Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



ageCurrent age
cycledelayAbout 10 seconds / cycle
lastcycleUsed for timing of cycles.
lastproduceLast time it was harvested
lastuserThe last user to add a reagent to the tray, mostly for logging purposes.
maxnutriThe maximum nutrient reagent container size of the tray.
maxwaterThe maximum amount of water in the tray
mutmodNutriment's effect on mutations
myseedThe currently planted seed
nutridrainHow many units of nutrients will be drained in the tray.
pestlevelThe amount of pests in the tray (max 10)
plant_healthIts health
plant_statusThe status of the plant in the tray. Whether it's harvestable, alive, missing or dead.
ratingObtained from the quality of the parts used in the tray, determines nutrient drain rate.
recent_bee_visitHave we been visited by a bee recently, so bees dont overpollinate one plant
self_sustainingIf the tray generates nutrients and water on its own
self_sustaining_overlay_icon_stateThe icon state for the overlay used to represent that this tray is self-sustaining.
toxicToxicity in the tray?
unwrenchableCan it be unwrenched to move?
waterlevelThe amount of water in the tray (max 100)
weedlevelThe amount of weeds in the tray (max 10)
yieldmodNutriment's effect on yield


adjust_pestlevelAdjust Pests. Raises the tray's pest level stat by a given amount.
adjust_plant_healthAdjust Health. Raises the tray's plant_health stat by a given amount, with total health determined by the seed's endurance.
adjust_toxicAdjust toxicity. Raises the plant's toxic stat by a given amount.
adjust_waterlevelAdjust water. Raises or lowers tray water values by a set value. Adding water will dillute toxicity from the tray.
adjust_weedlevelAdjust Weeds. Raises the plant's weed level stat by a given amount.
after_mutationCalled after plant mutation, update the appearance of the tray content and send a visible_message()
apply_chemicalsThis is NOW the gradual affects that each chemical applies on every process() proc. Nutrients now use a more robust reagent holder in order to apply less insane stat changes as opposed to 271 lines of individual statline effects. Shoutout to the original comments on chems, I just cleaned a few up.
mutation_rollContains the reagents within the tray.
plantdiesPlant Death Proc. Cleans up various stats for the plant upon death, including pests, harvestability, and plant health.
pollinatePlant Cross-Pollination. Checks all plants in the tray's oview range, then averages out the seed's potency, instability, and yield values. If the seed's instability is >= 20, the seed donates one of it's reagents to that nearby plant.
set_seedSets a new value for the myseed variable, which is the seed of the plant that's growing inside the tray.
spawnplantSpawn Plant. Upon using strange reagent on a tray, it will spawn a killer tomato or killer tree at random.
update_trayUpdate Tray Proc Handles plant harvesting on the tray side, by clearing the sead, names, description, and dead stat. Shuts off autogrow if enabled. Sends messages to the cleaer about plants harvested, or if nothing was harvested at all.
weedinvasionWhat happens when a tray's weeds grow too large. Plants a new weed in an empty tray, then resets the tray.

Var Details


Current age


About 10 seconds / cycle


Used for timing of cycles.


Last time it was harvested


The last user to add a reagent to the tray, mostly for logging purposes.


The maximum nutrient reagent container size of the tray.


The maximum amount of water in the tray


Nutriment's effect on mutations


The currently planted seed


How many units of nutrients will be drained in the tray.


The amount of pests in the tray (max 10)


Its health


The status of the plant in the tray. Whether it's harvestable, alive, missing or dead.


Obtained from the quality of the parts used in the tray, determines nutrient drain rate.


Have we been visited by a bee recently, so bees dont overpollinate one plant


If the tray generates nutrients and water on its own


The icon state for the overlay used to represent that this tray is self-sustaining.


Toxicity in the tray?


Can it be unwrenched to move?


The amount of water in the tray (max 100)


The amount of weeds in the tray (max 10)


Nutriment's effect on yield

Proc Details


Adjust Pests. Raises the tray's pest level stat by a given amount.


Adjust Health. Raises the tray's plant_health stat by a given amount, with total health determined by the seed's endurance.


Adjust toxicity. Raises the plant's toxic stat by a given amount.


Adjust water. Raises or lowers tray water values by a set value. Adding water will dillute toxicity from the tray.


Adjust Weeds. Raises the plant's weed level stat by a given amount.


Called after plant mutation, update the appearance of the tray content and send a visible_message()


This is NOW the gradual affects that each chemical applies on every process() proc. Nutrients now use a more robust reagent holder in order to apply less insane stat changes as opposed to 271 lines of individual statline effects. Shoutout to the original comments on chems, I just cleaned a few up.


Contains the reagents within the tray.


Plant Death Proc. Cleans up various stats for the plant upon death, including pests, harvestability, and plant health.


Plant Cross-Pollination. Checks all plants in the tray's oview range, then averages out the seed's potency, instability, and yield values. If the seed's instability is >= 20, the seed donates one of it's reagents to that nearby plant.


Sets a new value for the myseed variable, which is the seed of the plant that's growing inside the tray.


Spawn Plant. Upon using strange reagent on a tray, it will spawn a killer tomato or killer tree at random.


Update Tray Proc Handles plant harvesting on the tray side, by clearing the sead, names, description, and dead stat. Shuts off autogrow if enabled. Sends messages to the cleaer about plants harvested, or if nothing was harvested at all.


What happens when a tray's weeds grow too large. Plants a new weed in an empty tray, then resets the tray.