Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



alt_job_titlesAlternative job titles stored in preferences. Assoc list, ie. alt_job_titles["Scientist"] = "Cytologist"
character_preview_viewA preview of the current character
character_savefileThe savefile relating to character preferences, PREFERENCE_CHARACTER
current_windowThe current window, PREFERENCE_TAB_* in [code/__DEFINES/preferences.dm]
favorite_outfitsWhat outfit typepaths we've favorited in the SelectEquipment menu
game_savefileThe savefile relating to core preferences, PREFERENCE_PLAYER
heartedSomeone thought we were nice! We get a little heart in OOC until we join the server past the below time (we can keep it until the end of the round otherwise)
hearted_untilIf we have a hearted commendations, we honor it every time the player loads preferences until this time has been passed
key_bindingsCustom keybindings. Map of keybind names to keyboard inputs. For example, by default would have "swap_hands" -> list("X")
key_bindings_by_keyCached list of keybindings, mapping keys to actions. For example, by default would have "X" -> list("swap_hands")
loadout_show_equippedUsed by the loadout UI
middlewareA list of instantiated middleware
preview_prefPreference of how the preview should show the character.
recently_updated_keysA list of keys that have been updated since the last save.
selected_categoryStores the instance of the category we are viewing. (CHARACTER CREATOR)
tainted_character_profilesIf set to TRUE, will update character_profiles on the next ui_data tick.
value_cacheA cache of preference entries to values. Used to avoid expensive READ_FILE every time a preference is retrieved.


apply_all_client_preferencesApplies all PREFERENCE_PLAYER preferences
apply_prefs_toApplies the given preferences to a human mob.
check_keybindingschecks through keybindings for outdated unbound keys and updates them
early_update_characterCalled when reading preferences if a savefile update is detected. This proc is for overriding preference datum values before they are sanitized by deserialize()
get_highest_priority_jobReturns what job is marked as highest
get_key_bindings_by_keyInverts the key_bindings list such that it can be used for key_bindings_by_key
get_savefile_for_savefile_identifierReturns which savefile to use for a given savefile identifier
randomise_appearance_prefsFully randomizes everything in the character.
read_preferenceRead a /datum/preference type and return its value. This will write to the savefile if a value was not found with the new value.
reset_loadoutResets current loadout slot
safe_transfer_prefs_toSanitizes the preferences, applies the randomization prefs, and then applies the preference to the human mob.
update_preferenceWill perform an update on the preference, but not write to the savefile. This will, for instance, update the character preference view. Performs sanity checks.
write_preferenceSet a /datum/preference entry. Returns TRUE for a successful preference application. Returns FALSE if it is invalid.

Var Details


Alternative job titles stored in preferences. Assoc list, ie. alt_job_titles["Scientist"] = "Cytologist"


A preview of the current character


The savefile relating to character preferences, PREFERENCE_CHARACTER


The current window, PREFERENCE_TAB_* in [code/__DEFINES/preferences.dm]


What outfit typepaths we've favorited in the SelectEquipment menu


The savefile relating to core preferences, PREFERENCE_PLAYER


Someone thought we were nice! We get a little heart in OOC until we join the server past the below time (we can keep it until the end of the round otherwise)


If we have a hearted commendations, we honor it every time the player loads preferences until this time has been passed


Custom keybindings. Map of keybind names to keyboard inputs. For example, by default would have "swap_hands" -> list("X")


Cached list of keybindings, mapping keys to actions. For example, by default would have "X" -> list("swap_hands")


Used by the loadout UI


A list of instantiated middleware


Preference of how the preview should show the character.


A list of keys that have been updated since the last save.


Stores the instance of the category we are viewing. (CHARACTER CREATOR)


If set to TRUE, will update character_profiles on the next ui_data tick.


A cache of preference entries to values. Used to avoid expensive READ_FILE every time a preference is retrieved.

Proc Details


Applies all PREFERENCE_PLAYER preferences


Applies the given preferences to a human mob.


checks through keybindings for outdated unbound keys and updates them


Called when reading preferences if a savefile update is detected. This proc is for overriding preference datum values before they are sanitized by deserialize()


Returns what job is marked as highest


Inverts the key_bindings list such that it can be used for key_bindings_by_key


Returns which savefile to use for a given savefile identifier


Fully randomizes everything in the character.


Read a /datum/preference type and return its value. This will write to the savefile if a value was not found with the new value.


Resets current loadout slot


Sanitizes the preferences, applies the randomization prefs, and then applies the preference to the human mob.


Will perform an update on the preference, but not write to the savefile. This will, for instance, update the character preference view. Performs sanity checks.


Set a /datum/preference entry. Returns TRUE for a successful preference application. Returns FALSE if it is invalid.