Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Machines in the world, such as computers, pipes, and airlocks.

Overview: Used to create objects that need a per step proc call. Default definition of 'Initialize()' stores a reference to src machine in global 'machines list'. Default definition of 'Destroy' removes reference to src machine in global 'machines list'.

Class Variables: use_power (num) current state of auto power use. Possible Values: NO_POWER_USE -- no auto power use IDLE_POWER_USE -- machine is using power at its idle power level ACTIVE_POWER_USE -- machine is using power at its active power level

active_power_usage (num) Value for the amount of power to use when in active power mode

idle_power_usage (num) Value for the amount of power to use when in idle power mode

power_channel (num) What channel to draw from when drawing power for power mode Possible Values: AREA_USAGE_EQUIP:1 -- Equipment Channel AREA_USAGE_LIGHT:2 -- Lighting Channel AREA_USAGE_ENVIRON:3 -- Environment Channel

component_parts (list) A list of component parts of machine used by frame based machines.

stat (bitflag) Machine status bit flags. Possible bit flags: BROKEN -- Machine is broken NOPOWER -- No power is being supplied to machine. MAINT -- machine is currently under going maintenance. EMPED -- temporary broken by EMP pulse

Class Procs: Initialize()


	updates the static_power_usage var of this machine and makes its static power usage from its area accurate.
	called after the idle or active power usage has been changed.

	updates the static_power_usage var of this machine and makes its static power usage from its area accurate.
	called after the power_channel var has been changed or called to change the var itself.

	completely removes the current static power usage of this machine from its area.
	used in the other power updating procs to then readd the correct power usage.

 Default definition uses 'use_power', 'power_channel', 'active_power_usage',
 'idle_power_usage', 'powered()', and 'use_power()' implement behavior.

powered(chan = -1) 'modules/power/power.dm' Checks to see if area that contains the object has power available for power channel given in 'chan'. -1 defaults to power_channel

use_power(amount, chan=-1) 'modules/power/power.dm' Deducts 'amount' from the power channel 'chan' of the area that contains the object.

power_change() 'modules/power/power.dm' Called by the area that contains the object when ever that area under goes a power state change (area runs out of power, or area channel is turned off).

RefreshParts() 'game/machinery/machine.dm' Called to refresh the variables in the machine that are contributed to by parts contained in the component_parts list. (example: glass and material amounts for the autolathe)

 Default definition does nothing.

process() 'game/machinery/machine.dm' Called by the 'machinery subsystem' once per machinery tick for each machine that is listed in its 'machines' list.

process_atmos() Called by the 'air subsystem' once per atmos tick for each machine that is listed in its 'atmos_machines' list. Compiled by Aygar


active_power_usagethe amount of static power load this machine adds to its area's power_usage list when use_power = ACTIVE_POWER_USE
atmos_processingIs this machine currently in the atmos machinery queue?
has_disk_slotCan insert a disk into this machine
hibernatingUsed by SSairmachines for optimizing scrubbers and vent pumps.
idle_power_usagethe amount of static power load this machine adds to its area's power_usage list when use_power = IDLE_POWER_USE
inserted_diskA design disk that may-or-may-not be inserted into this machine.
internal_diskThe place that designs are stored. This will be created by apply_default_parts().
is_operationalA combination of factors such as having power, not being broken and so on. Boolean.
last_used_timeworld.time of last use by /mob/living
last_user_mobtypeMobtype of last user. Typecast to /mob/living for initial() usage
master_idGeneral purpose 'master' ID for slave machines.
net_classA short string shown to players fingerprinting the device type as part of command:ping
net_idNetwork ID, see network_flags for autopopulation info.
netjackLinked Network Terminal
network_flagsDo we use packet networks/link to netjacks? see _DEFINES/packetnet.dm
ping_additionAdditional data stapled to pings, reduces network usage for some machines.
processing_flagsViable flags to go here are START_PROCESSING_ON_INIT, or START_PROCESSING_MANUALLY. See code__DEFINES\machines.dm for more information on these flags.
selected_diskUsed for data management.
static_power_usagethe current amount of static power usage this machine is taking from its area
subsystem_typeWhat subsystem this machine will use, which is generally SSmachines or SSfastprocess. By default all machinery use SSmachines. This fires a machine's process() roughly every 2 seconds.


