Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



audit_logA list of strings containing a basic transaction history of purchases on the station. Added to any time when player accounts purchase something.
bank_accounts_by_idList of normal (no department ones) accounts' identifiers with associated datum accounts, for big O performance. A list of sole account datums can be obtained with flatten_list(), another variable would be redundant rn.
bounty_modifierThe modifier multiplied to the value of bounties paid out.
dep_cardsList of the departmental budget cards in existance.
department_accounts_by_idDepartmental account datums by ID
earning_reportContains the message to send to newscasters about price inflation and earnings, updated on price_update()
export_totalTotal value of exported materials.
full_ancapEnables extra money charges for things that normally would be free, such as sleepers/cryo/beepsky. Take care when enabling, as players will NOT respond well if the economy is set up for low cash flows.
government_budgetGovt Bux, for the government supply console
import_totalTotal value of imported goods.
mail_blockedMail Holiday: AKA does mail arrive today? Always blocked on Sundays.
mail_waitingNumber of mail items generated.
pack_price_modifierThe modifier multiplied to the value of cargo pack prices.
roundstart_budget_amtHow many credits to give to each department at round start.
roundstart_paychecksHow many paychecks should players start out the round with?
station_masterThe station's master account, used for splitting up funds and pooling money.
station_totalA var that collects the total amount of credits owned in player accounts on station, reset and recounted on fire()


paydayThe first fire at roundstart is discarded.
price_updateUpdates the prices of all station vendors.
spawn_cash_for_amountSpawns a given amount of money in optimal stacks at the given location.
track_purchaseProc that adds a set of strings and ints to the audit log, tracked by the economy SS.
update_mailWe don't use transfering, because we already know there's enough money.

Var Details


A list of strings containing a basic transaction history of purchases on the station. Added to any time when player accounts purchase something.


List of normal (no department ones) accounts' identifiers with associated datum accounts, for big O performance. A list of sole account datums can be obtained with flatten_list(), another variable would be redundant rn.


The modifier multiplied to the value of bounties paid out.


List of the departmental budget cards in existance.


Departmental account datums by ID


Contains the message to send to newscasters about price inflation and earnings, updated on price_update()


Total value of exported materials.


Enables extra money charges for things that normally would be free, such as sleepers/cryo/beepsky. Take care when enabling, as players will NOT respond well if the economy is set up for low cash flows.


Govt Bux, for the government supply console


Total value of imported goods.


Mail Holiday: AKA does mail arrive today? Always blocked on Sundays.


Number of mail items generated.


The modifier multiplied to the value of cargo pack prices.


How many credits to give to each department at round start.


How many paychecks should players start out the round with?


The station's master account, used for splitting up funds and pooling money.


A var that collects the total amount of credits owned in player accounts on station, reset and recounted on fire()

Proc Details


The first fire at roundstart is discarded.


Updates the prices of all station vendors.

Iterates over the machines list for vending machines, resets their regular and premium product prices (Not contraband).


Spawns a given amount of money in optimal stacks at the given location.


Proc that adds a set of strings and ints to the audit log, tracked by the economy SS.


We don't use transfering, because we already know there's enough money.