Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



candidatesList of pAI candidates, including those not submitted.
pai_card_listAll pAI cards on the map.
request_spamPrevents a crew member from hitting "request pAI"
submit_spamPrevents a pAI from submitting itself repeatedly and sounding an alert.


check_candidateThe matching candidate from search Finds the candidate in question from the list of candidates.
check_readyChecks if a candidate is ready so that they may be displayed in the pAI card's candidate window
findPAIPings ghosts to announce that someone is requesting a pAI
recruitWindowThis is the primary window proc when the pAI candidate hud menu is pressed by observers.
submit_alertFinds a matching candidate. Pings all pAI cards on the station that new candidates are available.
ui_actThe matching candidate from search
ui_stateSearches for a previous candidate upon opening the menu

Var Details


List of pAI candidates, including those not submitted.


All pAI cards on the map.


Prevents a crew member from hitting "request pAI"


Prevents a pAI from submitting itself repeatedly and sounding an alert.

Proc Details


The matching candidate from search Finds the candidate in question from the list of candidates.


Checks if a candidate is ready so that they may be displayed in the pAI card's candidate window


Pings ghosts to announce that someone is requesting a pAI

Arguments @pai - The card requesting assistance @user - The player requesting a pAI


This is the primary window proc when the pAI candidate hud menu is pressed by observers.

Arguments @user - The ghost doing the pressing.


Finds a matching candidate. Pings all pAI cards on the station that new candidates are available.


The matching candidate from search


Searches for a previous candidate upon opening the menu