Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

species datum

Datum that handles different species in the game.

This datum handles species in the game, such as lizardpeople, mothmen, zombies, skeletons, etc. It is used in carbon humans to determine various things about them, like their food preferences, if they have biological genders, their damage resistances, and more.


armorPercentage modifier for overall defense of the race, or less defense, if it's negative.
ass_imageFor custom overrides for species ass images
bodypart_overridesThe bodyparts this species uses. assoc of bodypart string - bodypart type. Make sure all the fucking entries are in or I'll skin you alive.
bodytemp_autorecovery_minMinimum amount of kelvin moved toward normal body temperature per tick.
bodytemp_normalThe natural body temperature to adjust towards
bodytypeA bitfield of "bodytypes", updated by /datum/obj/item/bodypart/proc/synchronize_bodytypes()
breathidWhat gas does this species breathe? Used by suffocation screen alerts, most of actual gas breathing is handled by mutantlungs. See [life.dm][code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/life.dm]
brutemodmultiplier for brute damage
burnmodmultiplier for burn damage
changesource_flagsBitflag that controls what in game ways something can select this species as a spawnable source, such as magic mirrors. See mob defines for possible sources.
coldmodmultiplier for damage from cold temperature
cosmetic_organsList of cosmetic organs to generate like horns, frills, wings, etc. list(typepath of organ = "Round Beautiful BDSM Snout"). Still WIP
digitigrade_customizationNever, Optional, or Forced digi legs?
disliked_foodBitfield for food types that the species dislikes, giving them disgust. Humans hate raw food, for example.
dust_animWhat anim to use for dusting
examine_limb_idThis is used for children, it will determine their default limb ID for use of examine. See [/mob/living/carbon/human/proc/examine].
exotic_bloodIf your race bleeds something other than bog standard blood, change this to reagent id. For example, ethereals bleed liquid electricity.
fallback_clothing_pathIf this species needs special 'fallback' sprites, what is the path to the file that contains them?
family_heirloomsList of family heirlooms this species can get with the family heirloom quirk. List of types.
fire_overlayThe icon_state of the fire overlay added when sufficently ablaze and standing. see onfire.dmi
fixed_mut_colorTo use MUTCOLOR with a fixed color that's independent of the mcolor feature in DNA.
flyThe actual flying ability given to flying species
flying_speciesIs this species a flying species? Used as an easy check for some things
gib_animWhat anim to use for gibbing
grab_soundSpecial sound for grabbing
hair_alphaThe alpha used by the hair. 255 is completely solid, 0 is invisible.
hair_colorThis allows races to have specific hair colors. If null, it uses the H's hair/facial hair colors. If "mutcolor", it uses the H's mutant_color. If "fixedmutcolor", it uses fixedmutcolor
has_innate_wingsUsed to determine what description to give when using a potion of flight, if false it will describe them as growing new wings
heatmodmultiplier for damage from hot temperature
idIf the game needs to manually check your race to do something not included in a proc here, it will use this.
inert_mutationSpecial mutation that can be found in the genepool exclusively in this species. Dont leave empty or changing species will be a headache
inherent_biotypesList of biotypes the mob belongs to. Used by diseases.
inherent_factionsList of factions the mob gain upon gaining this species.
inherent_traitsGeneric traits tied to having the species.
job_outfit_typeUsed for picking outfits in _job.dm
knife_butcher_resultsList of results you get from knife-butchering. null means you cant butcher it. Associated by resulting type - value of amount
liked_foodBitfield for food types that the species likes, giving them a mood boost. Lizards like meat, for example.
max_bodypart_countThe maximum number of bodyparts this species can have.
meatWhat the species drops when gibbed by a gibber machine.
mutant_bodypartsDEPRECATED: Now only handles legs.
mutant_organsInternal organs that are unique to this race, like a tail.
mutanthandsForces an item into this species' hands. Only an honorary mutantthing because this is not an organ and not loaded in the same way, you've been warned to do your research.
nameThis is the fluff name. They are displayed on health analyzers and in the character setup menu. Must be \improper.
no_equipInventory slots the race can't equip stuff to. Golems cannot wear jumpsuits, for example.
nojumpsuitAllows the species to equip items that normally require a jumpsuit without having one equipped. Used by golems.
offset_featuresClothing offsets. If a species has a different body than other species, you can offset clothing so they look less weird.
organsA template for what organs this species should have. Assign null to simply exclude spawning with one.
outfit_important_for_lifeA path to an outfit that is important for species life e.g. plasmaman outfit
pain_emotesA list of weighted lists to pain emotes. The list with the LOWEST damage requirement needs to be first.
plural_formThe formatting of the name of the species in plural context. Defaults to "[name]\s" if unset. Ex "[Plasmamen] are weak", "[Mothmen] are strong", "[Lizardpeople] don't like", "[Golems] hate"
preloadShould we preload this species's organs?
prevent_perspective_changeDo we try to prevent reset_perspective() from working? Useful for Dullahans to stop perspective changes when they're looking through their head.
reagent_flagsHow are we treated regarding processing reagents, by default we process them as if we're organic
robotic_bodypartsRobotic bodyparts for preference selection
roundstart_changedWas the species changed from its original type at the start of the round?
say_modAffects the speech message, for example: Motharula flutters, "My speech message is flutters!"
scream_verbAffects the species' screams, for example: "Motharula buzzes!"
sexesWhether or not the race has sexual characteristics (biological genders). At the moment this is only FALSE for skeletons and shadows
siemens_coeffBase electrocution coefficient. Basically a multiplier for damage from electrocutions.
skinned_typeWhat skin the species drops when gibbed by a gibber machine.
special_step_soundsSounds to override barefeet walking
species_cookieUnique cookie given by admins through prayers
species_eye_pathIcon file used for eyes, defaults to 'icons/mob/human_face.dmi' if not set
species_language_holderWhat languages this species can understand and say. Use a language holder datum in this var.
species_mob_sizeThe [/mob/living/var/mob_size] of members of this species.
species_traitsSpecies-only traits. Can be found in code/__DEFINES/DNA.dm
speedmodMultiplier for the race's speed. Positive numbers make it move slower, negative numbers make it move faster.
stunmodmultiplier for stun durations
toxic_foodBitfield for food types that the species absolutely hates, giving them even more disgust than disliked food. Meat is "toxic" to moths, for example.
use_skintonesDoes the species use skintones or not? As of now only used by humans.


