Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


The absolute base class for everything

A datum instantiated has no physical world prescence, use an atom if you want something that actually lives in the world

Be very mindful about adding variables to this class, they are inherited by every single thing in the entire game, and so you can easily cause memory usage to rise a lot with careless use of variables at this level


abstract_typeIf this var's value is equivalent to the current type, it is considered abstract. It is illegal to instantiate abstract types.
active_timersActive timers with this datum as the target
comp_lookupAny datum registered to receive signals from this datum is in this list
datum_componentsComponents attached to this datum
datum_flagsDatum level flags
gc_destroyedTick count time when this object was destroyed.
signal_procsLazy associated list in the structure of signals:proctype that are run when the datum receives that signal
status_traitsStatus traits attached to this datum. associative list of the form: list(trait name (string) = list(source1, source2, source3,...))
weak_referenceA weak reference to another datum


DestroyDefault implementation of clean-up code.
GenerateTagGenerate a tag for this /datum, if it implements one Should be called as early as possible, best would be in New, to avoid weakref mistargets Really just don't use this, you don't need it, global lists will do just fine MOST of the time We really only use it for mobs to make id'ing people easier
GetComponentReturn any component assigned to this datum of the given type
GetComponentsGet all components of a given type that are attached to this datum
GetExactComponentReturn any component assigned to this datum of the exact given type
RegisterSignalRegister to listen for a signal from the passed in target
TakeComponentTransfer this component to another parent
TopicCalled when a href for this datum is clicked
TransferComponentsTransfer all components to target
UnregisterSignalStop listening to a given signal from target
_AddComponentCreates an instance of new_type in the datum and attaches to it as parent
_AddElementFinds the singleton for the element type given and attaches it to src
_LoadComponentGet existing component of type, or create it and return a reference to it
_RemoveElementFinds the singleton for the element type given and detaches it from src You only need additional arguments beyond the type if you're using ELEMENT_BESPOKE
_SendSignalInternal proc to handle most all of the signaling procedure
clear_signal_refsOnly override this if you know what you're doing. You do not know what you're doing This is a threat
deserialize_jsonDeserializes from JSON. Does not parse type.
deserialize_listAccepts a LIST from deserialize_datum. Should return src or another datum.
dump_harddel_infoReturn text from this proc to provide extra context to hard deletes that happen to it Optional, you should use this for cases where replication is difficult and extra context is required
jatum_new_arglistGets the flat list that can be passed in a new /type(argslist(retval)) expression to recreate the datum. Must only return a list containing values that can be JATUM serialized
processThis proc is called on a datum on every "cycle" if it is being processed by a subsystem. The time between each cycle is determined by the subsystem's "wait" setting. You can start and stop processing a datum using the START_PROCESSING and STOP_PROCESSING defines.
ref_search_detailsReturn info about us for reference searching purposes Will be logged as a representation of this datum if it's a part of a search chain
serialize_jsonSerializes into JSON. Does not encode type.
serialize_listReturn a LIST for serialize_datum to encode! Not the actual json!
string_assoc_listCaches associative lists with non-numeric stringify-able index keys and stringify-able values (text/typepath -> text/path/number).

Var Details


If this var's value is equivalent to the current type, it is considered abstract. It is illegal to instantiate abstract types.


Active timers with this datum as the target


Any datum registered to receive signals from this datum is in this list

Lazy associated list in the structure of signal:registree/list of registrees


Components attached to this datum

Lazy associated list in the structure of type:component/list of components


Datum level flags


Tick count time when this object was destroyed.

If this is non zero then the object has been garbage collected and is awaiting either a hard del by the GC subsystme, or to be autocollected (if it has no references)


Lazy associated list in the structure of signals:proctype that are run when the datum receives that signal


Status traits attached to this datum. associative list of the form: list(trait name (string) = list(source1, source2, source3,...))



Associative list of JSON-encoded shared states that were set by tgui clients.


A weak reference to another datum

Proc Details


Default implementation of clean-up code.

This should be overridden to remove all references pointing to the object being destroyed, if you do override it, make sure to call the parent and return it's return value by default

Return an appropriate QDEL_HINT to modify handling of your deletion; in most cases this is QDEL_HINT_QUEUE.

