Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Ninja Suit

Space ninja's suit. Provides him with most of his powers.

Space ninja's suit. Gives space ninja all his iconic powers, which are mostly kept in the folder ninja_equipment_actions. Has a lot of unique stuff going on, so make sure to check the variables. Check suit_attackby to see radium interaction, disk copying, and cell replacement.


a_boostWhether or not the adrenaline boost ability is available
a_transferUnits of radium required to refill the adrenaline boost
affectingThe person wearing the suit
energyKatanaThe katana registered with the suit, used for recalling and catching the katana. Set when the ninja outfit is created.
n_glovesThe space ninja's gloves.
n_hoodThe space ninja's hood.
n_maskThe space ninja's mask.
n_shoesThe space ninja's shoes.
s_acostAdditional energy cost for cloaking per process
s_busyWhether or not the wearer is in the middle of an action, like hacking.
s_cooldThe suit's current cooldown. If not 0, blocks usage of most abilities, and decrements its value by 1 every process
s_costHow much energy the suit expends in a single process
s_delayHow fast the suit is at certain actions, like draining power from things
s_initializedWhether or not the suit is currently booted up. Starts off.
spark_systemThe suit's spark system, used for... sparking.
stealthWhether or not the suit is currently in stealth mode.
stored_designsDesign theft objective


cancel_stealthProc called to cancel stealth.
deinitializeDeinitializes the ninja suit
lockIconsProc for changing the suit's appearance upon locking.
lock_suitProc called to lock the important gear pieces onto space ninja's body.
ninitializeInitializes the ninja suit
ninja_sword_recallProc called to recall the ninja's sword.
ninjaboostProc called to activate space ninja's adrenaline.
ninjaboost_afterProc called to inject the ninja with radium.
ninjacostProc called to check if the ninja can afford an ability's cost.
ninjanetProc called to ensnare a person in a energy net.
ninjapulseProc called to allow the ninja to EMP the nearby area.
ninjastarProc called to create a ninja star in the ninja's hands.
ninjastatusProc called to put a status readout to the ninja in chat.
terminateProc used to delete all the attachments and itself.
toggle_on_offToggles the ninja suit on/off
toggle_stealthProc called to toggle ninja stealth.
unlock_suitProc called to unlock all the gear off space ninja's body.

Var Details


Whether or not the adrenaline boost ability is available


Units of radium required to refill the adrenaline boost


The person wearing the suit


The katana registered with the suit, used for recalling and catching the katana. Set when the ninja outfit is created.


The space ninja's gloves.


The space ninja's hood.


The space ninja's mask.


The space ninja's shoes.


Additional energy cost for cloaking per process


Whether or not the wearer is in the middle of an action, like hacking.


The suit's current cooldown. If not 0, blocks usage of most abilities, and decrements its value by 1 every process


How much energy the suit expends in a single process


How fast the suit is at certain actions, like draining power from things


Whether or not the suit is currently booted up. Starts off.


The suit's spark system, used for... sparking.


Whether or not the suit is currently in stealth mode.


Design theft objective

Proc Details


Proc called to cancel stealth.

Called to cancel the stealth effect if it is ongoing. Does nothing otherwise. Arguments:


Deinitializes the ninja suit

Deinitializes the ninja suit through eight phases, each of which calls this proc with an incremented phase Arguments:


Proc for changing the suit's appearance upon locking.

Proc for when space ninja's suit locks. If the user selects Original, gives it glowing lights, along with having an alternate sprite for female body types. Yes, we do have nipLEDs, how could you tell? If the user selects New Age, it applies new sprites to all the gear. Arguments:


Proc called to lock the important gear pieces onto space ninja's body.

Called during the suit startup to lock all gear pieces onto space ninja. Terminates if a gear piece is not being worn. Also gives the ninja the inability to use firearms. If the person in the suit isn't a ninja when this is called, this proc just gibs them instead. Arguments:


Initializes the ninja suit

Initializes the ninja suit through seven phases, each of which calls this proc with an incremented phase Arguments:


Proc called to recall the ninja's sword.

Called to summon the ninja's katana back to them If the katana can see the ninja, it will throw itself towards them. If not, the katana will teleport itself to the ninja.


Proc called to activate space ninja's adrenaline.

Proc called to use space ninja's adrenaline. Gets the ninja out of almost any stun. Also makes them shout MGS references when used. After a bit, it injects the user with radium by calling a different proc.


Proc called to inject the ninja with radium.

Used after 7 seconds of using the ninja's adrenaline. Injects the user with how much radium the suit needs to refill an adrenaline boost.


Proc called to check if the ninja can afford an ability's cost.

Proc which determine whether or not a space ninja can afford to use a specific ability. It can also cancel stealth if the ability requested it. Arguments:


Proc called to ensnare a person in a energy net.

Used to ensnare a target in an energy net, preventing them from moving until the net is broken. Costs 40E, which is 40% of the default battery's max charge. Intended as a means of reliably locking down an opponent when ninja stars won't suffice.


Proc called to allow the ninja to EMP the nearby area.

Proc called to allow the ninja to EMP the nearby area. By default, costs 500E, which is half of the default battery's max charge. Also affects the ninja as well.


Proc called to create a ninja star in the ninja's hands.

Called to create a ninja star in the wearer's hand. The ninja star doesn't do much up-front damage, but deals stamina damage as the target moves around, forcing a finish or flee scenario.


Proc called to put a status readout to the ninja in chat.

Called put some information about the ninja's current status into chat. This information used to be displayed constantly on the status tab screen when the suit was on, but was turned into this as to remove the code from human.dm


Proc used to delete all the attachments and itself.

Can be called to entire rid of the suit pieces and the suit itself.


Toggles the ninja suit on/off

Attempts to initialize or deinitialize the ninja suit


Proc called to toggle ninja stealth.

Proc called to toggle whether or not the ninja is in stealth mode. If cancelling, calls a separate proc in case something else needs to quickly cancel stealth.


Proc called to unlock all the gear off space ninja's body.

Proc which is essentially the opposite of lock_suit. Lets you take off all the suit parts. Also gets rid of the objection to using firearms from the wearer. Arguments: