Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



box_close_timerA timer for how long it takes for the box to close itself
box_expire_timerA timer for how long it takes for the box to start its expire animation
box_stateThe box's current state, and whether it can be interacted with in different ways
current_sound_channelStores the current sound channel we're using so we can cut off our own sounds as needed. Randomized after each roll
grant_extra_magIf the prize is a ballistic gun with an external magazine, should we grant the user a spare mag?
presented_itemThe object that represents the rapidly changing item that will be granted upon being claimed. Is not, itself, an item.
selectable_base_typeEvery type that's a child of this that has an icon, icon_state, and isn't ABSTRACT is fair game. More granularity to come
valid_typesThe instantiated list that contains all of the valid items that can be chosen from. Generated in /obj/structure/mystery_box/proc/generate_valid_types


activateThe box has been activated, play the sound and spawn the prop item
close_boxThe box is closed, whether because the prize fully expired, or it was claimed. Start resetting all of the state stuff
generate_valid_typesThis proc is used to define what item types valid_types is filled with
grant_weaponSomeone attacked the box with an empty hand, spawn the shown prize and give it to them, then close the box
present_weaponThe box has finished choosing, mark it as available for grabbing
ready_againThe cooldown between activations has finished, shake to show that
start_expire_offerThe prize is still claimable, but the animation will show it start to recede back into the box

Var Details


A timer for how long it takes for the box to close itself


A timer for how long it takes for the box to start its expire animation


The box's current state, and whether it can be interacted with in different ways


Stores the current sound channel we're using so we can cut off our own sounds as needed. Randomized after each roll


If the prize is a ballistic gun with an external magazine, should we grant the user a spare mag?


The object that represents the rapidly changing item that will be granted upon being claimed. Is not, itself, an item.


Every type that's a child of this that has an icon, icon_state, and isn't ABSTRACT is fair game. More granularity to come


The instantiated list that contains all of the valid items that can be chosen from. Generated in /obj/structure/mystery_box/proc/generate_valid_types

Proc Details


The box has been activated, play the sound and spawn the prop item


The box is closed, whether because the prize fully expired, or it was claimed. Start resetting all of the state stuff


This proc is used to define what item types valid_types is filled with


Someone attacked the box with an empty hand, spawn the shown prize and give it to them, then close the box


The box has finished choosing, mark it as available for grabbing


The cooldown between activations has finished, shake to show that


The prize is still claimable, but the animation will show it start to recede back into the box