/proc/sanitize_name |
returns nothing with an alert instead of the message if it contains something in the ic filter, and sanitizes normally if the name is fine. It returns nothing so it backs out of the input the same way as if you had entered nothing. |
/proc/sanitize |
Runs byond's html encoding sanitization proc, after replacing new-lines and tabs for the # character. |
/proc/strip_html |
Runs STRIP_HTML_SIMPLE and sanitize. |
/proc/adminscrub |
Runs STRIP_HTML_SIMPLE and byond's sanitization proc. |
/proc/htmlrendertext |
Perform a whitespace cleanup on the text, similar to what HTML renderers do |
/proc/reject_bad_text |
Returns the text if properly formatted, or null else. |
/proc/stripped_input |
Used to get a properly sanitized input, of max_length
no_trim is self explanatory but it prevents the input from being trimed if you intend to parse newlines or whitespace. |
/proc/reject_bad_name |
Filters out undesirable characters from names. |
/proc/truncate |
Truncate a string to the given length |
/proc/stringmerge |
This proc replaces all instances of the "replace" character in "text" with the character in the same position within the "compare" string
/proc/int_to_words |
Takes a 1, 2 or 3 digit number and returns it in words. Don't call this directly, use convert_integer_to_words() instead. |
/proc/convert_integer_to_words |
Takes an integer up to 999,999,999 and returns it in words. Works with negative numbers and 0. |
/proc/random_capital_letter |
handles thousands |
/proc/siunit |
Formats a number to human readable form with the appropriate SI unit. |
/proc/siunit_pressure |
/proc/scramble_message_replace_chars |
Slightly expensive proc to scramble a message using equal probabilities of character replacement from a list. DOES NOT SUPPORT HTML! |
/proc/piglatin_sentence |
runs piglatin_word() proc on each word in a sentence. preserves caps and punctuation |
/proc/piglatin_word |
takes "word", and returns it piglatinized. |
/proc/reject_bad_chattext |
The procedure to check the text of the entered text on ntnrc_client.dm |
/proc/format_text |
Properly format a string of text by using replacetext() |
/proc/weight_class_to_text |
Returns a string based on the weight class define used as argument |
/proc/sanitize_css_class_name |
Removes all non-alphanumerics from the text, keep in mind this can lead to id conflicts |
/proc/text_preview |
Provides a preview of [string] up to [len - 3], after which it appends "..." if it pasts the length. |
/proc/remove_all_tags |
Removes all tags in a string of text.
May result in some formatting errors, floating whitespace. Not perfect. |
/proc/scramble_text |
Scramble a string up.
intensity = number of times we recursively call ourselves to scramble. |