Vars | |
admin_painting_data | A list of paintings' data for paintings that are currently stored in the library, with admin metadata |
cached_painting_data | A list of paintings' data for paintings that are currently stored in the library. |
deleted_paintings_md5s | Hashes of paintings deleted this round |
frame_types_by_patronage_tier | The list of available frame reskins (they are purely cosmetic) and the associated patronage amount required for them. |
painting_frames | A list of painting frames that this controls |
paintings | A list of /datum/paintings saved or ready to be saved this round. |
Procs | |
get_available_frames | returns a list of cosmetic frames which patronage tier values are are within credit_value. If only_current_tier is TRUE, the list will be populated only by the ones from the highest tier. |
get_paintings_with_tag | Returns paintings with given tag. |
painting_ui_data | Generates painting data ready to be consumed by ui. Args: |
save_paintings | Saves all persistent paintings |
save_to_file | Saves all currently tracked painting data to file |
update_format | Updates paintings data format to latest if necessary |
Var Details
A list of paintings' data for paintings that are currently stored in the library, with admin metadata
A list of paintings' data for paintings that are currently stored in the library.
Hashes of paintings deleted this round
The list of available frame reskins (they are purely cosmetic) and the associated patronage amount required for them.
A list of painting frames that this controls
A list of /datum/paintings saved or ready to be saved this round.
Proc Details
returns a list of cosmetic frames which patronage tier values are are within credit_value. If only_current_tier is TRUE, the list will be populated only by the ones from the highest tier.
Returns paintings with given tag.
Generates painting data ready to be consumed by ui. Args:
- filter: a bitfield argument is used to filter out paintings that don't match certain requisites.
- admin : whether all the json data of the painting is added to the return value or only the more IC details
- search_text : text to search for if the PAINTINGS_FILTER_SEARCH_TITLE or PAINTINGS_FILTER_SEARCH_CREATOR filters are enabled.
Saves all persistent paintings
Saves all currently tracked painting data to file
Updates paintings data format to latest if necessary