Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


This is a relatively simple component that attempts to deter the parent of the component away from a specific area or areas. By default it simply applies a penalty where all movement is four times slower than usual and any action that would affect your 'next move' has a penalty multiplier of 4 attached.


area_blacklistThe blacklist of areas that the parent will be penalized for entering
area_createdA list of areas that have been created and are considered to not be hazardous
area_whitelistThe whitelist of areas that the parent is allowed to be in. If set this overrides the blacklist
last_parent_areaA variable storing the typepath of the last checked area to prevent any further logic running if it has not changed


check_area_hazardousChecks if the area being checked is considered hazardous The whitelist is checked first if it exists, otherwise it checks if it is in the blacklist
handle_parent_area_changeThis signal should be called whenever our parent moves.
on_area_creationThis signal handler does a few house cleaning tasks when a new area is created. If the created area already exists in the blacklist or whitelist it simply returns, however if it isn't we check for an overwritten area and if non-hazardous setup the area to allow the parent. If there isnt an overwritten area it assumes it to be non-hazardous, abuse it and you will weep -ZephyrTFA
reject_ladder_movementThis signal handler checks the area the target ladder is in and if hazardous prevents them from using it
reject_vehicleA simple signal handler that informs the parent they cannot ride a vehicle and ejects them
update_parent_status_effectThis proc handles the status effect applied to the parent, most noteably applying or removing it as required

Var Details


The blacklist of areas that the parent will be penalized for entering


A list of areas that have been created and are considered to not be hazardous


The whitelist of areas that the parent is allowed to be in. If set this overrides the blacklist


A variable storing the typepath of the last checked area to prevent any further logic running if it has not changed

Proc Details


Checks if the area being checked is considered hazardous The whitelist is checked first if it exists, otherwise it checks if it is in the blacklist


This signal should be called whenever our parent moves.


This signal handler does a few house cleaning tasks when a new area is created. If the created area already exists in the blacklist or whitelist it simply returns, however if it isn't we check for an overwritten area and if non-hazardous setup the area to allow the parent. If there isnt an overwritten area it assumes it to be non-hazardous, abuse it and you will weep -ZephyrTFA


This signal handler checks the area the target ladder is in and if hazardous prevents them from using it


A simple signal handler that informs the parent they cannot ride a vehicle and ejects them


This proc handles the status effect applied to the parent, most noteably applying or removing it as required