NEEDS_PERMIT | Used by security bots to determine if this item is safe for public use. |
IGNORE_DIGITIGRADE | Can be equipped on digitigrade legs. |
ITEM_HAS_CONTEXTUAL_SCREENTIPS | Has contextual screentips when HOVERING OVER OTHER objects |
NO_EVIDENCE_ON_ATTACK | Does not leave fingerprints or fibers on attack |
LAVAPROTECT | SUIT and HEAD items which stop lava from hurting the wearer |
STOPSPRESSUREDAMAGE | SUIT and HEAD items which stop pressure damage. To stop you taking all pressure damage you must have both a suit and head item with this flag. |
BLOCK_GAS_SMOKE_EFFECT | Blocks the effect that chemical clouds would have on a mob --glasses, mask and helmets ONLY! |
MASKINTERNALS | mask allows internals |
GAS_FILTERING | mask filters toxins and other harmful gases |
THICKMATERIAL | prevents syringes, parapens and hypos if the external suit or helmet (if targeting head) has this flag. Example: space suits, biosuit, bombsuits, thick suits that cover your body. |
VOICEBOX_TOGGLABLE | The voicebox in this clothing can be toggled. |
VOICEBOX_DISABLED | The voicebox is currently turned off. |
BLOCKS_SHOVE_KNOCKDOWN | Prevents shovies against a dense object from knocking the wearer down. |
SNUG_FIT | Prevents knock-off from things like hat-throwing. |
ANTI_TINFOIL_MANEUVER | Hats with negative effects when worn (i.e the tinfoil hat). |
DANGEROUS_OBJECT | Clothes that cause a larger notification when placed on a person. |
LARGE_WORN_ICON | Clothes that use large icons, for applying the proper overlays like blood |
BLOCKS_SPEECH | Clothes that block speech (i.e the muzzle). Can be applied to any clothing piece. |
STACKABLE_HELMET_EXEMPT | prevents from placing on plasmaman helmet |
CASTING_CLOTHES | Usable as casting clothes by wizards (only matters for suits and headwear) |
HEADINTERNALS | This head clothing can deliver air from an airtank |
FIBERLESS | Does not leave fibers behind |
ORGAN_SYNTHETIC | Flags for the organ_flags var on /obj/item/organ |
ORGAN_CUT_AWAY | The organ is not attached to the parent. |
CLOTHING_PRISTINE | Integrity defines for clothing (not flags but close enough) |
FIRST_SOUNDS | Flags for the pod_flags var on /obj/structure/closet/supplypod |
TOY_FIREARM_OVERLAY | Flags for the gun_flags var for firearms |
NOT_A_REAL_GUN | Currently used to identify valid guns to steal |
NO_AKIMBO | Can't fire with akimbo |
SHARP_EDGED | Flags for sharpness in obj/item |
Define Details
Hats with negative effects when worn (i.e the tinfoil hat).
Prevents shovies against a dense object from knocking the wearer down.
Clothes that block speech (i.e the muzzle). Can be applied to any clothing piece.
Blocks the effect that chemical clouds would have on a mob --glasses, mask and helmets ONLY!
Usable as casting clothes by wizards (only matters for suits and headwear)
Integrity defines for clothing (not flags but close enough)
Clothes that cause a larger notification when placed on a person.
Does not leave fibers behind
Flags for the pod_flags var on /obj/structure/closet/supplypod
mask filters toxins and other harmful gases
This head clothing can deliver air from an airtank
Can be equipped on digitigrade legs.
Has contextual screentips when HOVERING OVER OTHER objects
Clothes that use large icons, for applying the proper overlays like blood
SUIT and HEAD items which stop lava from hurting the wearer
mask allows internals
Used by security bots to determine if this item is safe for public use.
Currently used to identify valid guns to steal
Can't fire with akimbo
Does not leave fingerprints or fibers on attack
The organ is not attached to the parent.
Flags for the organ_flags var on /obj/item/organ
Flags for sharpness in obj/item
Prevents knock-off from things like hat-throwing.
prevents from placing on plasmaman helmet
SUIT and HEAD items which stop pressure damage. To stop you taking all pressure damage you must have both a suit and head item with this flag.
prevents syringes, parapens and hypos if the external suit or helmet (if targeting head) has this flag. Example: space suits, biosuit, bombsuits, thick suits that cover your body.
Flags for the gun_flags var for firearms
The voicebox is currently turned off.
The voicebox in this clothing can be toggled.