Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Families gamemode / dynamic ruleset handler

A special datum used by the families gamemode and dynamic rulesets to centralize code. "Family" and "gang" used interchangeably in code.

This datum centralizes code used for the families gamemode / dynamic rulesets. Families incorporates a significant amount of unique processing; without this datum, that could would be duplicated. To ensure the maintainability of the families gamemode / rulesets, the code was moved to this datum. The gamemode / rulesets instance this datum, pass it lists (lists are passed by reference; removing candidates here removes candidates in the gamemode), and call its procs. Additionally, the families antagonist datum and families induction package also contain vars that reference this datum, allowing for new families / family members to add themselves to this datum's lists thereof (primarily used for point calculation). Despite this, the basic team mechanics themselves should function regardless of this datum's instantiation, should a player have the gang or cop antagonist datum added to them through methods external to the families gamemode / rulesets.


antag_candidatesList of all eligible starting family members / undercover cops. Set externally (passed by reference) by gamemode / ruleset; used internally. Note that dynamic uses a list of mobs to handle candidates while game_modes use lists of minds! Don't be fooled!
check_counterA counter used to minimize the overhead of computationally intensive, periodic family point gain checks. Used and set internally.
cops_arrivedWhether the space cops have arrived. Set internally; used internally, and for updating the wanted HUD.
current_themeThe current chosen gamemode theme. Decides the available Gangs, objectives, and equipment.
end_timeThe time, in deciseconds, that the space cops will arrive at. Calculated based on wanted level and start_time. Used and set internally.
gang_balance_capThe number of family members more that a family may have over other active families. Can be set externally; used internally.
gangbangersList of all family member minds. Used internally; added to internally, and externally by /obj/item/gang_induction_package when used to induct a new family member.
gangsList of all /datum/team/gang. Used internally; added to externally by /datum/antagonist/gang when it generates a new /datum/team/gang.
gangs_to_generateThe number of families (and 1:1 corresponding undercover cops) that should be generated. Can be set externally; used internally.
midround_rulesetWhether the handler corresponds to a ruleset that does not trigger at round start. Should be set externally only if applicable; used internally.
restricted_jobsList of jobs not eligible for starting family member / undercover cop. Set externally (passed by reference) by gamemode / ruleset; used internally.
sent_announcementWhether the gamemode-announcing announcement has been sent. Used and set internally.
sent_second_announcementWhether the "5 minute warning" announcement has been sent. Used and set internally.
start_timeThe time, in deciseconds, that the datum's pre_setup() occured at. Used in end_time. Used and set internally.
undercover_copsList of all undercover cop minds. Used and set internally.
use_dynamic_timingWhether we want to use the 30 to 15 minute timer instead of the 60 to 30 minute timer, for Dynamic.
wanted_levelThe current wanted level. Set internally; used internally, and for updating the wanted HUD.


NewSets antag_candidates and restricted_jobs.
announce_gang_locationsInternal. Announces the presence of families to the entire station and sets sent_announcement to true to allow other checks to occur.
post_setup_analoguepost_setup() or execute() equivalent.
pre_setup_analoguepre_setup() or pre_execute() equivalent.
process_analogueprocess() or rule_process() equivalent.
set_round_result_analogueset_round_result() or round_result() equivalent.

Var Details


List of all eligible starting family members / undercover cops. Set externally (passed by reference) by gamemode / ruleset; used internally. Note that dynamic uses a list of mobs to handle candidates while game_modes use lists of minds! Don't be fooled!


A counter used to minimize the overhead of computationally intensive, periodic family point gain checks. Used and set internally.


Whether the space cops have arrived. Set internally; used internally, and for updating the wanted HUD.


The current chosen gamemode theme. Decides the available Gangs, objectives, and equipment.


The time, in deciseconds, that the space cops will arrive at. Calculated based on wanted level and start_time. Used and set internally.


The number of family members more that a family may have over other active families. Can be set externally; used internally.


