending screen - random chance of popping up whenever you open it


Are we ready to vend?? Is it time??


Message sent post vend (Thank you for shopping!)

Proc Details


Initialize the vending machine

Builds the vending machine inventory, sets up slogans and other such misc work

This also sets the onstation var to:


Build the inventory of the vending machine from it's product and record lists

This builds up a full set of /datum/data/vending_products from the product list of the vending machine type Arguments:


Are we able to load the item passed in



Is the passed in user allowed to load this vending machines compartments



A callback called before an item is tossed out

Override this if you need to do any special case handling



Refill our inventory from the passed in product list into the record list



Prices of vending machines are all increased uniformly. Reassign the prices of the vending machine using the multiplier argument

This rebuilds both /datum/data/vending_products lists for premium and standard products based on their most relevant pricing values. Arguments:


Refill a vending machine from a refill canister

This takes the products from the refill canister and then fills the products,contraband and premium product categories



Shock the passed in user

This checks we have power and that the passed in prob is passed, then generates some sparks and calls electrocute_mob on the user



Speak the given message verbally

Checks if the machine is powered and the message exists



Crush the mob that the vending machine got thrown at


Throw an item from our internal inventory out in front of us

This is called when we are hacked, it selects a random product from the records that has an amount > 0 This item is then created and tossed out in front of us with a visible message


Tilts ontop of the atom supplied, if crit is true some extra shit can happen. Returns TRUE if it dealt damage to something.


Given a record list, go through and and return a list of type -> amount


Set up a refill canister that matches this machines products

This is used when the machine is deconstructed, so the items aren't "lost"