Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



base_enduranceThe starting amount of endurance this plant has.
base_harvest_amtHow many times you can harvest this plant.
base_harvest_yieldHow many instances of the product are yielded per harvest.
base_healthThe starting health value of this plant.
base_maturationThe baseline amount of seconds to reach maturity. Half of this value is the time to reach "Growing"
base_potencyThe starting amount of potency this plant has.
base_productionThe baseline amount of seconds AFTER reaching maturity to produce a harvest.
force_single_harvestIf TRUE, this plant can only ever be harvested once. However, it will receive benefits to compensate.
gene_holderThe genes of the plant.
generationThe generation of this plant. Cool tracking to see how far the genepool as come.
genomeA pseudoarbitrary value. When attempting to splice two plants together, a larger difference in genome value makes it more difficult. 0 genome delta is a 100% splice chance, 10 is 0%
growing_iconthe file that stores the sprites of the growing plant from this seed.
growthstagesHow many icon states there are between start and mature (inclusive)
icon_deadUsed to override dead icon (default is "[species]-dead"). You can use one dead icon for multiple closely related plants with it.
icon_growUsed to override grow icon (default is "[species]-grow"). You can use one grow icon for multiple closely related plants with it.
icon_harvestUsed to override harvest icon (default is "[species]-harvest"). If null, plant will use [icon_grow][growthstages].
in_seedRef to the seed we're in, if any.
innate_genesInnate genes that all instances of this plant have.
is_hybridIf this plant was created as a result of genetic splicing.
latent_genesGenes this plant has, may or may not be active.
needs_waterIf the plant needs water to survive.
plant_statusThe status of the plant in the tray. Whether it's harvestable, alive, missing or dead.
possible_mutationsPossible mutation paths for this plant.
product_pathTypepath of the product upon harvesting.
rarityRarity, decides export value.
reagents_per_potencyPer 1 point of potency, the product will contain that much reagent.
seed_pathType of seed produced.
speciesUsed to update icons. Should match the name in the sprites unless all icon_* are overridden.


get_effective_statReturns the given stat, including active gene modifiers.
get_growth_for_stateGet the required growth value to reach a given state.
get_growth_statusReturns the plant's growth state. Args:
infuseThe number of nutriments we have inside of our plant, for use in our heating / cooling genes
inherit_reagents_from_genesReplace reagents_per_potency with genes.
prepare_productThis is where plant chemical products are handled.
set_base_statReturns the given stat, including active gene modifiers.

Var Details


The starting amount of endurance this plant has.


How many times you can harvest this plant.


How many instances of the product are yielded per harvest.


The starting health value of this plant.


The baseline amount of seconds to reach maturity. Half of this value is the time to reach "Growing"


The starting amount of potency this plant has.


The baseline amount of seconds AFTER reaching maturity to produce a harvest.


If TRUE, this plant can only ever be harvested once. However, it will receive benefits to compensate.


The genes of the plant.


The generation of this plant. Cool tracking to see how far the genepool as come.


A pseudoarbitrary value. When attempting to splice two plants together, a larger difference in genome value makes it more difficult. 0 genome delta is a 100% splice chance, 10 is 0%


the file that stores the sprites of the growing plant from this seed.


How many icon states there are between start and mature (inclusive)


Used to override dead icon (default is "[species]-dead"). You can use one dead icon for multiple closely related plants with it.


Used to override grow icon (default is "[species]-grow"). You can use one grow icon for multiple closely related plants with it.


Used to override harvest icon (default is "[species]-harvest"). If null, plant will use [icon_grow][growthstages].


Ref to the seed we're in, if any.


Innate genes that all instances of this plant have.


If this plant was created as a result of genetic splicing.


Genes this plant has, may or may not be active.


If the plant needs water to survive.


The status of the plant in the tray. Whether it's harvestable, alive, missing or dead.


Possible mutation paths for this plant.


Typepath of the product upon harvesting.


Rarity, decides export value.


Per 1 point of potency, the product will contain that much reagent.


Type of seed produced.


Used to update icons. Should match the name in the sprites unless all icon_* are overridden.

Proc Details


Returns the given stat, including active gene modifiers.


Get the required growth value to reach a given state.


Returns the plant's growth state. Args:


The number of nutriments we have inside of our plant, for use in our heating / cooling genes


Replace reagents_per_potency with genes.


This is where plant chemical products are handled.

Individually, the formula for individual amounts of chemicals is Potency * the chemical production %, rounded to the fullest 1. Specific chem handling is also handled here, like bloodtype, food taste within nutriment, and the auto-distilling/autojuicing traits. This is where chemical reactions can occur, and the heating / cooling traits effect the reagent container.


Returns the given stat, including active gene modifiers.