Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Machine that runs around wildly so people can practice clickin on things

Can have a mob buckled on or a obj/item/target attached. Movement controlled by SSFastProcess, movespeed controlled by cooldown macros. Can attach obj/item/target, obj/item/training_toolbox, and can buckle mobs to this.


attached_itemReference to a potentially attached object, either a target, trainer toolbox, or syndicate toolbox
attack_cooldownHelper for timing attacks when emagged
move_cooldownCooldown macro to control how fast this will move. Used in process()
move_speedDelay between process() calls. Cannot be higher than MAX_SPEED. Smaller value represents faster movement.
movingIs the machine moving? Setting this to FALSE will automatically call stop_moving()
rangeThe distance the machine is allowed to roam from its starting point
starting_turfThe turf the machine was on when it was activated
target_positionA random spot within range that the trainer is trying to reach


DestroyCalled on qdel(), so we don't want a cool explosion to happen
atom_destructionCalled on a normal destruction, so we have a cool explosion and toss whatever's attached
attach_itemAttach an item to the machine
attackbyCalled when the machien is attacked by something
emag_actEmagging causes a deadly, unremovable syndicate toolbox to be attached to the machine
find_target_positionFind a suitable turf to move towards
handle_densityMake sure the machine can't be walked through if something is attached
on_attached_deleteCalled when the attached item is deleted.
processMain movement method for the machine
remove_attached_itemRemove the attached item from the machine
start_movingStart the machine's movement
stop_movingStop the machine's movement
toggleToggle the machine's movement
try_attackTry to attack a nearby mob
ui_actControl the attached variables.
ui_dataSend data to the UI

Var Details


Reference to a potentially attached object, either a target, trainer toolbox, or syndicate toolbox


Helper for timing attacks when emagged


Cooldown macro to control how fast this will move. Used in process()


Delay between process() calls. Cannot be higher than MAX_SPEED. Smaller value represents faster movement.


Is the machine moving? Setting this to FALSE will automatically call stop_moving()


The distance the machine is allowed to roam from its starting point


The turf the machine was on when it was activated


A random spot within range that the trainer is trying to reach

Proc Details


Called on qdel(), so we don't want a cool explosion to happen


Called on a normal destruction, so we have a cool explosion and toss whatever's attached


Attach an item to the machine

This proc technically works with any obj. Currently is only used for objects of type item/target and item/training_toolbox Will make the attached item appear visually on the machine Arguments


Called when the machien is attacked by something

Meant for attaching an item to the machine, should only be a training toolbox or target. If emagged, the machine will gain an auto-attached syndicate toolbox, so in that case we shouldn't be able to swap it out


Emagging causes a deadly, unremovable syndicate toolbox to be attached to the machine


Find a suitable turf to move towards


Make sure the machine can't be walked through if something is attached


Called when the attached item is deleted.

Cleans up behavior for when the attached item is deleted or removed.


Main movement method for the machine

Handles movement using SSFastProcess. Moves randomly, point-to-point, in an area centered around wherever it started. Will only move if the move_cooldown cooldown macro is finished. If it can't find a place to go, it will stop moving.


Remove the attached item from the machine

Called when a user removes the item by hand or by swapping it out with another, when the machine breaks, or when the machine is emagged. Arguments


Start the machine's movement

Says a message, plays a sound, then starts processing


Stop the machine's movement

Will call STOP_PROCESSING, play a sound, and say an appropriate message Arguments


Toggle the machine's movement


Try to attack a nearby mob

Called whenever the machine moves, this will look for mobs adjacent to the machine to attack. Will attack with either a training toolbox (if attached), or a much more deadly syndicate toolbox (if emagged). A cooldown macro (attack_cooldown) ensures it doesn't attack too quickly


Control the attached variables.

Will not respond if moving and emagged, so once you set it to go it can't be stopped!


Send data to the UI

Include's the machine's movement range, speed, and whether or not it's active