Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Any humanoid (non-Xeno) mob, such as humans, plasmamen, lizards.


afk_theftsWhen an braindead player has their equipment fiddled with, we log that info here for when they come back so they know who took their ID while they were DC'd for 30 seconds
appearance_modsA lazylist of preference-applied appearance mods present on this human. Type:Instance
blood_in_handsHow many "units of blood" we have on our hands
can_ride_typecacheWhat types of mobs are allowed to ride/buckle to this mob
coretemperatureThe core temperature of the human compaired to the skin temp of the body
eye_color_heterochromaticVar used to keep track of a human mob having a heterochromatic right eye. To ensure prefs don't overwrite shit
grad_colorColours used for hair and facial hair gradients.
grad_styleStyles used for hair and facial hair gradients.
hal_screwydollhuman specific screwyhuds from hallucinations (define key (bodypart) to int value (severity)) - see /datum/hallucination/fake_health_doll
physiqueWhich body type to use


add_blood_DNA_to_itemsAdds blood DNA to certain slots the mob is wearing
add_fingerprint_on_clothing_or_selfTakes a user and body_zone, if the body_zone is covered by clothing, add a fingerprint to it. Otherwise, add one to us.
add_trace_DNA_on_clothing_or_selfTakes a user and body_zone, if the body_zone is covered by clothing, add trace dna to it. Otherwise, add one to us.
adjust_coretemperatureAdjust the core temperature of a mob
apply_damagedepending on the species, it will run the corresponding apply_damage code there
breatheIf we're in a space with 0.5 content pressure protection, it averages the values, for example.
burn_clothingUsed by fire code to damage worn items.
check_reflectReflection checks for anything in your l_hand, r_hand, or wear_suit based on the reflection chance of the object
clean_faceCalled on the COMSIG_COMPONENT_CLEAN_FACE_ACT signal
clean_lipsA wrapper for mob/living/carbon/human/proc/update_lips that tells us if there were lip styles to change
clothingonpartGet all the clothing on a specific body part
copy_clothing_prefscopies over clothing preferences like underwear to another human
do_cprPerforms CPR on the target after a delay.
electrocute_actCalculates the siemens coeff based on clothing and species, can also restart hearts.
expose_plasmaHandles all the bad things phoron can do.
forensic_analysis_rollOn examine, players have a chance to find forensic evidence. This can only happen once per object.
get_all_worn_itemsReturns a list of every item slot contents on the user.
get_body_temp_normalget_body_temperature Returns the body temperature with any modifications applied
get_equipped_itemsUsed to return a list of equipped items on a human mob; does not include held items (use get_all_gear)
handle_environmentEnvironment handlers for species
has_hairDoes this mob have hair? Pass bald_is_false = TRUE to have "Bald" count as FALSE
is_wearing_item_of_typeBruteforce check for any type or subtype of an item.
needs_organAccepts an organ slot, returns whether or not the mob needs one to survive (or just should have one for non-vital organs).
randomize_human_appearanceFully randomizes everything according to the given flags.
return_cuff_slotsReturns the cuff slot contents as a list
return_extra_wearablesReturns a list of items in slots like the ID slot, belt, backpack
return_pocket_slotsReturns a list of items in the "*_store" slots
return_worn_clothingReturns a list of worn "clothing" items.
sec_hud_set_IDSecurity HUDs! Basic mode shows only the job.
set_haircolorSet the haircolor of a human. Override instead sets the override value, it will not be changed away from the override value until override is set to null.
share_blood_on_touchPlace blood onto us if the toucher has blood on their hands or clothing. messy_slots deteremines what slots to bloody.
singularity_actOverrides the point value that the mob is worth
smart_equip_targetedtake the most recent item out of a slot or place held item in a slot
something_horribleDNA HELPER-PROCS
toggle_externalsReturns TRUE if the tank successfully toggles open/closed. Opens the tank only if a breathing apparatus is found.
update_lipsUsed to update the makeup on a human and apply/remove lipstick traits, then store/unstore them on the head object in case it gets severed
washCalled when this human should be washed
wash_handsWash the hands, cleaning either the gloves if equipped and not obscured, otherwise the hands themselves if they're not obscured.

Var Details


When an braindead player has their equipment fiddled with, we log that info here for when they come back so they know who took their ID while they were DC'd for 30 seconds


A lazylist of preference-applied appearance mods present on this human. Type:Instance


How many "units of blood" we have on our hands


What types of mobs are allowed to ride/buckle to this mob


The core temperature of the human compaired to the skin temp of the body


Var used to keep track of a human mob having a heterochromatic right eye. To ensure prefs don't overwrite shit


Colours used for hair and facial hair gradients.


Styles used for hair and facial hair gradients.


human specific screwyhuds from hallucinations (define key (bodypart) to int value (severity)) - see /datum/hallucination/fake_health_doll


Which body type to use

Proc Details


Adds blood DNA to certain slots the mob is wearing


Takes a user and body_zone, if the body_zone is covered by clothing, add a fingerprint to it. Otherwise, add one to us.


Takes a user and body_zone, if the body_zone is covered by clothing, add trace dna to it. Otherwise, add one to us.


Adjust the core temperature of a mob



depending on the species, it will run the corresponding apply_damage code there


If we're in a space with 0.5 content pressure protection, it averages the values, for example.


Used by fire code to damage worn items.



Reflection checks for anything in your l_hand, r_hand, or wear_suit based on the reflection chance of the object




A wrapper for mob/living/carbon/human/proc/update_lips that tells us if there were lip styles to change


Get all the clothing on a specific body part


copies over clothing preferences like underwear to another human


Performs CPR on the target after a delay.


Calculates the siemens coeff based on clothing and species, can also restart hearts.


Handles all the bad things phoron can do.


On examine, players have a chance to find forensic evidence. This can only happen once per object.


Returns a list of every item slot contents on the user.


get_body_temperature Returns the body temperature with any modifications applied

This applies the result from proc/get_body_temp_normal_change() against the bodytemp_normal for the species and returns the result



Used to return a list of equipped items on a human mob; does not include held items (use get_all_gear)



Environment handlers for species


Does this mob have hair? Pass bald_is_false = TRUE to have "Bald" count as FALSE


Bruteforce check for any type or subtype of an item.


Accepts an organ slot, returns whether or not the mob needs one to survive (or just should have one for non-vital organs).




Fully randomizes everything according to the given flags.


Returns the cuff slot contents as a list


Returns a list of items in slots like the ID slot, belt, backpack


Returns a list of items in the "*_store" slots


Returns a list of worn "clothing" items.


Security HUDs! Basic mode shows only the job.


Set the haircolor of a human. Override instead sets the override value, it will not be changed away from the override value until override is set to null.


Place blood onto us if the toucher has blood on their hands or clothing. messy_slots deteremines what slots to bloody.


Overrides the point value that the mob is worth


take the most recent item out of a slot or place held item in a slot




Returns TRUE if the tank successfully toggles open/closed. Opens the tank only if a breathing apparatus is found.


Used to update the makeup on a human and apply/remove lipstick traits, then store/unstore them on the head object in case it gets severed


Called when this human should be washed


Wash the hands, cleaning either the gloves if equipped and not obscured, otherwise the hands themselves if they're not obscured.

Returns false if we couldn't wash our hands due to them being obscured, otherwise true