Daedalus Dock - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



active_addictionsAssoc list of key active addictions and value amount of cycles that it has been active.
addiction_pointsAssoc list of addiction values, key is the type of withdrawal (as singleton type), and the value is the amount of addiction points (as number)
antag_hudthis mind's antag HUD
assigned_roleJob datum indicating the mind's role. This should always exist after initialization, as a reference to a singleton.
dream_cooldownThe cooldown for dreams.
enslaved_toIf this mind's master is another mob (i.e. adamantine golems)
experience_multiplierSkill multiplier, adjusts how much xp you get/loose from adjust_xp. Dont override it directly, add your reason to experience_multiplier_reasons and use that as a key to put your value in there.
experience_multiplier_reasonsSkill multiplier list, just slap your multiplier change onto this with the type it is coming from as key.
failed_special_equipmentList of objective-specific equipment that couldn't properly be given to the mind
finished_dream_typesA lazylist of dream types we have fully experienced
known_skillsAssoc list of skills. Use SKILL_LVL to access level, and SKILL_EXP to access skill's exp.
memoriesa list of /datum/memories. assoc type of memory = memory datum. only one type of memory will be stored, new ones of the same type overriding the last.
memory_panelreference to the memory panel tgui
original_characterWeakref to thecharacter we joined in as- either at roundstart or latejoin, so we know for persistent scars if we ended as the same person or not
skills_rewardedList of skills the user has received a reward for. Should not be used to keep track of currently known skills. Lazy list because it shouldnt be filled often
special_statusesA lazy list of statuses to add next to this mind in the traitor panel


add_addiction_pointsAdds addiction points to the specified addiction
adjust_experienceAdjust experience of a specific skill
announce_objectivesPrints the objectives to the mind's owner. If loudly is true, instead open a window.
build_story_detailreturns the story name of anything
build_story_mobreturns the story name of a mob
exp_needed_to_level_upReturn the amount of EXP needed to go to the next level. Returns 0 if max level
get_hijack_speedSets our can_hijack to the fastest speed our antag datums allow.
get_skill_expGets the player's current exp from the relevant skill
get_skill_levelGets the player's current level number from the relevant skill
get_skill_modifierGets the skill's singleton and returns the result of its get_skill_modifier
remove_addiction_pointsAdds addiction points to the specified addiction
remove_antags_for_borgingRemove the antagonists that should not persist when being borged
select_memorysane proc for giving a mob with a mind the option to select one of their memories, returns the memory selected (null otherwise)
set_assigned_roleSetter for the assigned_role job datum.
set_experienceSet experience of a specific skill to a number
set_levelSet level of a specific skill
try_give_equipment_fallbackChecks to see if the mind has an accessible uplink (their own, if they are a traitor; any unlocked uplink otherwise), and gives them a fallback spell if no uplink was found
update_skill_levelCheck what the current skill level is based on that skill's exp
wipe_memorysmall helper to clean out memories

Var Details


Assoc list of key active addictions and value amount of cycles that it has been active.


Assoc list of addiction values, key is the type of withdrawal (as singleton type), and the value is the amount of addiction points (as number)


this mind's antag HUD


Job datum indicating the mind's role. This should always exist after initialization, as a reference to a singleton.


The cooldown for dreams.


If this mind's master is another mob (i.e. adamantine golems)


Skill multiplier, adjusts how much xp you get/loose from adjust_xp. Dont override it directly, add your reason to experience_multiplier_reasons and use that as a key to put your value in there.


Skill multiplier list, just slap your multiplier change onto this with the type it is coming from as key.


List of objective-specific equipment that couldn't properly be given to the mind


A lazylist of dream types we have fully experienced


Assoc list of skills. Use SKILL_LVL to access level, and SKILL_EXP to access skill's exp.


a list of /datum/memories. assoc type of memory = memory datum. only one type of memory will be stored, new ones of the same type overriding the last.


reference to the memory panel tgui


Weakref to thecharacter we joined in as- either at roundstart or latejoin, so we know for persistent scars if we ended as the same person or not


List of skills the user has received a reward for. Should not be used to keep track of currently known skills. Lazy list because it shouldnt be filled often


A lazy list of statuses to add next to this mind in the traitor panel

Proc Details


Adds addiction points to the specified addiction



Adds a memory to a mob's mind if conditions are met, called wherever the memory takes place (memory for catching on fire in mob's fire code, for example) Argument:


Adjust experience of a specific skill


Prints the objectives to the mind's owner. If loudly is true, instead open a window.


returns the story name of anything


returns the story name of a mob


Return the amount of EXP needed to go to the next level. Returns 0 if max level


Sets our can_hijack to the fastest speed our antag datums allow.


Gets the player's current exp from the relevant skill


Gets the player's current level number from the relevant skill


Gets the skill's singleton and returns the result of its get_skill_modifier


A mind proc for giving anyone an uplink. arguments:


Adds addiction points to the specified addiction


Remove the antagonists that should not persist when being borged


sane proc for giving a mob with a mind the option to select one of their memories, returns the memory selected (null otherwise)


Setter for the assigned_role job datum.


Set experience of a specific skill to a number


Set level of a specific skill


Checks to see if the mind has an accessible uplink (their own, if they are a traitor; any unlocked uplink otherwise), and gives them a fallback spell if no uplink was found


Check what the current skill level is based on that skill's exp


small helper to clean out memories