Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details


Represents a proc or verb path.

Despite having no DM-defined static type, proc paths have some variables, listed below. These are not modifiable, but for a given procpath P, new P(null, "Name", "Desc") can be used to create a new procpath with the same code but new name and desc values. The other variables cannot be changed in this way.

This type exists only to act as an annotation, providing reasonable static typing for procpaths. Previously, types like /atom/verb were used, with the name and desc vars of /atom thus being accessible. Proc and verb paths will fail istype and ispath checks against /procpath.


categoryThe category or tab the verb will appear in.
descThe verb's help text or description.
hiddenWhether or not the verb appears in statpanel and commandbar when you press space
invisibilityOnly clients/mobs with see_invisibility higher can use the verb.
nameA text string of the verb's name.

Var Details


The category or tab the verb will appear in.


The verb's help text or description.


Whether or not the verb appears in statpanel and commandbar when you press space


Only clients/mobs with see_invisibility higher can use the verb.


A text string of the verb's name.