body_temperature_alertsUsed to set alerts and debuffs based on body temperature vars:
body_temperature_coreUsed to stabilize the core temperature back to normal on living mobs
body_temperature_damageUsed to apply wounds and damage based on core/body temp vars:
body_temperature_skinUsed to normalize the skin temperature on living mobs
check_roundstart_eligibleChecks if a species is eligible to be picked at roundstart.
copy_properties_fromCopies some vars and properties over that should be kept when creating a copy of this species.
create_fresh_bodyCreates body parts for the target completely from scratch based on the species
create_pref_biotypes_perksAdds adds any perks related to the species' inherent_biotypes flags.
create_pref_blood_perksAdds adds any perks related to the species' blood (or lack thereof).
create_pref_damage_perksAdds adds any perks related to sustaining damage. For example, brute damage vulnerability, or fire damage resistance.
create_pref_language_perkAdds in a language perk based on all the languages the species can speak by default (according to their language holder).
create_pref_temperature_perksAdds adds any perks related to how the species deals with temperature.
create_pref_traits_perksAdds adds any perks related to the species' inherent_traits list.
create_pref_unique_perksUsed to add any species specific perks to the perk list.
get_constant_dataGenerates nested lists of constant data for UIs.
get_featuresReturns a list of strings representing features this species has. Used by the preferences UI to know what buttons to show.
get_innate_languagesReturns a list of each language we know innately.
get_perk_dataPerks of varying types. (Postives, neutrals, and negatives) in the format of a list of lists. Used in the preference menu.
get_random_blood_typeReturns a random blood type for this species
get_scream_soundReturns the species's scream sound.
get_species_descriptionGets a short description for the specices. Should be relatively succinct. Used in the preference menu.
get_species_dietTranslate the species liked foods from bitfields into strings and returns it in the form of an associated list.
get_species_loreGets the lore behind the type of species. Can be long. Used in the preference menu.
give_important_for_lifeEquip the outfit required for life. Replaces items currently worn.
go_baldMakes the target human bald.
handle_bodyHandles the body of a human
handle_body_temperatureBody temperature handler for species
handle_environmentEnvironment handler for species
handle_environment_pressureHandle the air pressure of the environment
handle_radiationSpecies based handling for irradiation
harmThis proc handles punching damage.
on_owner_loginOwner login
on_species_gainProc called when a carbon becomes this species.
on_species_lossProc called when a carbon is no longer this species.
pre_equip_species_outfitEquips the necessary species-relevant gear before putting on the rest of the uniform.
prepare_human_for_previewGiven a human, will adjust it before taking a picture for the preferences UI. This should create a CONSISTENT result, so the icons don't randomly change.
random_nameGenerates a random name for a carbon.
randomize_active_underwearProc that will randomise the underwear (i.e. top, pants and socks) of a species' associated mob
randomize_main_appearance_elementProc that will randomise the hair, or primary appearance element (i.e. for moths wings) of a species' associated mob
regenerate_organsCorrects organs in a carbon, removing ones it doesn't need and adding ones it does.
replace_bodyHandles replacing all of the bodyparts with their species version during set_species()

Var Details


Percentage modifier for overall defense of the race, or less defense, if it's negative.


