Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesDefine Details


VOLUME_PUMP_LEAK_AMOUNTHow many percent of the contents that an overclocked volume pumps leak into the air
TANK_STANDARD_VOLUMEThe volume of the standard handheld gas tanks on the station.
TANK_MIN_RELEASE_PRESSUREThe minimum pressure an gas tanks release valve can be set to.
TANK_MAX_RELEASE_PRESSUREThe maximum pressure an gas tanks release valve can be set to.
TANK_DEFAULT_RELEASE_PRESSUREThe default initial value gas tanks release valves are set to. (At least the ones containing pure plasma/oxygen.)
TANK_PLASMAMAN_RELEASE_PRESSUREThe default initial value gas plasmamen tanks releases valves are set to.
TANK_MELT_TEMPERATUREThe internal temperature in kelvins at which a handheld gas tank begins to take damage.
TANK_MERGE_OVERPRESSUREThe internal pressure in kPa at which a handheld gas tank begins to take damage. The internal pressure in kPa at which a handheld gas tank almost immediately ruptures. The internal pressure in kPa at which an gas tank that breaks will cause an explosion. Range scaling constant for tank explosions. Calibrated so that a TTV assembled using two 70L tanks will hit the maxcap at at least 160atm. Denotes that our tank is overpressurized simply from gas merging.
TANK_RESULTS_REACTIONReactions that have happened in the tank.
TANK_RESULTS_MISCAdditional information of the tank.
PIPING_ALL_LAYERintended to connect with all layers, check for all instead of just one.
PIPING_ONE_PER_TURFcan only be built if nothing else with this flag is on the tile already.
PIPING_CARDINAL_AUTONORMALIZEnorth/south east/west doesn't matter, auto normalize on build.
PIPING_ALL_COLORSintended to connect with everything, both layers and colors
PIPING_BRIDGEcan bridge over pipenets
VENTCRAWL_ALLOWEDAllows for ventcrawling to occur. All atmospheric machines have this flag on by default. Cryo is the exception
VENTCRAWL_ENTRANCE_ALLOWEDAllows mobs to enter or leave from atmospheric machines. On for passive, unary, and scrubber vents.
VENTCRAWL_CAN_SEEUsed to check if a machinery is visible. Called by update_pipe_vision(). On by default for all except cryo.

Define Details


intended to connect with everything, both layers and colors


intended to connect with all layers, check for all instead of just one.


can bridge over pipenets


north/south east/west doesn't matter, auto normalize on build.


can only exist at PIPING_LAYER_DEFAULT


can only be built if nothing else with this flag is on the tile already.


The default initial value gas tanks release valves are set to. (At least the ones containing pure plasma/oxygen.)


The maximum pressure an gas tanks release valve can be set to.


The internal temperature in kelvins at which a handheld gas tank begins to take damage.


The internal pressure in kPa at which a handheld gas tank begins to take damage. The internal pressure in kPa at which a handheld gas tank almost immediately ruptures. The internal pressure in kPa at which an gas tank that breaks will cause an explosion. Range scaling constant for tank explosions. Calibrated so that a TTV assembled using two 70L tanks will hit the maxcap at at least 160atm. Denotes that our tank is overpressurized simply from gas merging.


The minimum pressure an gas tanks release valve can be set to.


The default initial value gas plasmamen tanks releases valves are set to.


Additional information of the tank.


Reactions that have happened in the tank.


The volume of the standard handheld gas tanks on the station.


Allows for ventcrawling to occur. All atmospheric machines have this flag on by default. Cryo is the exception


Used to check if a machinery is visible. Called by update_pipe_vision(). On by default for all except cryo.


Allows mobs to enter or leave from atmospheric machines. On for passive, unary, and scrubber vents.


How many percent of the contents that an overclocked volume pumps leak into the air