List of all family member minds. Used internally; added to internally, and externally by /obj/item/gang_induction_package when used to induct a new family member.


List of all /datum/team/gang. Used internally; added to externally by /datum/antagonist/gang when it generates a new /datum/team/gang.


The number of families (and 1:1 corresponding undercover cops) that should be generated. Can be set externally; used internally.


Whether the handler corresponds to a ruleset that does not trigger at round start. Should be set externally only if applicable; used internally.


List of jobs not eligible for starting family member / undercover cop. Set externally (passed by reference) by gamemode / ruleset; used internally.


Whether the gamemode-announcing announcement has been sent. Used and set internally.


Whether the "5 minute warning" announcement has been sent. Used and set internally.


The time, in deciseconds, that the datum's pre_setup() occured at. Used in end_time. Used and set internally.


List of all undercover cop minds. Used and set internally.


Whether we want to use the 30 to 15 minute timer instead of the 60 to 30 minute timer, for Dynamic.


The current wanted level. Set internally; used internally, and for updating the wanted HUD.

Proc Details


Sets antag_candidates and restricted_jobs.

Sets the antag_candidates and restricted_jobs lists to the equivalent lists of its instantiating game_mode / dynamic_ruleset datum. As lists are passed by reference, the variable set in this datum and the passed list list used to set it are literally the same; changes to one affect the other. Like all New() procs, called when the datum is first instantiated. There's an annoying caveat here, though -- dynamic rulesets don't have lists of minds for candidates, they have lists of mobs. Ghost mobs, before the round has started. But we still want to preserve the structure of the candidates list by not duplicating it and making sure to remove the candidates as we use them. So there's a little bit of boilerplate throughout to preserve the sanctity of this reference. Arguments:


Internal. Announces the presence of families to the entire station and sets sent_announcement to true to allow other checks to occur.


post_setup() or execute() equivalent.

This proc is always called externally, by the instantiating game_mode / dynamic_ruleset. This is done during the post_setup() or execute() phase, after the pre_setup() / pre_execute() phase. It is intended to take the place of the code that would normally occupy the pre_setup() or pre_execute() proc. As such, it ensures that all prospective starting family members / undercover cops are eligible, and picks replacements if there were ineligible cops / family members. It then assigns gear to the finalized family members and undercover cops, adding them to its lists, and sets the families announcement proc (that does the announcing) to trigger in five minutes. Additionally, if given the argument TRUE, it will return FALSE if there are no eligible starting family members. This is only to be done if the instantiating datum is a dynamic_ruleset, as these require returns while a game_mode is not expected to return early during this phase. Arguments:


pre_setup() or pre_execute() equivalent.

This proc is always called externally, by the instantiating game_mode / dynamic_ruleset. This is done during the pre_setup() or pre_execute() phase, after first instantiation and the modification of gangs_to_generate, gang_balance_cap, and midround_ruleset. It is intended to take the place of the code that would normally occupy the pre_setup() or pre_execute() proc, were the code localized to the game_mode or dynamic_ruleset datum respectively as opposed to this handler. As such, it picks players to be chosen for starting familiy members. Takes no arguments.


process() or rule_process() equivalent.

This proc is always called externally, by the instantiating game_mode / dynamic_ruleset. This is done during the process() or rule_process() phase, after post_setup() or execute() and at regular intervals thereafter. process() and rule_process() are optional for a game_mode / dynamic_ruleset, but are important for this gamemode. It is of central importance to the gamemode's flow, calculating wanted level updates, family point gain, and announcing + executing the arrival of the space cops, achieved through calling internal procs. Takes no arguments.


set_round_result() or round_result() equivalent.

This proc is always called externally, by the instantiating game_mode / dynamic_ruleset. This is done by the set_round_result() or round_result() procs, at roundend. Sets the ticker subsystem to the correct result based off of the relative populations of space cops and family members. Takes no arguments.