Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Makes an atom a shell that is able to take in an attached circuit.


attached_circuitThe circuitboard attached to this shell
capacityThe capacity of the shell.
lockedWhether the shell is locked or not
max_power_use_in_minuteThe maximum power that the shell can use in a minute before entering overheating and destroying itself.
power_used_cooldownThe cooldown time to reset the power_used_in_minute to 0
power_used_in_minuteThe amount of power used in the last minute
shell_flagsFlags containing what this shell can do
unremovable_circuit_componentsA list of components that cannot be removed


attach_circuitAttaches a circuit to the parent. Doesn't do any checks to see for any existing circuits so that should be done beforehand.
is_authorizedDetermines if a user is authorized to see the existance of this shell. Returns false if they are not
on_attack_byCalled when an item hits the parent. This is the method to add the circuitboard to the component.
on_circuit_deleteChecks for when the circuitboard deletes so that it can be unassigned.
on_circuit_movedChecks for when the circuitboard moves. If it moves, removes it from the component.
on_screwdriver_actCalled when a screwdriver is used on the parent. Removes the circuitboard from the component.
on_set_anchoredCalled when the shell is anchored.
remove_circuitRemoves the circuit from the component. Doesn't do any checks to see for an existing circuit so that should be done beforehand.
set_lockedSets whether the shell is locked or not

Var Details


The circuitboard attached to this shell


The capacity of the shell.


Whether the shell is locked or not


The maximum power that the shell can use in a minute before entering overheating and destroying itself.


The cooldown time to reset the power_used_in_minute to 0


The amount of power used in the last minute


Flags containing what this shell can do


A list of components that cannot be removed

Proc Details


Attaches a circuit to the parent. Doesn't do any checks to see for any existing circuits so that should be done beforehand.


Determines if a user is authorized to see the existance of this shell. Returns false if they are not



Called when an item hits the parent. This is the method to add the circuitboard to the component.


Checks for when the circuitboard deletes so that it can be unassigned.


Checks for when the circuitboard moves. If it moves, removes it from the component.


Called when a screwdriver is used on the parent. Removes the circuitboard from the component.


Called when the shell is anchored.

Only applies if the shell has SHELL_FLAG_REQUIRE_ANCHOR. Disables the integrated circuit if unanchored, otherwise enable the circuit.


Removes the circuit from the component. Doesn't do any checks to see for an existing circuit so that should be done beforehand.


Sets whether the shell is locked or not