Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


datum/job/bureaucrat, This is the file you should use to add alternate titles for each job, just follow the way they're done here, it's easy enough and shouldn't take any time at all to add more or add some for a job that doesn't have any.


allow_bureaucratic_errorShould this job be allowed to be picked for the bureaucratic error event?
alt_titlesThe list of alternative job titles people can pick from, null by default.
auto_deadmin_role_flagsBitflags for the job
blacklist_dresscode_slotsA list of slots that can't have loadout items assigned to them if no_dresscode is applied, used for important items such as ID, PDA, backpack and headset
current_positionsHow many players have this job
default_security_statusDefault security status. Skipped if null.
department_for_prefsIf specified, this department will be used for the preferences menu.
department_headDetermines who can demote this position
departments_bitflagsBitfield of departments this job belongs to. These get setup when adding the job into the department, on job datum creation.
departments_listLazy list with the departments this job belongs to. Required to be set for playable jobs. The first department will be used in the preferences menu, unless department_for_prefs is set.
descriptionThe description of the job, used for preferences menu. Keep it short and useful. Avoid in-jokes, these are for new players.
employersWhat company can employ this job? First index is default
exclusive_mail_goodiesIf this job's mail goodies compete with generic goodies.
exp_granted_typeExperience type granted by playing in this job.
exp_required_typeExperience required to play this job, if the config is enabled, and exp_required_type_department is not enabled with the proper config.
exp_required_type_departmentDepartment experience required to play this job, if the config is enabled.
exp_requirementsMinutes of experience-time required to play in this job. The type is determined by [exp_required_type] and [exp_required_type_department] depending on configs.
factionPlayers will be allowed to spawn in as jobs that are set to "Station"
family_heirloomsList of family heirlooms this job can get with the family heirloom quirk. List of types.
head_announceTells the given channels that the given mob is the new department head. See communications.dm for valid channels.
job_spawn_titleJob title to use for spawning. Allows a job to spawn without needing map edits.
languagesLazylist of language types to grant.
liver_traitsLazylist of traits added to the liver of the mob assigned this job (used for the classic "cops heal from donuts" reaction, among others)
mail_goodiesGoodies that can be received via the mail system. Keep the _job definition for this empty and use /obj/item/mail to define general gifts.
minimal_player_ageIf you have the use_age_restriction_for_jobs config option enabled and the database set up, this option will add a requirement for players to be at least minimal_player_age days old. (meaning they first signed in at least that many days before.)
minimal_skillsInnate skill levels unlocked at roundstart. Based on config.jobs_have_minimal_access config setting, for example with a full crew. Format is list(/datum/skill/foo = SKILL_EXP_NOVICE) with exp as an integer or as per code/_DEFINES/skills.dm
no_dresscodeWith this set to TRUE, the loadout will be applied before a job clothing will be
outfitsDifferent outfits for alternate job titles and different species
policy_indexString. If set to a non-empty one, it will be the key for the policy text value to show this role on spawn.
radio_help_messageA string added to the on-join block to tell you how to use your radio.
req_admin_notifyIf this is set to 1, a text is printed to the player when jobs are assigned, telling him that he should let admins know that he has to disconnect.
rpg_titleRPG job names, for the memes
selection_colorSelection screen color
skillsInnate skill levels unlocked at roundstart. Based on config.jobs_have_minimal_access config setting, for example with a skeleton crew. Format is list(/datum/skill/foo = SKILL_EXP_NOVICE) with exp as an integer or as per code/_DEFINES/skills.dm
spawn_logicHow this job decides where to spawn.
spawn_positionsHow many players can spawn in as this job
spawn_typeWhat kind of mob type joining players with this job as their assigned role are spawned as.
supervisorsSupervisors, who this person answers to directly
titleThe name of the job , used for preferences, bans and more. Make sure you know what you're doing before changing this.
total_positionsHow many players can be this job
veteran_onlyIs this job veteran only? If so, then this job requires the player to be in the veteran_players.txt
voice_of_god_powerMultiplier for general usage of the voice of god.
voice_of_god_silence_powerMultiplier for the silence command of the voice of god.


after_latejoin_spawnCalled after a successful latejoin spawn. Client is in the mob. This happens after after_spawn()
after_roundstart_spawnCalled after a successful roundstart spawn. Client is not yet in the mob. This happens after after_spawn()
after_spawnExecutes after the mob has been spawned in the map. Client might not be yet in the mob, and is thus a separate variable.
get_jobspawn_landmarkReturns an unused jobspawn landmark. You CAN run out of landmarks, please be mindful of this!
get_latejoin_spawn_pointFinds a valid latejoin spawn point, checking for events and special conditions.
get_mail_goodiesAn overridable getter for more dynamic goodies.
get_map_changesLoads up map configs if necessary and returns job changes for this job.
get_roundstart_spawn_pointReturns either an atom the mob should spawn on.
get_roundstart_spawn_point_fixedReturns a fixed spawn location to use. This is probably one of a few job landmarks.
get_roundstart_spawn_point_randomReturns a roundstart spawnpoint to use if spawn logic determined it should spawn at a "random" location.
get_spawn_mobSpawns the mob to be played as, taking into account preferences and the desired spawn point.
on_join_messageCalled by SSjob when a player joins the round as this job.
on_join_popupCalled by SSjob when a player joins the round as this job.

