Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



ai_waypointThe end point of a bot's path, or the target location.
base_speedThe speed at which the bot moves, or the number of times it moves per process() tick.
bot_cover_flagsBot-related cover flags on the Bot to deal with what has been done to their cover, including emagging.
bot_mode_flagsBot-related mode flags on the Bot indicating how they will act.
bot_typeThe type of bot it is, for radio control.
calling_aiLinks a bot to the AI calling it.
commissionedWill other (noncommissioned) bots salute this bot?
data_hud_typeThe type of data HUD the bot uses. Diagnostic by default.
destinationDestination description tag
frustrationUsed by some bots for tracking failures to reach their target.
hackablesSmall name of what the bot gets messed with when getting hacked/emagged.
ignore_listList of unreachable targets for an ignore-list enabled bot to ignore.
internal_radioThe bot's radio, for speaking to people.
maints_access_requiredAccess required to access this Bot's maintenance protocols
modeStandardizes the vars that indicate the bot is busy with its function.
nearest_beaconthe nearest beacon's tag
nearest_beacon_locThe nearest beacon's location
new_destinationPending new destination (waiting for beacon response)
next_destinationThe next destination in the patrol route
next_salute_checkCooldown between salutations for commissioned bots
paicardThe inserted (if any) pAI in this bot.
pathList of turfs through which a bot 'steps' to reach the waypoint, associated with the path image, if there is one.
pathsetThe bot is on a custom set path.
patrol_targetTurf a bot is summoned to navitage towards.
player_accessAdditonal access given to player-controlled bots.
prev_accessAll initial access this bot started with.
radio_channelThe bot's default radio channel
radio_keywhich channels can the bot listen to
robot_armThe Robot arm attached to this robot - has a 50% chance to drop on death.
summon_targetTurf of a user summoning a bot towards their location.
triesNumber of times the bot tried and failed to move.


add_to_ignoreAdd an atom to our list of ignored objects.
bot_stepPerforms a step_towards and increments the path if successful. Returns TRUE if the bot moved and FALSE otherwise.
get_mode_uiReturns a status string about the bot's current status, if it's moving, manually controlled, or idle.
scanAttempt to scan tiles near [src], first by checking adjacent, then if a target is still not found, nearby.

Var Details


The end point of a bot's path, or the target location.


The speed at which the bot moves, or the number of times it moves per process() tick.


Bot-related cover flags on the Bot to deal with what has been done to their cover, including emagging.


Bot-related mode flags on the Bot indicating how they will act.


The type of bot it is, for radio control.


Links a bot to the AI calling it.


Will other (noncommissioned) bots salute this bot?


The type of data HUD the bot uses. Diagnostic by default.


Destination description tag


Used by some bots for tracking failures to reach their target.


Small name of what the bot gets messed with when getting hacked/emagged.


List of unreachable targets for an ignore-list enabled bot to ignore.


The bot's radio, for speaking to people.


Access required to access this Bot's maintenance protocols


Standardizes the vars that indicate the bot is busy with its function.


the nearest beacon's tag


The nearest beacon's location


Pending new destination (waiting for beacon response)


The next destination in the patrol route


Cooldown between salutations for commissioned bots


The inserted (if any) pAI in this bot.


List of turfs through which a bot 'steps' to reach the waypoint, associated with the path image, if there is one.


The bot is on a custom set path.


Turf a bot is summoned to navitage towards.


Additonal access given to player-controlled bots.


All initial access this bot started with.


The bot's default radio channel


which channels can the bot listen to


The Robot arm attached to this robot - has a 50% chance to drop on death.


Turf of a user summoning a bot towards their location.


Number of times the bot tried and failed to move.

Proc Details


Add an atom to our list of ignored objects.


Performs a step_towards and increments the path if successful. Returns TRUE if the bot moved and FALSE otherwise.


Returns a status string about the bot's current status, if it's moving, manually controlled, or idle.


Attempt to scan tiles near [src], first by checking adjacent, then if a target is still not found, nearby.

scan_types - list (of typepaths) that nearby tiles are being scanned for. old_target - what has already been scanned, and will early return at checkscan. scan_range - how far away from [src] will be scanned, if nothing is found directly adjacent.