Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Represents a new-player interview form

Represents a new-player interview form, enabled by configuration to require players with low playtime to request access to the server. To do so, they will out a brief questionnaire, and are otherwise unable to do anything while they wait for a response.


atomic_idAtomic ID for incrementing unique IDs
idUnique ID of the interview
ownerThe /client who owns this interview, the intiator
owner_ckeyThe Ckey of the owner, used for when a client could disconnect
pos_in_queueInteger that contains the current position in the interview queue, used for rendering
questionsThe questions to display on the questionnaire of the interview
read_onlyBoolean operator controlling if the questionnaire's contents can be edited
responsesThe stored responses, will be filled as the questionnaire is answered
statusContains the state of the form, used for rendering and sanity checking
welcome_messageThe welcome message shown at the top of the interview panel


approveApproves the interview, forces reconnect of owner if relevant.
denyDenies the interview and adds the owner to the cooldown for new interviews.
link_selfGenerates a clickable link to open this interview
reconnect_ownerForces client to reconnect, used in the callback from approval

Var Details


Atomic ID for incrementing unique IDs


Unique ID of the interview


The /client who owns this interview, the intiator


The Ckey of the owner, used for when a client could disconnect


Integer that contains the current position in the interview queue, used for rendering


The questions to display on the questionnaire of the interview


Boolean operator controlling if the questionnaire's contents can be edited


The stored responses, will be filled as the questionnaire is answered


Contains the state of the form, used for rendering and sanity checking


The welcome message shown at the top of the interview panel

Proc Details


Approves the interview, forces reconnect of owner if relevant.

Approves the interview, and if relevant will force the owner to reconnect so that they have the proper verbs returned to them. Arguments:


Denies the interview and adds the owner to the cooldown for new interviews.


Generates a clickable link to open this interview


Forces client to reconnect, used in the callback from approval