The base case is responsible for doing the following



Generate a tag for this /datum, if it implements one Should be called as early as possible, best would be in New, to avoid weakref mistargets Really just don't use this, you don't need it, global lists will do just fine MOST of the time We really only use it for mobs to make id'ing people easier


Return any component assigned to this datum of the given type

This will throw an error if it's possible to have more than one component of that type on the parent



Get all components of a given type that are attached to this datum



Return any component assigned to this datum of the exact given type

This will throw an error if it's possible to have more than one component of that type on the parent



Register to listen for a signal from the passed in target

This sets up a listening relationship such that when the target object emits a signal the source datum this proc is called upon, will receive a callback to the given proctype Return values from procs registered must be a bitfield



Transfer this component to another parent

Component is taken from source datum



Called when a href for this datum is clicked

Sends a COMSIG_TOPIC signal


Transfer all components to target

All components from source datum are taken



Stop listening to a given signal from target

Breaks the relationship between target and source datum, removing the callback when the signal fires

Doesn't care if a registration exists or not



Creates an instance of new_type in the datum and attaches to it as parent

Sends the COMSIG_COMPONENT_ADDED signal to the datum

Returns the component that was created. Or the old component in a dupe situation where COMPONENT_DUPE_UNIQUE was set

If this tries to add a component to an incompatible type, the component will be deleted and the result will be null. This is very unperformant, try not to do it

Properly handles duplicate situations based on the dupe_mode var


Finds the singleton for the element type given and attaches it to src


Get existing component of type, or create it and return a reference to it

Use this if the item needs to exist at the time of this call, but may not have been created before now



Finds the singleton for the element type given and detaches it from src You only need additional arguments beyond the type if you're using ELEMENT_BESPOKE


Internal proc to handle most all of the signaling procedure

Will runtime if used on datums with an empty component list

Use the SEND_SIGNAL define instead


Only override this if you know what you're doing. You do not know what you're doing This is a threat


Deserializes from JSON. Does not parse type.


Accepts a LIST from deserialize_datum. Should return src or another datum.


Return text from this proc to provide extra context to hard deletes that happen to it Optional, you should use this for cases where replication is difficult and extra context is required


Gets the flat list that can be passed in a new /type(argslist(retval)) expression to recreate the datum. Must only return a list containing values that can be JATUM serialized


This proc is called on a datum on every "cycle" if it is being processed by a subsystem. The time between each cycle is determined by the subsystem's "wait" setting. You can start and stop processing a datum using the START_PROCESSING and STOP_PROCESSING defines.

Since the wait setting of a subsystem can be changed at any time, it is important that any rate-of-change that you implement in this proc is multiplied by the delta_time that is sent as a parameter, Additionally, any "prob" you use in this proc should instead use the DT_PROB define to make sure that the final probability per second stays the same even if the subsystem's wait is altered. Examples where this must be considered:

If you override this do not call parent, as it will return PROCESS_KILL. This is done to prevent objects that dont override process() from staying in the processing list


Return info about us for reference searching purposes Will be logged as a representation of this datum if it's a part of a search chain


Serializes into JSON. Does not encode type.


Return a LIST for serialize_datum to encode! Not the actual json!


Caches associative lists with non-numeric stringify-able index keys and stringify-able values (text/typepath -> text/path/number).



Called on a UI when the UI receieves a href. Think of this as Topic().

required action string The action/button that has been invoked by the user. required params list A list of parameters attached to the button.

return bool If the user's input has been handled and the UI should update.



Called on an object when a tgui object is being created, allowing you to push various assets to tgui, for examples spritesheets.

return list List of asset datums or file paths.



Called on a UI's object when the UI is closed, not to be confused with client/verb/uiclose(), which closes the ui window



Data to be sent to the UI. This must be implemented for a UI to work.

required user mob The mob interacting with the UI.

return list Data to be sent to the UI.



The UI's host object (usually src_object). This allows modules/datums to have the UI attached to them, and be a part of another object.



Used to open and update UIs. If this proc is not implemented properly, the UI will not update correctly.

required user mob The mob who opened/is using the UI. optional ui datum/tgui The UI to be updated, if it exists.



The UI's state controller to be used for created uis This is a proc over a var for memory reasons



Static Data to be sent to the UI.

Static data differs from normal data in that it's large data that should be sent infrequently. This is implemented optionally for heavy uis that would be sending a lot of redundant data frequently. Gets squished into one object on the frontend side, but the static part is cached.

required user mob The mob interacting with the UI.

return list Statuic Data to be sent to the UI.



Checks the UI state for a mob.

required user mob The mob who opened/is using the UI. required state datum/ui_state The state to check.

return UI_state The state of the UI.



Forces an update on static data. Should be done manually whenever something happens to change static data.

required user the mob currently interacting with the ui optional ui ui to be updated



Forces an update on static data. Should be done manually whenever something happens to change static data. Applies to all UIs tied to this object.