For custom overrides for species ass images


The bodyparts this species uses. assoc of bodypart string - bodypart type. Make sure all the fucking entries are in or I'll skin you alive.


Minimum amount of kelvin moved toward normal body temperature per tick.


The natural body temperature to adjust towards


A bitfield of "bodytypes", updated by /datum/obj/item/bodypart/proc/synchronize_bodytypes()


What gas does this species breathe? Used by suffocation screen alerts, most of actual gas breathing is handled by mutantlungs. See [life.dm][code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/life.dm]


multiplier for brute damage


multiplier for burn damage


Bitflag that controls what in game ways something can select this species as a spawnable source, such as magic mirrors. See mob defines for possible sources.


multiplier for damage from cold temperature


List of cosmetic organs to generate like horns, frills, wings, etc. list(typepath of organ = "Round Beautiful BDSM Snout"). Still WIP


Never, Optional, or Forced digi legs?


Bitfield for food types that the species dislikes, giving them disgust. Humans hate raw food, for example.


What anim to use for dusting


This is used for children, it will determine their default limb ID for use of examine. See [/mob/living/carbon/human/proc/examine].


If your race bleeds something other than bog standard blood, change this to reagent id. For example, ethereals bleed liquid electricity.


If this species needs special 'fallback' sprites, what is the path to the file that contains them?


List of family heirlooms this species can get with the family heirloom quirk. List of types.


The icon_state of the fire overlay added when sufficently ablaze and standing. see onfire.dmi


To use MUTCOLOR with a fixed color that's independent of the mcolor feature in DNA.


The actual flying ability given to flying species


Is this species a flying species? Used as an easy check for some things


What anim to use for gibbing


Special sound for grabbing


The alpha used by the hair. 255 is completely solid, 0 is invisible.


This allows races to have specific hair colors. If null, it uses the H's hair/facial hair colors. If "mutcolor", it uses the H's mutant_color. If "fixedmutcolor", it uses fixedmutcolor


Used to determine what description to give when using a potion of flight, if false it will describe them as growing new wings


multiplier for damage from hot temperature


If the game needs to manually check your race to do something not included in a proc here, it will use this.


Special mutation that can be found in the genepool exclusively in this species. Dont leave empty or changing species will be a headache


List of biotypes the mob belongs to. Used by diseases.


List of factions the mob gain upon gaining this species.


Generic traits tied to having the species.


Used for picking outfits in _job.dm


List of results you get from knife-butchering. null means you cant butcher it. Associated by resulting type - value of amount


Bitfield for food types that the species likes, giving them a mood boost. Lizards like meat, for example.


The maximum number of bodyparts this species can have.


What the species drops when gibbed by a gibber machine.


DEPRECATED: Now only handles legs.


Internal organs that are unique to this race, like a tail.


Forces an item into this species' hands. Only an honorary mutantthing because this is not an organ and not loaded in the same way, you've been warned to do your research.


This is the fluff name. They are displayed on health analyzers and in the character setup menu. Must be \improper.


Inventory slots the race can't equip stuff to. Golems cannot wear jumpsuits, for example.


Allows the species to equip items that normally require a jumpsuit without having one equipped. Used by golems.


Clothing offsets. If a species has a different body than other species, you can offset clothing so they look less weird.


A template for what organs this species should have. Assign null to simply exclude spawning with one.


A path to an outfit that is important for species life e.g. plasmaman outfit


A list of weighted lists to pain emotes. The list with the LOWEST damage requirement needs to be first.


The formatting of the name of the species in plural context. Defaults to "[name]\s" if unset. Ex "[Plasmamen] are weak", "[Mothmen] are strong", "[Lizardpeople] don't like", "[Golems] hate"


Should we preload this species's organs?


Do we try to prevent reset_perspective() from working? Useful for Dullahans to stop perspective changes when they're looking through their head.


How are we treated regarding processing reagents, by default we process them as if we're organic


Robotic bodyparts for preference selection


Was the species changed from its original type at the start of the round?


Affects the speech message, for example: Motharula flutters, "My speech message is flutters!"


Affects the species' screams, for example: "Motharula buzzes!"


Whether or not the race has sexual characteristics (biological genders). At the moment this is only FALSE for skeletons and shadows


Base electrocution coefficient. Basically a multiplier for damage from electrocutions.


What skin the species drops when gibbed by a gibber machine.


Sounds to override barefeet walking

Unique cookie given by admins through prayers


Icon file used for eyes, defaults to 'icons/mob/human_face.dmi' if not set


What languages this species can understand and say. Use a language holder datum in this var.


The [/mob/living/var/mob_size] of members of this species.


