Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Subsystem base class

Defines a subsystem to be managed by the Master Controller

Simply define a child of this subsystem, using the [SUBSYSTEM_DEF] macro, and the MC will handle registration. Changing the name is required


can_fireSet to 0 to prevent fire() calls, mostly for admin use or subsystems that may be resumed later use the SS_NO_FIRE flag instead for systems that never fire to keep it from even being added to list that is checked every tick
costRunning average of the amount of milliseconds it takes the subsystem to complete a run (including all resumes but not the time spent paused)
failure_strikesHow many times we suspect a subsystem type has crashed the MC, 3 strikes and you're out!
flagsSubsystem Flags to control binary behavior. Flags must be set at compile time or before preinit finishes to take full effect. (You can also restart the mc to force them to process again)
hibernate_checksA list of var names present on this subsystem to be checked during CheckQueue. See SS_HIBERNATE for usage.
hibernatingThe subsystem had no work during CheckQueue and was not queued
init_orderOrder of initialization. Higher numbers are initialized first, lower numbers later. Use or create defines such as [INIT_ORDER_DEFAULT] so we can see the order in one file.
init_stageWhich stage does this subsystem init at. Earlier stages can fire while later stages init.
initializedThis var is set to TRUE after the subsystem has been initialized.
last_fireLast world.time the subsystem completed a run (as in wasn't paused by [MC_TICK_CHECK])
nameName of the subsystem - you must change this
next_fireScheduled world.time for next fire()
paused_tick_usageTracks how much of a tick the subsystem has consumed in the current run
paused_ticksTracks how many fires the subsystem has consecutively paused on in the current run
postponed_firesHow many fires have we been requested to postpone
priorityPriority Weight: When mutiple subsystems need to run in the same tick, higher priority subsystems will be given a higher share of the tick before MC_TICK_CHECK triggers a sleep, higher priority subsystems also run before lower priority subsystems
queue_nextNext subsystem in the queue of subsystems to run this tick
queue_prevPrevious subsystem in the queue of subsystems to run this tick
queued_priorityPriority at the time the subsystem entered the queue. Needed to avoid changes in priority (by admins and the like) from breaking things.
queued_timeTime the subsystem entered the queue, (for timing and priority reasons)
runlevelsBitmap of what game states can this subsystem fire at. See [RUNLEVELS_DEFAULT] for more details.
slept_countTracks how many times a subsystem has ever slept in fire().
stateTracks the current execution state of the subsystem. Used to handle subsystems that sleep in fire so the mc doesn't run them again while they are sleeping
suspendedIf the subsystem is suspended, it cannot be queued. Managed version of can_fire
tick_allocation_avgHow much of a tick (in percents of a tick) do we get allocated by the mc on avg.
tick_allocation_lastHow much of a tick (in percents of a tick) were we allocated last fire.
tick_overrunRunning average of the amount of tick usage (in percents of a game tick) the subsystem has spent past its allocated time without pausing
tick_usageRunning average of the amount of tick usage in percents of a tick it takes the subsystem to complete a run
ticksTracks how many fires the subsystem takes to complete a run on average.
times_firedTracks the amount of completed runs for the subsystem
waitTime to wait (in deciseconds) between each call to fire(). Must be a positive integer.


OnConfigLoadCalled after the config has been loaded or reloaded.
enqueueQueue it to run. (we loop thru a linked list until we get to the end or find the right point) (this lets us sort our run order correctly without having to re-sort the entire already sorted list)
firepreviously, this would have been named 'process()' but that name is used everywhere for different things! fire() seems more suitable. This is the procedure that gets called every 'wait' deciseconds. Sleeping in here prevents future fires until returned.
igniteThis is used so the mc knows when the subsystem sleeps. do not override.
postponeCauses the next "cycle" fires to be missed. Effect is accumulative but can reset by calling update_nextfire(reset_time = TRUE)

Var Details


Set to 0 to prevent fire() calls, mostly for admin use or subsystems that may be resumed later use the SS_NO_FIRE flag instead for systems that never fire to keep it from even being added to list that is checked every tick


Running average of the amount of milliseconds it takes the subsystem to complete a run (including all resumes but not the time spent paused)


How many times we suspect a subsystem type has crashed the MC, 3 strikes and you're out!


Subsystem Flags to control binary behavior. Flags must be set at compile time or before preinit finishes to take full effect. (You can also restart the mc to force them to process again)


A list of var names present on this subsystem to be checked during CheckQueue. See SS_HIBERNATE for usage.


The subsystem had no work during CheckQueue and was not queued


Order of initialization. Higher numbers are initialized first, lower numbers later. Use or create defines such as [INIT_ORDER_DEFAULT] so we can see the order in one file.


Which stage does this subsystem init at. Earlier stages can fire while later stages init.


This var is set to TRUE after the subsystem has been initialized.


Last world.time the subsystem completed a run (as in wasn't paused by [MC_TICK_CHECK])


Name of the subsystem - you must change this


Scheduled world.time for next fire()


Tracks how much of a tick the subsystem has consumed in the current run


Tracks how many fires the subsystem has consecutively paused on in the current run


How many fires have we been requested to postpone


Priority Weight: When mutiple subsystems need to run in the same tick, higher priority subsystems will be given a higher share of the tick before MC_TICK_CHECK triggers a sleep, higher priority subsystems also run before lower priority subsystems


Next subsystem in the queue of subsystems to run this tick


Previous subsystem in the queue of subsystems to run this tick


Priority at the time the subsystem entered the queue. Needed to avoid changes in priority (by admins and the like) from breaking things.


Time the subsystem entered the queue, (for timing and priority reasons)


Bitmap of what game states can this subsystem fire at. See [RUNLEVELS_DEFAULT] for more details.


Tracks how many times a subsystem has ever slept in fire().


Tracks the current execution state of the subsystem. Used to handle subsystems that sleep in fire so the mc doesn't run them again while they are sleeping


If the subsystem is suspended, it cannot be queued. Managed version of can_fire


How much of a tick (in percents of a tick) do we get allocated by the mc on avg.


How much of a tick (in percents of a tick) were we allocated last fire.


Running average of the amount of tick usage (in percents of a game tick) the subsystem has spent past its allocated time without pausing


Running average of the amount of tick usage in percents of a tick it takes the subsystem to complete a run


Tracks how many fires the subsystem takes to complete a run on average.


Tracks the amount of completed runs for the subsystem


Time to wait (in deciseconds) between each call to fire(). Must be a positive integer.

Proc Details


Called after the config has been loaded or reloaded.




Queue it to run. (we loop thru a linked list until we get to the end or find the right point) (this lets us sort our run order correctly without having to re-sort the entire already sorted list)


previously, this would have been named 'process()' but that name is used everywhere for different things! fire() seems more suitable. This is the procedure that gets called every 'wait' deciseconds. Sleeping in here prevents future fires until returned.


This is used so the mc knows when the subsystem sleeps. do not override.


Causes the next "cycle" fires to be missed. Effect is accumulative but can reset by calling update_nextfire(reset_time = TRUE)
