Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



AAll connection edges "originate" from a zone. They can connect to either another zone, or an unsimulated turf.
coefficientThis is a marker for how many connections are on this edge. Used to determine the ratio of flow.
connecting_turfsA list containing all the the turfs that make up the connection
directIndirect connections are connections made by zoneblocking turfs.
excitedEdges do not process inherently. They must be excited by SSzas.excite_edge().
last_wooshThe last time the "woosh" airflow sound played, world.time


add_connectionAdds a connection to this edge. Usually increments the coefficient and adds a turf to connecting_turfs.
contains_zoneReturns true if either A or B is equal to Z. Unsimulated connections return true only on A.
eraseRemoves this connection from processing and zone edge lists.
flowAirflow proc causing all objects in movable to be checked against a pressure differential. See file header for more info.
recheckChecks both connection ends to see if they need to process.
remove_connectionRemoves a connection from this edge. This works even if c is not in the edge, so be careful.
tickCalled every air tick on edges in the processing list. Equalizes gas.

Var Details


All connection edges "originate" from a zone. They can connect to either another zone, or an unsimulated turf.


This is a marker for how many connections are on this edge. Used to determine the ratio of flow.


A list containing all the the turfs that make up the connection


Indirect connections are connections made by zoneblocking turfs.


Edges do not process inherently. They must be excited by SSzas.excite_edge().


The last time the "woosh" airflow sound played, world.time

Proc Details


Adds a connection to this edge. Usually increments the coefficient and adds a turf to connecting_turfs.


Returns true if either A or B is equal to Z. Unsimulated connections return true only on A.


Removes this connection from processing and zone edge lists.


Airflow proc causing all objects in movable to be checked against a pressure differential. See file header for more info.


Checks both connection ends to see if they need to process.


Removes a connection from this edge. This works even if c is not in the edge, so be careful.


Called every air tick on edges in the processing list. Equalizes gas.