Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Causes weather to occur on a z level in certain area types

The effects of weather occur across an entire z-level. Weather always occurs on different z levels at different times, regardless of weather type. Can have custom durations, targets, and can automatically protect indoor areas.


aestheticIf the weather has no purpose other than looks
area_typeTypes of area to affect
barometer_predictableWhether a barometer can predict when the weather will happen
descdescription of weather
end_durationIn deciseconds, how long the "wind-down" graphic will appear before vanishing entirely
end_messageDisplayed once the weather is over
end_overlayArea overlay while weather is ending
end_soundSound that plays while weather is ending
immunity_typeUsed by mobs (or movables containing mobs, such as enviro bags) to prevent them from being affected by the weather.
impacted_areasAreas to be affected by the weather, calculated when the weather begins
impacted_z_levelsThe list of z-levels that this weather is actively affecting
namename of weather
next_hit_timeFor barometers to know when the next storm will hit
overlay_cacheList of all overlays to apply to our turfs
overlay_layerSince it's above everything else, this is the layer used by default. TURF_LAYER is below mobs and walls if you need to use that.
overlay_planePlane for the overlay
perpetualThis causes the weather to only end if forced to
probabilityWeight amongst other eligible weather. If zero, will never happen randomly.
protect_indoorsTRUE value protects areas with outdoors marked as false, regardless of area type
protected_areasAreas that are protected and excluded from the affected areas.
stageThe stage of the weather, from 1-4
target_traitThe z-level trait to affect when run randomly or when not overridden.
telegraph_durationIn deciseconds, how long from the beginning of the telegraph until the weather begins
telegraph_messageThe message displayed in chat to foreshadow the weather's beginning
telegraph_overlayThe overlay applied to all tiles on the z-level
telegraph_soundThe sound file played to everyone on an affected z-level
use_glowIf this bit of weather should also draw an overlay that's uneffected by lighting onto the area Taken from weather_glow.dmi
weather_colorColor to apply to the area while weather is occuring
weather_durationIn deciseconds, how long the weather lasts once it begins
weather_duration_lowerSee above - this is the lowest possible duration
weather_duration_upperSee above - this is the highest possible duration
weather_messageDisplayed in chat once the weather begins in earnest
weather_overlayArea overlay while the weather is occuring
weather_soundLooping sound while weather is occuring


can_weather_actReturns TRUE if the living mob can be affected by the weather
endFully ends the weather
generate_overlay_cacheReturns a list of visual offset -> overlays to use
startStarts the actual weather and effects from it
telegraphTelegraphs the beginning of the weather on the impacted z levels
update_areasUpdates the overlays on impacted areas
weather_actAffects the mob with whatever the weather does
wind_downWeather enters the winding down phase, stops effects

Var Details


If the weather has no purpose other than looks


Types of area to affect


Whether a barometer can predict when the weather will happen


description of weather


In deciseconds, how long the "wind-down" graphic will appear before vanishing entirely


Displayed once the weather is over


Area overlay while weather is ending


Sound that plays while weather is ending


Used by mobs (or movables containing mobs, such as enviro bags) to prevent them from being affected by the weather.


Areas to be affected by the weather, calculated when the weather begins


The list of z-levels that this weather is actively affecting


name of weather


For barometers to know when the next storm will hit


List of all overlays to apply to our turfs


Since it's above everything else, this is the layer used by default. TURF_LAYER is below mobs and walls if you need to use that.


Plane for the overlay


This causes the weather to only end if forced to


Weight amongst other eligible weather. If zero, will never happen randomly.


TRUE value protects areas with outdoors marked as false, regardless of area type


Areas that are protected and excluded from the affected areas.


The stage of the weather, from 1-4


The z-level trait to affect when run randomly or when not overridden.


In deciseconds, how long from the beginning of the telegraph until the weather begins


The message displayed in chat to foreshadow the weather's beginning


The overlay applied to all tiles on the z-level


The sound file played to everyone on an affected z-level


If this bit of weather should also draw an overlay that's uneffected by lighting onto the area Taken from weather_glow.dmi


Color to apply to the area while weather is occuring


In deciseconds, how long the weather lasts once it begins


See above - this is the lowest possible duration


See above - this is the highest possible duration


Displayed in chat once the weather begins in earnest


Area overlay while the weather is occuring


Looping sound while weather is occuring

Proc Details


Returns TRUE if the living mob can be affected by the weather


Fully ends the weather

Effects no longer occur and area overlays are removed Removes weather from processing completely


Returns a list of visual offset -> overlays to use


Starts the actual weather and effects from it

Updates area overlays and sends sounds and messages to mobs to notify them Begins dealing effects from weather to mobs in the area


Telegraphs the beginning of the weather on the impacted z levels

Sends sounds and details to mobs in the area Calculates duration and hit areas, and makes a callback for the actual weather to start


Updates the overlays on impacted areas


Affects the mob with whatever the weather does


Weather enters the winding down phase, stops effects

Updates areas to be in the winding down phase Sends sounds and messages to mobs to notify them