Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


A component that lets you turn an object invisible when you're standing on certain relative turfs to it, like behind a tree


animation_timeHow long our fase in/out takes
clickthroughDoes this object let clicks from players its transparent to pass through it
perimeter_reset_timerAfter we somehow moved (because ss13 is godless and does not respect anything), how long do we need to stand still to feel safe to setup our "behind" area again
relative_turf_coordsList of lists that represent relative coordinates to the source atom
target_alphaWhich alpha do we animate towards?
tricked_mobsAssociate list, with client = trickery_image. Track which client is being tricked with which image
watched_turfsA list of turfs on which we make ourself transparent


Initializesee_through_map is a define pointing to a specific map. It's basically defining the area which is considered behind. See see_through_maps.dm for a list of maps
clear_imageRemove a screen image from a client
dismantle_perimeterUnrout ourselves after we somehow moved, and start a timer so we can re-restablish our behind area after standing still for a bit
on_client_disconnectImage is removed when they log out because client gets deleted, so drop the mob reference
on_enteredSomeone entered one of our tiles, so sent an override overlay and a cute animation to make us fade out a bit
on_exitedRemove the screen object and make us appear solid to the client again
setup_perimeterLoop through a list with relative coordinate lists to mark those tiles and hide our parent when someone enters those tiles
trick_mobApply the trickery image and animation

Var Details


How long our fase in/out takes


Does this object let clicks from players its transparent to pass through it


After we somehow moved (because ss13 is godless and does not respect anything), how long do we need to stand still to feel safe to setup our "behind" area again


List of lists that represent relative coordinates to the source atom


Which alpha do we animate towards?


Associate list, with client = trickery_image. Track which client is being tricked with which image


A list of turfs on which we make ourself transparent

Proc Details


see_through_map is a define pointing to a specific map. It's basically defining the area which is considered behind. See see_through_maps.dm for a list of maps


Remove a screen image from a client


Unrout ourselves after we somehow moved, and start a timer so we can re-restablish our behind area after standing still for a bit


Image is removed when they log out because client gets deleted, so drop the mob reference


Someone entered one of our tiles, so sent an override overlay and a cute animation to make us fade out a bit


Remove the screen object and make us appear solid to the client again


Loop through a list with relative coordinate lists to mark those tiles and hide our parent when someone enters those tiles


Apply the trickery image and animation