Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



ai_movementReference to the movement datum we use. Is a type on initialize but becomes a ref afterwards.
ai_statusCurrent status of AI (OFF/ON)
ai_traitsBitfield of traits for this AI to handle extra behavior
behavior_argsStored arguments for behaviors given during their initial creation
behavior_cooldownsCurrent actions and their respective last time ran as an assoc list.
blackboardThis is a list of variables the AI uses and can be mutated by actions. When an action is performed you pass this list and any relevant keys for the variables it can mutate.
consecutive_pathing_attemptsTracks recent pathing attempts, if we fail too many in a row we fail our current plans.
continue_processing_when_clientCan the AI remain in control if there is a client?
current_behaviorsCurrent actions being performed by the AI.
current_movement_targetCurrent movement target of the AI, generally set by decision making.
failed_planning_cooldownCooldown for new plans, to prevent AI from going nuts if it can't think of new plans and looping on end
idle_behaviorThe idle behavior this AI performs when it has no actions.
max_target_distancedistance to give up on target
movement_cooldownCooldown until next movement
movement_delayDelay between movements. This is on the controller so we can keep the movement datum singleton
paused_untilAI paused time
pawnThe atom this controller is controlling
planning_subtreesAll subtrees this AI has available, will run them in order, so make sure they're in the order you want them to run. On initialization of this type, it will start as a typepath(s) and get converted to references of ai_subtrees found in SSai_controllers when init_subtrees() is called


PossessPawnProc to move from one pawn to another, this will destroy the target's existing controller.
SelectBehaviorsAre we close enough to engage? This is where you decide what actions are taken by the AI.
TryPossessPawnAbstract proc for initializing the pawn to the new controller
UnpossessPawnProc for deinitializing the pawn to the old controller
able_to_runReturns TRUE if the ai controller can actually run at the moment.
change_ai_movement_typeOverrides the current ai_movement of this controller with a new one
get_accessUse this proc to define how your controller defines what access the pawn has for the sake of pathfinding, likely pointing to whatever ID slot is relevant
get_minimum_distanceReturns the minimum required distance to preform one of our current behaviors. Honestly this should just be cached or something but fuck you
init_subtreesLoops over the subtrees in planning_subtrees and looks at the ai_controllers to grab a reference, ENSURE planning_subtrees ARE TYPEPATHS AND NOT INSTANCES/REFERENCES BEFORE EXECUTING THIS
processRuns any actions that are currently running
queue_behaviorCall this to add a behavior to the stack.
replace_planning_subtreesCompletely replaces the planning_subtrees with a new set based on argument provided, list provided must contain specifically typepaths
set_ai_statusThis proc handles changing ai status, and starts/stops processing if required.

Var Details


Reference to the movement datum we use. Is a type on initialize but becomes a ref afterwards.


Current status of AI (OFF/ON)


Bitfield of traits for this AI to handle extra behavior


Stored arguments for behaviors given during their initial creation


Current actions and their respective last time ran as an assoc list.


This is a list of variables the AI uses and can be mutated by actions. When an action is performed you pass this list and any relevant keys for the variables it can mutate.


Tracks recent pathing attempts, if we fail too many in a row we fail our current plans.


Can the AI remain in control if there is a client?


Current actions being performed by the AI.


Current movement target of the AI, generally set by decision making.


Cooldown for new plans, to prevent AI from going nuts if it can't think of new plans and looping on end


The idle behavior this AI performs when it has no actions.


distance to give up on target


Cooldown until next movement


Delay between movements. This is on the controller so we can keep the movement datum singleton


AI paused time


The atom this controller is controlling


All subtrees this AI has available, will run them in order, so make sure they're in the order you want them to run. On initialization of this type, it will start as a typepath(s) and get converted to references of ai_subtrees found in SSai_controllers when init_subtrees() is called

Proc Details


Proc to move from one pawn to another, this will destroy the target's existing controller.


Are we close enough to engage? This is where you decide what actions are taken by the AI.


Abstract proc for initializing the pawn to the new controller


Proc for deinitializing the pawn to the old controller


Returns TRUE if the ai controller can actually run at the moment.


Overrides the current ai_movement of this controller with a new one


Use this proc to define how your controller defines what access the pawn has for the sake of pathfinding, likely pointing to whatever ID slot is relevant


Returns the minimum required distance to preform one of our current behaviors. Honestly this should just be cached or something but fuck you


Loops over the subtrees in planning_subtrees and looks at the ai_controllers to grab a reference, ENSURE planning_subtrees ARE TYPEPATHS AND NOT INSTANCES/REFERENCES BEFORE EXECUTING THIS


Runs any actions that are currently running


Call this to add a behavior to the stack.


Completely replaces the planning_subtrees with a new set based on argument provided, list provided must contain specifically typepaths


This proc handles changing ai status, and starts/stops processing if required.