Var Details


Should this job be allowed to be picked for the bureaucratic error event?


The list of alternative job titles people can pick from, null by default.


Bitflags for the job


A list of slots that can't have loadout items assigned to them if no_dresscode is applied, used for important items such as ID, PDA, backpack and headset


How many players have this job


Default security status. Skipped if null.


If specified, this department will be used for the preferences menu.


Determines who can demote this position


Bitfield of departments this job belongs to. These get setup when adding the job into the department, on job datum creation.


Lazy list with the departments this job belongs to. Required to be set for playable jobs. The first department will be used in the preferences menu, unless department_for_prefs is set.


The description of the job, used for preferences menu. Keep it short and useful. Avoid in-jokes, these are for new players.


What company can employ this job? First index is default


If this job's mail goodies compete with generic goodies.


Experience type granted by playing in this job.


Experience required to play this job, if the config is enabled, and exp_required_type_department is not enabled with the proper config.


Department experience required to play this job, if the config is enabled.


Minutes of experience-time required to play in this job. The type is determined by [exp_required_type] and [exp_required_type_department] depending on configs.


Players will be allowed to spawn in as jobs that are set to "Station"


List of family heirlooms this job can get with the family heirloom quirk. List of types.


Tells the given channels that the given mob is the new department head. See communications.dm for valid channels.




Job title to use for spawning. Allows a job to spawn without needing map edits.


Lazylist of language types to grant.


Lazylist of traits added to the liver of the mob assigned this job (used for the classic "cops heal from donuts" reaction, among others)


Goodies that can be received via the mail system. Keep the _job definition for this empty and use /obj/item/mail to define general gifts.


If you have the use_age_restriction_for_jobs config option enabled and the database set up, this option will add a requirement for players to be at least minimal_player_age days old. (meaning they first signed in at least that many days before.)


Innate skill levels unlocked at roundstart. Based on config.jobs_have_minimal_access config setting, for example with a full crew. Format is list(/datum/skill/foo = SKILL_EXP_NOVICE) with exp as an integer or as per code/_DEFINES/skills.dm


With this set to TRUE, the loadout will be applied before a job clothing will be


Different outfits for alternate job titles and different species


String. If set to a non-empty one, it will be the key for the policy text value to show this role on spawn.


A string added to the on-join block to tell you how to use your radio.


If this is set to 1, a text is printed to the player when jobs are assigned, telling him that he should let admins know that he has to disconnect.


RPG job names, for the memes


Selection screen color


Innate skill levels unlocked at roundstart. Based on config.jobs_have_minimal_access config setting, for example with a skeleton crew. Format is list(/datum/skill/foo = SKILL_EXP_NOVICE) with exp as an integer or as per code/_DEFINES/skills.dm


How this job decides where to spawn.


How many players can spawn in as this job


What kind of mob type joining players with this job as their assigned role are spawned as.


Supervisors, who this person answers to directly


The name of the job , used for preferences, bans and more. Make sure you know what you're doing before changing this.


How many players can be this job


Is this job veteran only? If so, then this job requires the player to be in the veteran_players.txt


Multiplier for general usage of the voice of god.


Multiplier for the silence command of the voice of god.

Proc Details


Called after a successful latejoin spawn. Client is in the mob. This happens after after_spawn()


Called after a successful roundstart spawn. Client is not yet in the mob. This happens after after_spawn()


Executes after the mob has been spawned in the map. Client might not be yet in the mob, and is thus a separate variable.


Returns an unused jobspawn landmark. You CAN run out of landmarks, please be mindful of this!


Finds a valid latejoin spawn point, checking for events and special conditions.


An overridable getter for more dynamic goodies.


Loads up map configs if necessary and returns job changes for this job.


Returns either an atom the mob should spawn on.


Returns a fixed spawn location to use. This is probably one of a few job landmarks.


Returns a roundstart spawnpoint to use if spawn logic determined it should spawn at a "random" location.


Spawns the mob to be played as, taking into account preferences and the desired spawn point.


Called by SSjob when a player joins the round as this job.


Called by SSjob when a player joins the round as this job.