Species-only traits. Can be found in code/__DEFINES/DNA.dm


Multiplier for the race's speed. Positive numbers make it move slower, negative numbers make it move faster.


multiplier for stun durations


Bitfield for food types that the species absolutely hates, giving them even more disgust than disliked food. Meat is "toxic" to moths, for example.


Does the species use skintones or not? As of now only used by humans.

Proc Details


Used to set alerts and debuffs based on body temperature vars:


Used to stabilize the core temperature back to normal on living mobs

The metabolisim heats up the core of the mob trying to keep it at the normal body temp vars:


Used to apply wounds and damage based on core/body temp vars:


Used to normalize the skin temperature on living mobs

The core temp effects the skin, then the enviroment effects the skin, then we refect that back to the core. This happens even when dead so bodies revert to room temp over time. vars:


Checks if a species is eligible to be picked at roundstart.

Checks the config to see if this species is allowed to be picked in the character setup menu. Used by /proc/generate_selectable_species.


Copies some vars and properties over that should be kept when creating a copy of this species.

Used by slimepeople to copy themselves, and by the DNA datum to hardset DNA to a species Arguments:


Creates body parts for the target completely from scratch based on the species


Adds adds any perks related to the species' inherent_biotypes flags.

Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.


Adds adds any perks related to the species' blood (or lack thereof).

Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.


Adds adds any perks related to sustaining damage. For example, brute damage vulnerability, or fire damage resistance.

Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.


Adds in a language perk based on all the languages the species can speak by default (according to their language holder).

Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.


Adds adds any perks related to how the species deals with temperature.

Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.


Adds adds any perks related to the species' inherent_traits list.

Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.


Used to add any species specific perks to the perk list.

Returns null by default. When overriding, return a list of perks.


Generates nested lists of constant data for UIs.


Returns a list of strings representing features this species has. Used by the preferences UI to know what buttons to show.


Returns a list of each language we know innately.


Perks of varying types. (Postives, neutrals, and negatives) in the format of a list of lists. Used in the preference menu.

"Perk" format is as followed: list( SPECIES_PERK_TYPE = type of perk (postiive, negative, neutral - use the defines) SPECIES_PERK_ICON = icon used, unused due to no longer being on tgui prefs SPECIES_PERK_NAME = name of the perk on hover SPECIES_PERK_DESC = description of the perk on hover )

Returns a list of lists. The outer list is an assoc list of [perk type]s to a list of perks. The innter list is a list of perks. Can be empty, but won't be null.


Returns a random blood type for this species


Returns the species's scream sound.


Gets a short description for the specices. Should be relatively succinct. Used in the preference menu.

Returns a string.


Translate the species liked foods from bitfields into strings and returns it in the form of an associated list.

Returns a list, or null if they have no diet.


Gets the lore behind the type of species. Can be long. Used in the preference menu.

Returns a list of strings. Between each entry in the list, a newline will be inserted, for formatting.


Equip the outfit required for life. Replaces items currently worn.


Makes the target human bald.



Handles the body of a human

Handles lipstick, having no eyes, eye color, undergarnments like underwear, undershirts, and socks, and body layers. Calls [handle_mutant_bodyparts][/datum/species/proc/handle_mutant_bodyparts] Arguments:


Body temperature handler for species

These procs manage body temp, bamage, and alerts Some of these will still fire when not alive to balance body temp to the room temp. vars:


Environment handler for species



Handle the air pressure of the environment


Species based handling for irradiation



This proc handles punching damage.


Owner login

A simple proc to be overwritten if something needs to be done when a mob logs in. Does nothing by default.



Proc called when a carbon becomes this species.

This sets up and adds/changes/removes things, qualities, abilities, and traits so that the transformation is as smooth and bugfree as possible. Produces a COMSIG_SPECIES_GAIN signal. Arguments:


Proc called when a carbon is no longer this species.

This sets up and adds/changes/removes things, qualities, abilities, and traits so that the transformation is as smooth and bugfree as possible. Produces a COMSIG_SPECIES_LOSS signal. Arguments:


Equips the necessary species-relevant gear before putting on the rest of the uniform.


Given a human, will adjust it before taking a picture for the preferences UI. This should create a CONSISTENT result, so the icons don't randomly change.


Generates a random name for a carbon.

This generates a random unique name based on a human's species and gender. Arguments:


Proc that will randomise the underwear (i.e. top, pants and socks) of a species' associated mob


Proc that will randomise the hair, or primary appearance element (i.e. for moths wings) of a species' associated mob


Corrects organs in a carbon, removing ones it doesn't need and adding ones it does.

Takes all organ slots, removes organs a species should not have, adds organs a species should have. can use replace_current to refresh all organs, creating an entirely new set.



Handles replacing all of the bodyparts with their species version during set_species()