AI_notify_hackAlerts the AI that a hack is in progress.
begin_processingHelper proc for telling a machine to start processing with the subsystem type that is located in its subsystem_type var.
create_signalA wrapper to generate basic, minimally-compliant data packets easily. Returns a datum/signal with prefilled s_addr and d_addr added to datagram
directly_use_powerAn alternative to 'use_power', this proc directly costs the APC in direct charge, as opposed to being calculated periodically.
disk_copyCopy data from the internal disk to an inserted one or visa-versa.
dump_contentsDrop every movable atom in the machine's contents list, including any components and circuit.
dump_inventory_contentsDrop every movable atom in the machine's contents list that is not a component_part.
eject_diskEject an inserted disk. Pass a user to put the disk in their hands.
end_processingHelper proc for telling a machine to stop processing with the subsystem type that is located in its subsystem_type var.
link_to_jackAttempt to locate a network jack on the same tile and link to it, unlinking from any existing terminal. Passes through the return code from [/obj/machinery/power/data_terminal/proc/connect_machine()]
on_set_is_operationalCalled when the value of is_operational changes, so we can react to it.
on_set_machine_statCalled when the value of machine_stat changes, so we can react to it.
open_machineOpens the machine.
post_signalSend a signal from a ref. Data sent in signals must be dereferenced. If you're sending a forged source address (You should have a good reason for this...) set `preserve_s_addr = TRUE
power_changeCalled whenever the power settings of the containing area change
remove_area_power_relationshipproc to call when the machine stops requiring power after a duration of requiring power saves memory by removing the power relationship with its area if it exists and loses area sensitivity does not affect power usage itself
set_is_operationalCalled when we want to change the value of the is_operational variable. Boolean.
set_machine_statCalled when we want to change the value of the machine_stat variable. Holds bitflags.
setup_area_power_relationshipproc to call when the machine starts to require power after a duration of not requiring power sets up power related connections to its area if it exists and becomes area sensitive does not affect power usage itself
spawn_frameSpawns a frame where this machine is. If the machine was not disassmbled, the frame is spawned damaged. If the frame couldn't exist on this turf, it's smashed down to metal sheets.
toggle_diskToggle the selected disk between internal and inserted.
try_put_in_handPuts passed object in to user's hand
unlink_from_jackUnlink from a network terminal ignore_check is used as part of machinery destroy.
unset_static_powerinternal proc that removes all static power usage from the current area
update_current_power_usagemakes this machine draw power from its area according to which use_power mode it is set to
update_mode_power_usagesets the power_usage linked to the specified use_power_mode to new_usage e.g. update_mode_power_usage(ACTIVE_POWER_USE, 10) sets active_power_use = 10 and updates its power draw from the machines area if use_power == ACTIVE_POWER_USE
update_power_channelupdates the power channel this machine uses. removes the static power usage from the old channel and readds it to the new channel
update_use_powerupdates the use_power var for this machine and updates its static power usage from its area to reflect the new value
use_power_from_netAttempts to draw power directly from the APC's Powernet rather than the APC's battery. For high-draw machines, like the cell charger

Var Details


the amount of static power load this machine adds to its area's power_usage list when use_power = ACTIVE_POWER_USE


Is this machine currently in the atmos machinery queue?


Can insert a disk into this machine


Used by SSairmachines for optimizing scrubbers and vent pumps.


the amount of static power load this machine adds to its area's power_usage list when use_power = IDLE_POWER_USE


A design disk that may-or-may-not be inserted into this machine.


The place that designs are stored. This will be created by apply_default_parts().


A combination of factors such as having power, not being broken and so on. Boolean.


world.time of last use by /mob/living


Mobtype of last user. Typecast to /mob/living for initial() usage


General purpose 'master' ID for slave machines.


