Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details


Area Teleport Spell

A subtype of teleport that will teleport the caster to a random turf within a selected (or random) area.


invocation_says_areaIf the invocation appends the selected area when said. Requires invocation mode shout or whisper.
last_chosen_area_nameThe last area we chose to teleport / where we're currently teleporting to, if mid-cast
randomise_selectionIf FALSE, the caster can select the destination area. If TRUE, they will teleport to somewhere randomly instead.

Var Details


If the invocation appends the selected area when said. Requires invocation mode shout or whisper.


The last area we chose to teleport / where we're currently teleporting to, if mid-cast


If FALSE, the caster can select the destination area. If TRUE, they will teleport to somewhere randomly instead.