Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Borg Built-in tablet interface


borglogIC log that borgs can view in their personal management app
borgoRef to the silicon we're installed in. Set by the borg during our creation.
robotactRef to the RoboTact app. Important enough to borgs to deserve a ref.


get_robotactReturns a ref to the RoboTact app, creating the app if need be.

Var Details


IC log that borgs can view in their personal management app


Ref to the silicon we're installed in. Set by the borg during our creation.


Ref to the RoboTact app. Important enough to borgs to deserve a ref.

Proc Details


Returns a ref to the RoboTact app, creating the app if need be.

The RoboTact app is important for borgs, and so should always be available. This proc will look for it in the tablet's robotact var, then check the hard drive if the robotact var is unset, and finally attempt to create a new copy if the hard drive does not contain the app. If the hard drive rejects the new copy (such as due to lack of space), the proc will crash with an error. RoboTact is supposed to be undeletable, so these will create runtime messages.