A short string shown to players fingerprinting the device type as part of command:ping


Network ID, see network_flags for autopopulation info.


Linked Network Terminal


Do we use packet networks/link to netjacks? see _DEFINES/packetnet.dm


Additional data stapled to pings, reduces network usage for some machines.


Viable flags to go here are START_PROCESSING_ON_INIT, or START_PROCESSING_MANUALLY. See code__DEFINES\machines.dm for more information on these flags.


Used for data management.


the current amount of static power usage this machine is taking from its area


What subsystem this machine will use, which is generally SSmachines or SSfastprocess. By default all machinery use SSmachines. This fires a machine's process() roughly every 2 seconds.

Proc Details


Alerts the AI that a hack is in progress.

Sends all AIs a message that a hack is occurring. Specifically used for space ninja tampering as this proc was originally in the ninja files. However, the proc may also be used elsewhere.


Helper proc for telling a machine to start processing with the subsystem type that is located in its subsystem_type var.


A wrapper to generate basic, minimally-compliant data packets easily. Returns a datum/signal with prefilled s_addr and d_addr added to datagram


An alternative to 'use_power', this proc directly costs the APC in direct charge, as opposed to being calculated periodically.


Copy data from the internal disk to an inserted one or visa-versa.


Drop every movable atom in the machine's contents list, including any components and circuit.


Drop every movable atom in the machine's contents list that is not a component_part.

Proc does not drop components and will skip over anything in the component_parts list. Call dump_contents() to drop all contents including components. Arguments:


Eject an inserted disk. Pass a user to put the disk in their hands.


Helper proc for telling a machine to stop processing with the subsystem type that is located in its subsystem_type var.

Attempt to locate a network jack on the same tile and link to it, unlinking from any existing terminal. Passes through the return code from [/obj/machinery/power/data_terminal/proc/connect_machine()]


Called when the value of is_operational changes, so we can react to it.


Called when the value of machine_stat changes, so we can react to it.


Opens the machine.

Will update the machine icon and any user interfaces currently open. Arguments:


Send a signal from a ref. Data sent in signals must be dereferenced. If you're sending a forged source address (You should have a good reason for this...) set `preserve_s_addr = TRUE



Called whenever the power settings of the containing area change

by default, check equipment channel & set flag, can override if needed

Returns TRUE if the NOPOWER flag was toggled


proc to call when the machine stops requiring power after a duration of requiring power saves memory by removing the power relationship with its area if it exists and loses area sensitivity does not affect power usage itself


Called when we want to change the value of the is_operational variable. Boolean.


Called when we want to change the value of the machine_stat variable. Holds bitflags.


proc to call when the machine starts to require power after a duration of not requiring power sets up power related connections to its area if it exists and becomes area sensitive does not affect power usage itself


Spawns a frame where this machine is. If the machine was not disassmbled, the frame is spawned damaged. If the frame couldn't exist on this turf, it's smashed down to metal sheets.



Toggle the selected disk between internal and inserted.


Puts passed object in to user's hand

Puts the passed object in to the users hand if they are adjacent. If the user is not adjacent then place the object on top of the machine.


Unlink from a network terminal ignore_check is used as part of machinery destroy.


internal proc that removes all static power usage from the current area


makes this machine draw power from its area according to which use_power mode it is set to


sets the power_usage linked to the specified use_power_mode to new_usage e.g. update_mode_power_usage(ACTIVE_POWER_USE, 10) sets active_power_use = 10 and updates its power draw from the machines area if use_power == ACTIVE_POWER_USE



updates the power channel this machine uses. removes the static power usage from the old channel and readds it to the new channel


updates the use_power var for this machine and updates its static power usage from its area to reflect the new value


Attempts to draw power directly from the APC's Powernet rather than the APC's battery. For high-draw machines, like the cell charger

Checks the surplus power on the APC's powernet, and compares to the requested amount. If the requested amount is available, this proc will add the amount to the APC's usage and return that amount. Otherwise, this proc will return FALSE. If the take_any var arg is set to true, this proc will use and return any surplus that is under the requested amount, assuming that the surplus is above zero. Args: