Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



antag_hud_nameName of the antag hud we provide to this mob.
antag_memoryString dialogue that is added to the player's in-round notes and memories regarding specifics of that antagonist, eg. the nuke code for nuke ops, or your unlock code for traitors.
antag_moodlettypepath of moodlet that the mob will gain when granted this antagonist type.
antagpanel_categoryAntagpanel will display these together, REQUIRED
assign_jobA job path to give if the player is this antagonist at roundstart.
can_coexist_with_othersWhether or not the person will be able to have more than one datum
can_elimination_hijackIf these antags are alone when a shuttle elimination happens.
hijack_speedIf above 0, this is the multiplier for the speed at which we hijack the shuttle. Do not directly read, use hijack_speed().
hud_iconThe antag hud's icon file
info_button_refweakref to button to access antag interface
job_rankThe define string we use to identify the role for bans/player polls to spawn a random new one in.
namePublic name for this antagonist. Appears for player prompts and round-end reports.
objectivesList of the objective datums that this role currently has, completing all objectives at round-end will cause this antagonist to greentext.
ownerMind that owns this datum
prevent_roundtype_conversionIf false, the roundtype will still convert with this antag active
preview_outfitThe typepath for the outfit to show in the preview for the preferences menu.
replace_bannedShould replace jobbanned player with ghosts if granted.
roundend_categorySection of roundend report, datums with same category will be displayed together, also default header for the section
show_in_antagpanelThis will hide adding this antag type in antag panel, use only for internal subtypes that shouldn't be added directly but still show if possessed by mind
show_in_roundendSet to false to hide the antagonists from roundend report
show_name_in_check_antagonistsWill append antagonist name in admin listings - use for categories that share more than one antag type
show_to_ghostsShould this antagonist be shown as antag to ghosts? Shouldn't be used for stealthy antagonists like traitors
silentSilent will prevent the gain/lose texts to show
soft_antagIf set to true, the antag will not be added to the living antag list.
suicide_cryThe battlecry this antagonist shouts when suiciding with C4/X4.
team_hud_refA weakref to the HUD shown to teammates, created by add_team_hud
typecache_datum_blacklistList of datums this type can't coexist with
ui_namename of the UI that will try to open, right now using a generic ui


add_team_hudAdds a HUD that will show you other members with the same antagonist. If an antag typepath is passed to antag_to_check, will check that, otherwise will use the source type.
admin_addCalled when using admin tools to give antag status
admin_removeCalled when removing antagonist using admin tools
antag_panel_dataAdditional data to display in the antagonist panel section. For example, nuke disk code, genome count, etc
build_greetingBuilds a list of strings to print out in greet().
farewellProc that sends fluff or instructional messages to the player when they lose this antag datum. Use this proc for playing sounds, sending alerts, or otherwise informing the player that they're no longer a specific antagonist type.
finish_preview_iconGiven an icon, will crop it to be consistent of those in the preferences menu. Not necessary, and in fact will look bad if it's anything other than a human.
get_admin_commandsList of ["Command"] = CALLBACK(), user will be appeneded to callback arguments on execution
get_objectivesgeneric helper to send objectives as data through tgui.
get_preview_iconReturns the icon to show on the preferences menu.
get_teamProc that will return the team this antagonist belongs to, when called. Helpful with antagonists that may belong to multiple potential teams in a single round, like families.
greetProc that sends fluff or instructional messages to the player when they are given this antag datum. Use this proc for playing sounds, sending alerts, or helping to setup non-gameplay influencing aspects of the antagonist type.
handle_clown_mutationHandles adding and removing the clumsy mutation from clown antags. Gets called in apply/remove_innate_effects
hijack_speedGets how fast we can hijack the shuttle, return 0 for can not hijack. Defaults to hijack_speed var, override for custom stuff like buffing hijack speed for hijack objectives or something.
is_bannedProc that checks the sent mob aganst the banlistfor this antagonist. Returns FALSE if no mob is sent, or the mob is not found to be banned.
on_body_transferCalled by the transfer_to() mind proc after the mind (mind.current and new_character.mind) has moved but before the player (key and client) is transfered.
on_gainCalled by the add_antag_datum() mind proc after the instanced datum is added to the mind's antag_datums list.
on_mindshieldThis is called when the antagonist is successfully mindshielded.
on_removalCalled by the remove_antag_datum() and remove_all_antag_datums() mind procs for the antag datum to handle its own removal and deletion.
pre_mindshieldThis is called when the antagonist is being mindshielded.
render_preview_outfitCreates an icon from the preview outfit. Custom implementors of get_preview_icon should use this, as the result of get_preview_icon is expected to be the completed version.
replace_banned_playerProc that replaces a player who cannot play a specific antagonist due to being banned via a poll, and alerts the player of their being on the banlist.
roundend_reportProc that sends string information for the end-round report window to the server. This runs on every instance of every antagonist that exists at the end of the round. This is the body of the message, sandwiched between roundend_report_header and roundend_report_footer.
roundend_report_footerProc that sends string data for the round-end report. Displayed after roundend_report and roundend_report_footer. Appears at the end of the roundend_catagory section.
roundend_report_headerProc that sends string data for the round-end report. Displayed before roundend_report and roundend_report_footer. Appears at start of roundend_catagory section.

Var Details


Name of the antag hud we provide to this mob.


String dialogue that is added to the player's in-round notes and memories regarding specifics of that antagonist, eg. the nuke code for nuke ops, or your unlock code for traitors.


typepath of moodlet that the mob will gain when granted this antagonist type.


Antagpanel will display these together, REQUIRED


A job path to give if the player is this antagonist at roundstart.


Whether or not the person will be able to have more than one datum


If these antags are alone when a shuttle elimination happens.


If above 0, this is the multiplier for the speed at which we hijack the shuttle. Do not directly read, use hijack_speed().


The antag hud's icon file


weakref to button to access antag interface


The define string we use to identify the role for bans/player polls to spawn a random new one in.


Public name for this antagonist. Appears for player prompts and round-end reports.


List of the objective datums that this role currently has, completing all objectives at round-end will cause this antagonist to greentext.


Mind that owns this datum


If false, the roundtype will still convert with this antag active


The typepath for the outfit to show in the preview for the preferences menu.


Should replace jobbanned player with ghosts if granted.


Section of roundend report, datums with same category will be displayed together, also default header for the section


This will hide adding this antag type in antag panel, use only for internal subtypes that shouldn't be added directly but still show if possessed by mind


Set to false to hide the antagonists from roundend report


Will append antagonist name in admin listings - use for categories that share more than one antag type


Should this antagonist be shown as antag to ghosts? Shouldn't be used for stealthy antagonists like traitors


Silent will prevent the gain/lose texts to show


If set to true, the antag will not be added to the living antag list.


The battlecry this antagonist shouts when suiciding with C4/X4.


A weakref to the HUD shown to teammates, created by add_team_hud


List of datums this type can't coexist with


name of the UI that will try to open, right now using a generic ui

Proc Details


Adds a HUD that will show you other members with the same antagonist. If an antag typepath is passed to antag_to_check, will check that, otherwise will use the source type.


Called when using admin tools to give antag status


Called when removing antagonist using admin tools


Additional data to display in the antagonist panel section. For example, nuke disk code, genome count, etc


Builds a list of strings to print out in greet().


Proc that sends fluff or instructional messages to the player when they lose this antag datum. Use this proc for playing sounds, sending alerts, or otherwise informing the player that they're no longer a specific antagonist type.


Given an icon, will crop it to be consistent of those in the preferences menu. Not necessary, and in fact will look bad if it's anything other than a human.


List of ["Command"] = CALLBACK(), user will be appeneded to callback arguments on execution


generic helper to send objectives as data through tgui.


Returns the icon to show on the preferences menu.


Proc that will return the team this antagonist belongs to, when called. Helpful with antagonists that may belong to multiple potential teams in a single round, like families.


Proc that sends fluff or instructional messages to the player when they are given this antag datum. Use this proc for playing sounds, sending alerts, or helping to setup non-gameplay influencing aspects of the antagonist type.


Handles adding and removing the clumsy mutation from clown antags. Gets called in apply/remove_innate_effects


Gets how fast we can hijack the shuttle, return 0 for can not hijack. Defaults to hijack_speed var, override for custom stuff like buffing hijack speed for hijack objectives or something.


Proc that checks the sent mob aganst the banlistfor this antagonist. Returns FALSE if no mob is sent, or the mob is not found to be banned.


Called by the transfer_to() mind proc after the mind (mind.current and new_character.mind) has moved but before the player (key and client) is transfered.


Called by the add_antag_datum() mind proc after the instanced datum is added to the mind's antag_datums list.


This is called when the antagonist is successfully mindshielded.


Called by the remove_antag_datum() and remove_all_antag_datums() mind procs for the antag datum to handle its own removal and deletion.


This is called when the antagonist is being mindshielded.


Creates an icon from the preview outfit. Custom implementors of get_preview_icon should use this, as the result of get_preview_icon is expected to be the completed version.


Proc that replaces a player who cannot play a specific antagonist due to being banned via a poll, and alerts the player of their being on the banlist.


Proc that sends string information for the end-round report window to the server. This runs on every instance of every antagonist that exists at the end of the round. This is the body of the message, sandwiched between roundend_report_header and roundend_report_footer.

Proc that sends string data for the round-end report. Displayed after roundend_report and roundend_report_footer. Appears at the end of the roundend_catagory section.


Proc that sends string data for the round-end report. Displayed before roundend_report and roundend_report_footer. Appears at start of roundend_catagory section.
