Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesDefine Details


SEND_SIGNALUsed to trigger signals and call procs registered for that signal The datum hosting the signal is automaticaly added as the first argument Returns a bitfield gathered from all registered procs Arguments given here are packaged in a list and given to _SendSignal
SIGNAL_HANDLERSignifies that this proc is used to handle signals. Every proc you pass to RegisterSignal must have this.
AddElementA wrapper for _AddElement that allows us to pretend we're using normal named arguments
RemoveElementA wrapper for _RemoveElement that allows us to pretend we're using normal named arguments
AddComponentA wrapper for _AddComponent that allows us to pretend we're using normal named arguments
LoadComponentA wrapper for _LoadComponent that allows us to pretend we're using normal named arguments

Define Details


A wrapper for _AddComponent that allows us to pretend we're using normal named arguments


A wrapper for _AddElement that allows us to pretend we're using normal named arguments


A wrapper for _LoadComponent that allows us to pretend we're using normal named arguments


A wrapper for _RemoveElement that allows us to pretend we're using normal named arguments


Used to trigger signals and call procs registered for that signal The datum hosting the signal is automaticaly added as the first argument Returns a bitfield gathered from all registered procs Arguments given here are packaged in a list and given to _SendSignal


Signifies that this proc is used to handle signals. Every proc you pass to RegisterSignal must have this.